Passage 1
Specialisation can be en as a respon to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units, one man could continue to handle the information and u it as the basis for further rearch. But specialisation was only one of a ries of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity. roadtrip
No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule. Nevertheless, the word "amateur" does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values. The growth of specialisation in the nineteenth century, with its conquent requirement of a longer, more complex training, imp
lied greater problems for amateur participation in science. The trend was naturally most obvious in tho areas of science bad especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom.
A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of rearch, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable rearch paper. Thus, in the nineteenth century, local geological studies reprented worthwhile rearch in their own right; but, in the twentieth century, local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture. Amateurs, on the other hand, have continued to pursue local studies in the old way. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by veral local geological journals in the twentieth century. As a logical conquence of this development, parate
lookforwardjournals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, where as the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.
Although the process of professionalisation and specialisation was already well under way in British geology during the nineteenth century, its full conquences were thus delayed until the twentieth century. In science generally, however, the nineteenth century must be reckoned as the crucial period for this change in the structure of science. 专业化可被视为针对科学知识不断膨胀这个问题所做出的反应。通过将学科细化,个人能够
2001 Passage 2
白木耳是什么意思A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide — the division of
the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.
There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access — after all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are. More and more governments, afraid their countries will be left behind, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be nett
ed together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news becau the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we've ever had.