1.OH open hole裸眼
2.FH full hole 满眼,贯眼at full speed
3.AD assistant driller 副司钻
4.NTP (N toolpusher)night toolpusher夜班队长
5.RM reaming 划眼rig manager 平台经理
6.Back RM back ream倒划眼
7.CSG casing 套管
8.TBG tubing 油管coiled tubing
9.REG regular 常规扣at regular intervals regular meeting, irregular meeting
10.FTG footage 进尺
11.FPH footage per hour 每⼩时进尺
12.SNG single 单根
13.Hrs. hours
14.Yest. Yesterday
15.Fin. Finish 完成
16.OBS obrve 观察
17.w/, t/, F/ with, to, from
18.XO crossover joint/sub 配合接头
教育部学历认证19.BOP blowout preventer 防喷器
20.IBOP inner BOP 内防喷器
21.TDS Top drive system 顶驱
22.TOF top of fish 鱼顶
23.HHP hydraulic hor power ⽔马⼒ B.HHP
24.Hi-vis high viscosity ⾼粘
25.RPM revolution per minute 转速
26.SPM strokes per minute泵冲数stroke length
27.ROP rate of penetration 机械钻速
TV clod-circuit television
29.MWD measuring while drilling 随钻测量
30.DP drill pipe 钻杆
31.HWDP heavy wall/weight drill pipe 加重钻杆
委内瑞拉与美断交32.DC drill collar 钻铤
33.NMDC non-magnetic drill collar ⽆磁钻铤
34.STB stabilizer 扶正器
35.JNT joint 单根
36.IF internal flush 内平扣
Internal-external inner-outer inside-outside
Input-output entrance-exit inlet-outlet
Increa- decrea rai-lower upper-lower
37.IU internal upt 内加厚
38.EU external upt 外加厚
39.IEU internal & external upt 内外加厚9年级上册英语
40.WOB weight on bit 钻压bit load
41.ECD equivalent circulating density 当量循环密度
pf是什么意思42.BHA bottom hole asmbly 底部钻井组合
43.DST drill stem test中途测试
44.KOP kick off point 造斜点
45.KS keyat 键槽
46.STDS stands ⽴柱
47.VIS viscosity 粘度
48.WL water loss 失⽔wireline电线小学生法制教育资料
49.PV plastic viscosity 塑粘
50.FL filtrate loss 滤失
51.TD total depth 总井深
D true vertical depth 垂深
53.MD measured depth测深
54.DIR direction 定向
55.DD directional driller 定向井司钻
56.DDR daily drilling report 钻井⽇报
57.AZM(AZI) azimuth ⽅位⾓
58.DEV deviation 井斜
59.INC. inclination井斜incomplete 未完成
60.ID inside diameter 内径
61.OD outside diameter 外径
62.PPG pound per gallon 磅每加仑
63.LCM lost circulation material 堵漏材料
64.P/N part number 零件号
65.S/N rial number 序列号
66.N/W net weight 净重
67.G/W gross weight ⽑重
68.P/t pressure test 试压
69.P/u pick up 上扣
70.M/u make up 上扣
71.B/o back off 卸扣
72.L/d lay down 甩单根
73.N/u nipple up 安装(防喷器,采油树)
74.N/d nipple down 拆卸(防喷器,采油树)
75.R/u rig up安装
76.R/d rig down 拆卸
77.WOC wait on cement 候凝
78.RIH run in hole 下钻
79.POOH pull out of hole 起钻
80.DRG drilling 钻进
81.WOW wait on water 等⽔
82.SX sacks 袋
83.MW mud weight 泥浆⽐重
84.CBU circulation bottom up 底部循环⼀周
85.YP yield point 屈服值,动切⼒
86.NP neutral point 中和点
87.Gel 静切⼒
88.HTHP high temperature high pressure ⾼温⾼压
89.PPE personal protective equipment 劳保
90.PDM positive displacement motor 螺杆,容积式马达
91.TFA total flow area 总流量⾯积
92.BHP bottom hole pressure 井底压⼒
wormwood93.MAASP maximum allowable annulus safety pressure 最⼤允许环空压⼒
94.SIDPP shut-in drill pipe pressure 关井⽴压
95.SICP shut-in casing pipe 关井套压
96.SPP standpipe pressure ⽴管压⼒
97.HP high pressure ⾼压hydrostatic pressure 静液柱压⼒horpower 马⼒
98.DLS dog leg verity 狗腿严重度vere
99.LOT leak off test 漏失试验
100.LTI lost time injured ⼯伤损耗
101.LTA last time accident 上⼀次事故
102.HCR hydraulic control remote 远程液控
103.FIT formation integrity test 地破压⼒测试
104.NDT non-destruction test ⽆损探伤
105.LPR lower pipe ram 下半封闸板
106.UPR upper pipe ram 上半封闸板
107.MUT make up torque 上扣扭矩
108.RKB rotary kelly bushing 磙⼦⽅补⼼
109.RPSP reduced pump stroke pressure 低泵速压⼒110.Shut-in wellhead & shut in pressure 关井压⼒
111.SSSV sub-surface safety valve 井下安全阀
112.SPP standpipe pressure ⽴柱压⼒
113.CP casing pressure 套压conduct pipe 导管
114.WC water content 含⽔water cut ⽔侵
115.LP low pressure 低压
116.WOO wait on order 待命
117.LWD logging while drilling 随钻测井
118.PTW permit to work ⼯作许可
119.BPV back pressure valve 回压凡尔
120.NP non-programmed 设计外的,计划外的
121.BHT bottom hole temperature 井底温度
122.PF 摩擦系数
阿布贾123.DSA double studded adapter 双栽丝法兰,双螺栓法兰124.ICP initial circulating pressure 初始循环压⼒
125.BUR build up rate 造斜率
126.RMR reamer 划眼器
127.PIC person in charge 负责⼈
128.PJSM pre-job safety meeting ⼯作前安全会