I’m leopard? I’m Legend
Role: Lin, Lin’s f, Lin’s w, Lin’s s, M, GQ, GY, LQ, H, S, Yang, NiuEr, B, G,
Song Dynasty, a period of time covered more than three centuries, a period of time with hundreds of thousands of heroes, a period of time when all kinds of inventions appeared, but also a period of time never connected with words like mighty or powerful. It was the best of times for the wealthy became extremely rich; it was the worst of times for the poor became destitute. Our story happened in the 160th year of Song Dynasty, in an ordinary family in the Eastern Capital.
Scene 1
Role: Lin, Lin’s f, Lin’s w, Lin’s s
Lin’s s: I’m back.
give outLin’s w: Well, it’s time for dinner. By the way, how about today’s quiz?
Lin’s s: Q….Quiz?
Lin’s w: Yean, I’ve prepared a delicious dinner to celebrate your progress!
Lin’s s: Why are you always concerned about my quiz? OK, to tell you the truth, I fail again.
Lin’s w: What’re you talking about? You’ve failed 38 times in a row. Do you wanna fail all the time in your life?
Lin’s s: Plea….
Lin’s w: Boy, you know, poor family as we are, the only way can we be out-standing is passing the Imperial Exam.
i miss you是什么意思
Lin’s s: No, my Lin’s f is a famous general. He is outstanding even though he didn’t pass the Imperial Exam.
Lin’s w: General? Oh my god. A nerd rather than general!
Lin: I’m back…What’re you talking about? Nerd? What happened?
Lin’s w: The dinner is ready. (脱下衣服)Your son fail again.
Lin:英语基础学习 Ah shit! Hey, boy, don’t do that. When I was young, I always made great grades in my examination; I was always the first of my class!
Lin’s f: What’re you talking about? You are absolutely a liar! I still remember the time I beat you every night when you were back.
Lin: Daddy. Plea. It was you that always enlightened me to perfect either my study or martial arts when I was at a tender age. You told me that as a man, we are suppod to master some special abilities to make a livelihood, to marry a fabulous Lin’s w, to sustain our family and to wife concubines.
Lin’s s: Dad, what is “concubine”?
Lin: Oh, my babe. Let me explain it for you. Divide the word into three parts. “Con” as a p
refix means together. “Cub” as a suffix means lie or sleep. “Ine” indicates that the word is a noun. So all together the word “concubine" means your cond wife.
Lin’s w: You shut up. How can you utter this nonn to our babe? As long as I am alive in the world, on no account can you marry a concubine.
王婧妍Lin: Oh, dear. Don’t be so angry. It is now a trend for middle-class man to wife a concubine. As we all know, nowadays somebody kidnaps or lure woman to rve as concubine. Others just buy or employ …
Lin’s w:四级写作和翻译多少分 Enough!
Lin’s f: Stop quarrelling. Don’t miss the point. But what were we talking about?
Lin: Life, which is short as it is!
Lin’s w: Babe, don’t let us down any more. You are my only hope now. When I was a little girl, a dream that I can have a rich, big family always haunted me.
Lin’s s: Mum, many of my classmates live with their parents, grandparents and sisters and brothers. Why is our family so small and cheerless?
Lin’s w: It’s all becau of your father’s inability. In our Great Song, the average houhold population is ven.
Lin: No people, no arguments on mutual properties. Are you willing to e our offsprings dispute or even fight against each other for the legacy?
Lin’s w:1086 If you have.
Lin’s f: Stop. How can you a woman talk with your husband like this?
Lin’s w: I’m wrong daddy. I’m sorry for that.
Lin’s f (sigh): Son, from my point of view, failing to enrich his family is the work of a coward. You are a general now, why we still have to stay in such a little room compared with your colleagues? You can get money when supervising the military examination. You
quoteknow, GaoQiu, a nerd, just playing soccer well, has been an officer rving for our emperor. Compared with you! Ai…..
Lin: He is a corrupt official.
Lin’s f: I don’t care. Your mother has died early, I brought you up alone. I hoped to have a big hou with a big garden and live happily. If I had known the future is like this, I prefer to ……
Lin’s w: Daddy, don’t be angry, it will be OK, it will be OK.
血亲相奸Scene 2
Role: N, Lin’s w, M, Lin’s s, GY, H
N:A few days later, the National Holiday came. Lin’s wife accompanied with her maid went to downtown for shopping and entertainment to relax.