精湛的DC(Defocus-image Control)散焦影像控制技术是尼康的独门绝学之一,迄今为止,尼康仅在两支顶级定焦产品上应用了这项技术,这两个幸运儿分别是AF DC 135mm f/2D和AF DC 105mm f/2D。
相比之下,AF DC 135mm f/2D拥有更长的焦距和自由度更高的画面裁切力,因此他也更受到职业摄影师们喜爱。他平面设计培训班7片6组的光学结构简洁而成熟,815克的重量显示出使用了真材实料的纯金属材质,79×120mm的镜体上被覆以豪华精美的黑色皱纹烤漆涂层。
尼康DC散焦控制系统在控制焦外结像风格方面具有无以伦比的优势,这为AF DC 135mm f/2D成为一代人像王者提供了先天技术支持,而且尼康还根据这支镜头所涉创作题材方面的需要,在通光孔径、镀膜工艺、阻尼手感等项目上进行了高标准设计。该头非常适宜从事自然环境中的室外人像摄影,他焦内锐利明澈,焦外圆润柔美,所摄取的环境人像作品充满了浪漫的诗情画意。尼康AF DC 135mm f/2D是一支毫无争议的高素质人像之王,他专精而充满个性,如果您想像艺术大师一样掌控所有的影像细节,那就马上花费将其收入囊中吧。
NIKON的技術稱為DEFOCUS IMAGE CONTROL,AF DC-Nikkor 鏡頭能精確的控制背景及前景的模糊程度,尤其是在人像攝影時的效果特別突出,
當使用 DEFOCUS IMAGE CINTROL時,只要鏡鏡頭前端的DEFOCUS IMAGE CINTROL控制環卡筍按下後轉動控制環,即可改變背景及前景的模糊程度, 控制環上印有 F 5.6,4,2.8,2 I 2,2.8,4,5.6 R字樣, I 表示關閉,I以左的F表示前景控制、I以右的R表示背景控制。實際使用時在鏡頭中是看不到模糊的程度,必須要相片沖出來之後才知道效果如何!使用時要先將所要的背景及前景的模糊程度調整好,再對主體對焦。若在對焦完成後才調整背景及前景的模糊程度,會造成原先對好的主體失焦。fall过去式
除此之外AI AF DC Nikkor 105mm F2D還使用Rear Focusing技術,使用了鏡片群的後組來對焦,一般這種技術是使用在需要高速對焦的望遠鏡頭,這種技術可使對焦更迅速更順暢,也提昇了較佳的光學效能。
105mm的焦距很適於做人像拍攝及特寫,DC 的特殊效果用在風景攝影時也是別具風味。
尤其是F2.0大光圈再加上DEFOCUS IMAGE CONTROL的散景控制,那各位可以想像F2.0的景深本來就很短,若是又可以控制這個景深那不是很有用嗎?itoa
AI AF DC Nikkor 105mm F2.0D的鏡身塗裝除了AIS鏡頭上慣有的那個白色鋁圈
AF DC Nikkor 105mmf/2D RF SIC
放大比: 1:7.7(介于135DC的 1:7.1和85/1.4的1:8.8之间,术业有专攻,喜欢拍花花草草的还是选105/2.8Macro吧
重量:640g (比85/1.4重90g,比135DC轻175g)
SIC: 尼康超级综合镀膜的缩写
世界第一支装有控制浅景深效果的DC系统的望远镜头就是Nikon的DC( Defocus Image Control)镜头,这个划时代的镜头只要调节DC环就可控制浅景深,可拥有不同感觉的多姿多彩的影像效果. DC135mmF2早在1991frighten年上市即深获好评,这支DC105mmF2镜头属于DC镜头的第二代,才用比老大哥级的135毫米更好用的,适合人物摄影的105毫米。
Nikkor 105mm f/2D DC是挪威著名摄影家兼尼康器材测试专家Bjorn Rorslett评价最高、也最喜欢的一只镜头。他对尼康的所有镜头做过测试,一般都写下简洁的评语,只有对105mm f/2D DC的评语写得最长,而且毫不吝啬赞美之词。下面是他评语的原文:
105mm f/2D DC AF: 5
The 105/2 is the shorter of the two Nikkors offering a defocus control (DC) feature, and possibly a better performer than the longer 135/2 DC.(此处说105DC胜过135DC)汉堡包用英语怎么说>英语软件In fact, the 105 DC gives a true stellar optical performance and is one of the finest Nikkors ever made.(尼康有史以来最好的镜头之一)It comes in a professional-looking crinkle finish and the construction is metal rather than plastics - thank you, Nikon. However, all numerals and lettering on its barrel are jus
t printed, not engraved, which is a pity considering the elevated price this lens commands.
Its optical design includes rear element (RF) focusing, which is a special ca of internal (IF) focusing, so the length of the lens won't change while it is focud. The near limit is 0.9 m, which allows for tightly compod shots. AF operation is fairly quick but not noi-free. As manual focusing is fast and easy thanks to a generously sized focusing collar, the AF performance isn't an issue at all and focusing the lens manually probably will be the preferred option (at least, for me). In common with other high-speed lens, the 105/2 DC snaps positively into focus. You can be assured of high-quality imagery even at f/2, and from f/2.8-f/4 picture quality is stunning. Beyond f/5.6 performance begins to decline, so this is clearly a lens built for speed. Across the entire aperture range, image contrast is high and colours are vividly rendered. The RF system, however, may introduce slight colour fringing in highlights outside the focud zone. Many IF lens exhibit this trait.
There is a sliding-out sunshade, which, fortunately, can be screwed firmly into pla
ce. Be aware though that the threads are finely pitched and the hood occasionally gets stuck in the locked position. The lens has a 72 mm filter size, which is at variance with the current 77 mm standard for the Nikon professional lens line, but the smaller size does keep the lens more compact. The front element is deeply recesd and the propensity for lens flare is low. Even under adver light situations there is virtually no ghosting either, so this is a perfect lens for available-light shooting. The superb optical performance at wide aperture ttings helps in this respect, too. Geometric distortion is virtually non-existent, a desirable trait if you are into architectural photography or suchlike applications.
waldeinsamkeit The DC feature actually is a ur-controllable over- or undercorrection of residual spherical aberration in the out-of-focus zones. A rotating collar adjacent to the focusing ring allows tting DC to operate in front of, or to the rear of, the plane on which the lens is focud. In conjunction with a nicely rounded aperture opening, this allows the bokeh of the image to be precily managed. If the DC tting coincides with the lected aperture, nicely glowing highlights and pleasingly smo
oth images are obtained, but still a biting sharpness is prent in the image. You can go one further by maxing out the DC tting to get very visible softening of the non-focud areas. This depends on using quite wide apertures becau the deliberately introduced spherical aberration is largely eliminated when the lens is stopped well down. The best effects are obtained in the f/2 to f/5.6 range. It is difficult to envision the optical effects from defocusing the image unless you practice this for a while. Each alteration of the DC tting demands refocusing the lens so operating the 105/2 in DC mode can be cumbersome for the novice ur.
I just recently acquired this lens, but it has quickly become one of my favourite lens on D1X.(我是最近才得到这只镜头,但却很快成为我最喜欢的镜头之一)For my own shooting with the 105/2, I tend to work with the defocus control switched off. However, DC is a nifty feature when the need for it aris, such as in portraiture, and being incorporated in the lens design, DC is literally at your fingertips, with no extras needed.