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免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
《乌云背后的幸福线》根据Matthew Quick的同名小说处女作改编。这是一部由大卫•欧•拉塞尔执导,由布莱德利•库珀,詹妮弗•劳伦斯主演,由原著《闪开,让我拥抱幸福》改编的电影。此名来自一句谚语,即“每朵乌云都有银边”(Every cloud has a silver lining),预示着主人公帕特乐观的人生态度。
男主人公帕特(布莱德利•steffi库珀)是一个超级乐观的高中历史老师,他似乎总能看到人生的光明面,虽然他因神经疾病在医院住了八个月之后刚刚出院,老婆也跟别人跑了,但是他始终以这句古来的格言为信念。他对和妻子重修旧好充满信心,因此他搬回跟父母的住所,并努力把自己打造成妻子期望的形象。但最后还是败下阵来。后来帕特遇到了蒂凡尼(詹妮弗•劳伦斯 饰演),这位年轻的美人生活也很不如意,两个失意的人儿在一起艰难地探索人生,慢慢从友谊发展成爱情。
I don't have a filter when I talk.
You’re the mighty oak that holds the houhold together.
The world will break your heart ten ways to Sunday.
He’s moaning and groaning.
Sometimes it’s not, they got a broken wing, they’re an easy target.
Being of rviceconfirmation, to your need.
I want her to stop acting so superior to me.
I took care of that jerk off that was in front of your hou.
And she wanted me to lo weight and stop my mood swings, both of which I've done.
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Pat: Hey! Hey, wait a cond! What are you doing? What happened? How come you weren't outside? What the hell's going on?
Tiffany: I can't, I can't do it.
dark horPat: What do you mean, you can't do it? You can't do what?
Tiffany: I can't give the letter to Nikki.
Pat: Tiffany, what are you talking about? What do you mean you can't give the letter to Nikki?
Tiffany: Becau what am I getting in return? What are you doing for me? You said!
Pat: You said if I wrote a letter, you'd get it to Nikki.
Tiffany: I know.
Pat: That was the t-up.
Tiffany: Becau I do this time after time after time, I do all this shit for other people and then I wake up and, and I'm empty, I have nothing!
Pat: What are you talking about? You em like you're a tough girl to me. Why don't you just do things on your own?
Tiffany: I always get mylf in the fucking situations. I give everything to other people and nobody ever, I don't get what I want, okay? I'm not my sister.
Pat: Alright, well, ask for you. What can I do for you?
Tiffany: I can't do it.
Pat: Tiffany, what do you want me to do? Think of something.
Tiffany: There's this thing.
Pat: There’s a thing, okay. What kind of thing?
Tiffany: It’s a thing, it's a thing. It's a, it's a dance thing.
Pat: It’s a dance thing, all right.
Tiffany: It’s a competition thing at the Benjamin Franklin hotel. Tommy would never do it with me and I misd it every single year.
feeling是什么意思Pat: Well, Tommy's dead, so he's not gonna fucking do it.
Tiffany: Would you plea!
Pat: I don't have a filter when I talk.
Tiffany: Can we have one conversation without you reminding me that my goddamn husband is dead?
family tree
Pat: Yes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry.
Tiffany: But I can only do it if I have And now I'm about to miss it for another year.
Pat: Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not gonna dance . What are you talking about?
Tiffany: What, your schedule is so busy? “Grapes of wrath” and watching football with your dad?
Pat: Tiffany, I'm not gonna do a dance with you.
Tiffany: All right, then I'm not giving her your fucking letter.
美少女的谎言第二季Pat: Wait a cond! But you promid you would do this.
Tiffany: Think about it.
Pat: Well, I already did do something for you, you know.
Tiffany: What did you do for me?
Pat: I took care of that jerk off that was in front of your hou.考研多少分过线
Tiffany: What? Jody?
Pat: Let me ask you something. Do you call him when you're lonely? That encourages him, Tiffany. You shouldn't do it.
Tiffany: Couldn’t you say the same about you and Nikki?
Pat: It’s not at all like me and Nikki. What are you talking about? We're in love and we're married. It's completely different.
Tiffany: How are you in love? Tell me about that. The big Nikki love. Tell me about it, I wanna understand it.
Pat: We have a very unconventional chemistry, it makes people feel awkward, but not me. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever been with.