Geomatics Science and Technology 测绘科学技术, 2019, 7(2), 45-51 Published Online April 2019 in Hans. www.hanspub/journal/gst doi/10.12677/gst.2019.72008
文章引用: 胡磊. 导线测量[J]. 测绘科学技术, 2019, 7(2): 45-51.
英语签名档DOI: 10.12677/gst.2019.72008
Polygonal Chain
—Calculation Examples of Clod Conductors and Error Reduction Methods
Lei Hu
apn是什么意思China Railway Twenty-Four Bureau Nanchang Company, Nanchang Jiangxi
Received: Feb. 24th , 2019; accepted: Mar. 10th , 2019; published: Mar. 18th , 2019
Conductor layout has strong mobility and flexibility, suitable for small area plane control survey. Adjacent two control points are connected with a straight line,fnac
the overall form of broken line, known as the conductor; among them, the control point is called traver point. Traver mea-surement is to determine the side length of each traver and the angle of each turning angle. From the starting data, the coordinate azimuth of each edge is calculated in turn, so as to obtain the coordinates of the unknown points of each traver. Keywords
Azimuth, Closure, Total Station, Turning Angle
胡 磊
中铁二十四局南昌铁路工程有限公司,江西 南昌
摘 要