这个人价值五百美元This man is worth $500,
而此人要去拿赏金and this man's going to collect.
他叫杰克·卡希尔他只遵守... He's Jake Cahill, and he "赏金律法" Bounty Law.
你都不留活口的吧杰克You don't ever bring them in alive, do you,
我可是一对三不是他们死就是我亡Not when there's three of them and one of
看什么看赏金杀手? What are you looking at, bounty killer? 我在看一个下巴将被打爆的丑老贼I'm looking at an ugly owl-hoot about to get
his jaw busted.
业余的会想留活口Amateurs try and take men in alive.
业余的通常都活不下来Amateurs usually don't make it.
在<赏金律法>里对杰克·卡希尔来说Whether you're dead or alive, you're just
a dollar
不管你是死是活你只是个金钱符号sign to Jake Cahill on Bounty Law.
周四晚间8点30分于国家广播公司独家播映Thursdays at 8:30, only on NBC.
大家好我是艾伦·金凯德Hello, everybody. This is Allen Kincade 我们在国家广播公司与幕宝影视公司on the t of the exciting hit NBC and
Screen Gems television ries Bounty Law. 如果你以为你眼花Now, if you think you're eing double, 不用调整电视机因为你是真的看见重影了don't adjust your television ts becau,
well, in a way, you are.
我的右边是主角杰克·卡希尔本人瑞克·达尔顿To my right is Bounty Law ries lead and Jake Cahill himlf, Rick Dalton.
我的左边是瑞克的特技替身克里夫·布兹And to my left is Rick's stunt double, Cliffrespectfully
欢迎两位谢谢你们抽空与我们见面Welcome and thanks for taking the time to
visit with us.
这是我们的荣幸艾伦It's our pleasure, Allen.
瑞克向观众解释一下特技替身的工作究竟是什么So, Rick, explain to the audience exactly what it is a stunt double does.
演员通常需要做很多危险的事actors are required to do a lot of dangerous
例如杰克·卡希尔从马上被射下来Say Jake Cahill gets shot off his hor. 那么我即将从马上跌下来吗? Now, can I fall off a hor?
有可能我跌下来过Yes, I can, and, yes, I have.
但要是我出了差错扭伤手腕或脚踝But say I fall off wrong and I sprain my
wrist or I twist my ankle.
这样会造成拍片时不必要的负担Now, that can put an undue burden on
因为这样使得我有一周不能工作becau now maybe I can't work for a week.
所以克里夫就要帮忙分担这个责任So Cliff here is meant to help carry the
你会这样形容你的工作吗克里夫? Is that how you'd describe your job, Cliff?
什么分担他的责任吗? 对啊差不多是这样What, carrying his load? Yeah, that's about right.
下星期请和我一起造访「迪克·范·戴克秀」的现场Join me next week on the t of The Dick Van Dyke Show,
我会访问搞笑艺人莫雷·阿斯特达姆和萝丝·玛莉where I'll be talking to comical cutups, Morey Amsterdam and Ro Marie.
我是艾伦·金凯德在好莱坞跟您说再会Till then, this is Allen Kincade signing
off from Hollywood.
( 泛美航空 )
我好想你Hi. I misd you.
黑色箱子有花的The black one. And the flowers.
form有花的爱娃Flowers, Ava, flowers.
还有小的那个And there's the small one.
我能验票吗? Can I e your tickets?
乖狗狗Oh, good boy.
( 1969年2月8日星期六 )
谋杀复仇和充满激情的阴谋Murder, revenge and passionate intrigue. 维尔娜·丽丝主演的电影<爱与恨及耻辱>Virna Lisi stars in the Los Angeles
television premiere of
将于周六9点Love, Hate and Dishonor
在洛城KHJ电视台首播Saturday at 9:00 on KHJ-TV 9.
吉娜吉娜吉娜Gina, Gina, Gina.
迷雾亮光中的脸庞The face in the misty light.
- 您好施沃兹先生 - 你好吉娜- Hello, Mr. Schwarz. - Hello, Gina.
我和一位帅气牛仔有约I, uh... I have a meeting with a very
handsome cowboy man.
他在吧台等您He's waiting for you in the bar.
我才刚他妈追完瑞克·达尔顿的电影since I just finished watching a Rick
Dalton fucking film festival,
所以我知道你是谁握个手吧I think I know who you are. Put it there. 这是我的荣幸舒沃兹先生谢谢你的关注Well, it's my pleasure, Mr. Schwartz. And小样英文
thank you for taking an interest.
施不是舒Schwarz, not Schwartz.
真他妈的我很抱歉Ah. G-goddamn it to hell. I'm-I'm sorry
about that.
- 这是我的荣幸施沃兹先生 - 叫我马文- It's my pleasure, Mr. Schwarz. - Call me
马文叫我瑞克Marvin, call me Rick.
- 瑞克? - 嗯- Rick? - Yeah.
- 那是你儿子吗? - 儿子? - Oh, is that your son? - My son?
不是啦是我的特技替身克里夫·布兹No, that's my stunt double, Cliff Booth.
很高兴认识你Good to meet you.
我们合作了最后两季的<赏金律法>We've worked together since the last two
asons of Bounty Law.
- 是吗? - 我的车在修所以他载我来- Yeah? - My car's in the shop, so he gave
me a ride.
他妈的胡说八道That's a big fucking lie.
瑞克被开太多酒驾罚单所以驾照被吊销了Rick got his driver's licen taken away
for too many drunk-driving tickets.
- 克里夫现在载他到处跑 - 操- Cliff drives him everywhere now. - Oh,
听起来是个好朋友Well, sounds like a good friend.
- 我尽量 - 嗯- I try. - Mm.
我要替我太太玛丽·艾丽丝·施沃兹向你致意I wanna nd you greetings from my wife,
生活大爆炸第四季剧情Mary Alice Schwarz.
噢真好Oh, well, that's nice.
多谢Thanks a lot.
昨晚我们在放映室连看两部瑞克·达尔顿的电影We had a Rick Dalton double feature in our screening room last night.
噢我感觉既欣慰又尴尬Oh, well, that's both flattering and-and
你看的是什么电影? What'd you e?
35毫米胶卷的<谭纳>Thirty-five mm prints of Tanner
和<麦克拉斯基的14拳>and The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey. ( <麦克拉斯基的14拳> )
( <谭纳> )
希望这两部瑞克·达尔顿的电影I hope the, uh, Rick Dalton double feature 对您和夫人来说不会太痛苦wasn't too painful for you And
the missus.
不 "痛苦" 别说了怎么会呢? Oh, no. "Painful." Stop. What are you
玛丽·艾丽丝爱西部片Mary Alice loves Westerns.
我们交往的时候都在看西部片Our whole courtship, we watched Westerns. - 你的酒 - 谢谢- Here you go. - Thanks.
我们非常喜欢<谭纳>And we thoroughly enjoyed Tanner.
- 噢真好 - 真正的好片- Oh, that's nice. - It's really good. 然后呢她去睡了And anyway, she goes to bed.
我打开一盒哈瓦那雪茄I open up a box of Havanas.
点好倒一杯白兰地然后看片... I light up, I pour mylf a cognac and I
<麦克拉斯基的14拳>The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey.
真是好片What a picture.
- 真是好片 - 是啊好电影- What a picture. - Good picture, yeah. 太开心了That is so much fun.
那些开枪扫射的场景All the shooting.
你知道我喜欢那套杀杀杀I love that stuff. You know, the killing.
对有很多杀戮戏 A lot of killing. Lot of killing, yeah. 各位我们计划将兵力回调... Now, gentlemen, the plan is, we rever our
然后将盟军逼回海上and drive the Allies back into the a! 天才Genius.
装甲师一到Panzer divisions come in,
我们就能痛击敌军and we drive them here to the ocean.
他们必会战败They'll be up against the wall.
- 他们无路可逃 - 对- They will have nowhere to go. - Yes. 这个计划... This is
打开布幕Open the curtains.
有人点火烤酸菜吗? Anybody order fried sauerkraut?
燃烧吧纳粹浑球Burn, you Nazi bastards! Ha-ha-ha!
操作喷火器的是你对吧? That's you operating the flamethrower,
isn't it?
当然是我了没错Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was. Yeah. - 是你? - 我告诉你那武器非常变态- It was you? - Yeah. And let me tell you,
that-that's one shit-fuck crazy weapon 你可不想站错边y-y-you do not wanna be on the wrong side
天呐Boy, oh, boy.
我花了两个星期排练You know, I practiced with that dragon, uh, 每天练三小时three hours a day for two weeks.
并不是只想拍出好画面Not just becau I wanted to look good in搓捻
the picture,
我打从心里害怕真的我恨死这鬼东西了but becau I was shit-scared of
the thing, to be honest.
他奶奶的把纳粹烤到酥脆Mike fucking Lewis! Crisping them Nazis to
plant靠实在是... Oh, shit,
太烫了All right, that's too hot.
有办法调整热度吗? Anything we can do about that heat?
- 瑞克这是喷火器 - 好吧- Rick, it's a flamethrower. - Yeah.
我今天提早到办公室So I came to the office early today,
看了两集16毫米胶卷的<赏金律法>and I watched two episodes of Bounty Law on
16 mm.
裘帝·简尼斯Jody Janice,
因在怀俄明州偷牛被通缉wanted for cattle rustling in the state of
奖金425美元不论死活$425 dead or alive.
而你带他来这里领赏And you brought him here to collect.
我根本不知道这里是哪里I don't even know where here is.
只是这里最近It was just the clost place.
在城外大约五英里处撞见他Caught up with him about five miles outside
of town.
那么赏金杀手So, bounty killer,
这城镇叫作简尼斯镇the name of this town is Janicetown.
你杀的那孩子... And that boy
是裘帝·简尼斯was Jody Janice.
他是纳森·麦斯威尔·简尼斯少校的小儿子He was the baby boy of Major Nathin Maxwell
谁是纳森·麦斯威尔·简尼斯少校? Who's Major Nathin Maxwell Janice?
这个嘛当他到这儿的时候Well, I'll be sure and introduce you
我会介绍你们认识when he gets here.
<赏金律法>Bounty Law.
瑞克·达尔顿主演Starring Rick Dalton.
然后档案室几个爱搞笑的家伙Then a couple of the jokers over in archival
nt over
送来一份小礼物有你的表演 a kinescope of a little treat featuring
# 有架老钢琴 # # There's an old piano #
# 他们猛弹它在绿门后面 # # And they play it hot behind the green door
# 不知道他们在做什么# # Don't know what they're doing #
# 但他们笑得很开心在绿门后面 # # But they laugh a lot behind the green door
# 真希望他们让我进去 # # Wish they'd let me in #
# 我就会知道绿门后面是什么 # # So I can find out what's behind the green
door #
所以过去几年So, uh, you've been doing guest shots
你一直在电视单元剧客串on episodic TV shows the last couple of
对啊我正在拍哥伦比亚广播公司的试播剧Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing a pilot f-for CBS
right now.
叫作<兰瑟>我演恶棍It' It's called Lancer. I play
the heavy.
我演了罗恩·伊莱的<泰山>Did a, ahem, Ron Ely Tarzan.
<巨人家园><青蜂侠>I did a Land of the Giants. Green Hornet. 还演了<英雄马丁>I did that show, uh...
和史考特·布郎那小子主演Bingo Martin with that kid Scott Brown.
还有这周日播映的<联邦调查局>And I got a F.B.I. that-that airs this
你总是演坏人? You, um... You always play the bad guy on
the shows?
- 对啊 - 是的- Y-yeah. Mm-hm. - Yeah.
在最后都会有打斗戏? So, and they have a fight scene at the end
of them?
不不... Well,
<巨人家园>和<联邦调查局>没有Not Land of the Giants or F.B.I.,