This log rvice is deployed to the rver together with the other rvices, as part of the codethat exists in the welcome.jsp file.
现在,您将利用一个Ajax 类型的构架,存在于backorderadmin.jsp 的功能的子集 来创建这个Web页面。
Now, create the Web page that you will implement, using an Ajax-styled architecture, a subt of the functionality that exists in backorderadmin.jsp.
For example, most implementation class for the WebSphere Application Server systemmanagement component are in packages such as com.ibm.ws.
sm; implementation class for the WebSphere Application Server connection managementcomponent are in packages such as com.ibm.ws. j2c, and so on.
其它解析器本该存在于 docutils.parrs层次结构下,但现在尚未提供这些解析器。
Other parrs would live under the docutils.parrs hierarchy, but none are currently provided.
The registry is an Object that lives in the global space istry_hash.
它已经存在于 2.6.20树中,不过也可以作为 2.6.19内核的一个内核模块使用。
It exists in the 2.6.20 tree, but can be ud as a kernel module for the 2.6.19 kernel.
The left ascending lumbar vein was prent in 47.5% of the specimens, its location was relative-ly invariable, but it had a marked variability in its origination, diameter and morphology.
装饰符不存在于版本2.4之前的Python 中,因而expod 这个技巧可能是您将方法暴露给CherryPy的惟一方式。
Decorators don't exist in versions of Python prior to version 2.4, so the expod trick may be theonly way for you to expo methods to CherryPy.
Second, BHOs only exist in Internet Explorer, version 4.0 and later.
上面列出的错误必须存在于符合POSIX1003.1 的系统上,其他的错误则不必如此。
Only the errors listed above are required to exist on a POSIX 1003.1-conforming system, anything el is gravy.
这个类存在于rt.jar 中,因而它是基本JVM的一部分。
CNCtxFactory; this class exists in rt.jar and as such is part of the ba JVM.
What's more, the ice doesn't quit at the level of the soil. It's also below the surface in places that do occasionally get sunlight — a kind of lunar permafrost, the scientists call it.
Pangea existed between 550 and 200 million years ago--which is relatively recent in geologicaltime.
Now you need to create the Eclip view that shows the CICS resource adapters andcorresponding connection factories that exist on WebSphere Application Server V6.1 instance.deputy什么意思
When this happens, stop, breathe, and ground yourlf in the moment. Anxiety is nonexistent inthis moment.
At this point, make sure that C:\ exists on the source agent's file system, and that C:\destination\ exists on the destination agent's file system.
The findings suggest that it may be possible one day to isolate and culture the stem cells fromwomen’s ovaries, should they also exist in humans.
Also, a virus called I.A.P.V., for Israeli acute paralysis virus, was prent in almost half thecolonies studied.
如果您使用的是SAPGUI 6.4,那么 存在于C:\programfiles\sappc\SAPGUI 目录下。
If you are using SAP GUI 6.4, will be available from C:\program files\sappc\SAPGUI.
This improvement is available both in this development version and in the 1.5.x stable branch.
AMOVA analysis showed that 37.19% genetic differentiation is among populations and 62.81% is within population.
juku确保这个.so文件存在于D:\ProgramFiles\HTTPServer \modules。
Make sure that the .so file exists in D:\Program Files\HTTP Server \modules.
另一个示例存在于Visualize 公司 ( ),一个小型的提供可视化软件的金融ISV。
Another example exists with Visualize, Inc. ( ), a small financial ISV th
atprovides visualization software.
duhai这也许有点太悲观了.在破产法第11章里GM(通用)将重组.它将暂停某些现有的债务偿付和维持日常运作.也许 困难就存在于所谓的"重组"中.通用将需要新的借款 但可能不现实."
In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, GM would "reorganize." It would suspend many existing debtpayments and continue normal operations.