Table of Contents(目录)
How to U This Guide (如何使用本指南)
Chapter 1 Introduction to System Troubleshooting(系统故障检修介绍)
1.1 Get the Facts(获取真相)
1.2 Check Simple Things First(从简单的方面检查开始)
1.3 Compare System Performance to Established Benchmarks(从比较系统性能到建立基准)
1.4 Identify Possible Caus(确定可能原因)
1.5 U a Systematic Troubleshooting Approach(使用一种系统内部的故障检修方法)
1.6 Getting Help(获取帮助)
1.7 Troubleshooting References(故障检修参考书目)
Chapter 2 Troubleshooting an LC System (检修一个液相色谱系统)
2.1 Initial Survey of System Problems(系统问题的最初调查)
2.2 Isolating System Problems(分离系统问题)
2.2.1 System Pressure(系统压力)
2.2.2 Baline Noi(基线噪音)
艳舞门2.2.3 Changes in Chromatographic Resolution or Results(色谱分离度或结果的改变)
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting System Components(检修系统构件)
3.1 Pump Troubleshooting(色谱泵检修)
3.1.1 Pump Troubleshooting Table(色谱泵检修表格)
3.1.2 Isolating a Defective Pump Head (Modified Ramp Test)(分离一个受损泵头)
3.2 Manual Injector Troubleshooting (进样器检修手册)
nothing compares 2 u
3.3 Autoinjector Troubleshooting (自动进样器检修)
3.4 Column Troubleshooting (色谱柱检修)
3.5 Detector Troubleshooting(检测器检修)
3.6 Data-Handling Device Troubleshooting(数据处理装置检修)
fridaysChapter 4 Good Chromatography/ Operating Practices(良好的色谱操作规范)点点英语
4.1 Mobile Pha Preparation and U(流动相制备和使用)
4.1.1 Mobile Pha Preparation (流动相制备)
4.1.2 Solvent Degassing(溶剂脱气)
4.1.3 Solvent U(溶剂使用)
4.1.4 Solvent Changeover Practices(溶剂转换规范)
4.2 System Plumbing (泵输送系统)
4.2.1 Tubing Connection Practices (管道连接规范)
4.2.2 Cutting Tubing(切割管路)
4.3 Chromatographic Performance Tests(色谱性能测试)
4.3.1 Measuring Resolution(测量分离度)
4.3.2 Measuring Capacity Factor (k') (测量容量因子k')
4.3.3 Measuring Selectivity(测量选择性)
4.3.4 Measuring Column Efficiency (N) (测量柱效(N))
4.4 Measuring System Bandspreading(测量系统拖尾因子)
Appendix A (附录A)
Reference Information(参考信息)
latA.1 Solvent Properties(溶剂属性)
A.1.1 Solvent Properties Table (溶剂属性表)
A.1.2 Using Miscibility Numbers (M-Numbers) (使用可混和性编号(M-编号))
A.2 Refractive Index of Common Solvents(常见溶剂的折射指标).
A.3 Solvent UV Cutoffs (溶剂紫外离群值截断点)
A.4 Wavelength Selection for Chromophore Detection(色谱检测器的波长选择)
A.5 Column Backpressure (柱后压)
the power of the dreamHPLC Troubleshooting Guide (HPLC故障检修指南)
本资料为英文版本,文件大小为836KB,PDF格式,全书共68页,编排为目录、主题内容和附录三部分,带书签和搜索功能,由美国Waters公司专家 Uwe D. Neue编写,内容包括52个主题。
1. Column Life-Time(柱寿命)
2. Variable Retention Times (可变的保留时间)
3. Drifting Retention Times (漂移的保留时间)
4. Column-to-Column and Batch-to-Batch Reproducibility (柱间与批间的重现性)
5. Sample Preparation Problems (样品制备问题)
6. Sources of Peak Tailing (峰拖尾的根源)
7. Normal-Pha Chromatography (正相色谱法)
8. System Volume, Dead Volume, Dwell Volume (系统体积,死体积,间隙体积)
9. Transfer of Gradient Methods (梯度法的迁移)
10. Clogged System (阻塞系统)
11. Column Plate-Count (柱塔板数)
12. Column Backpressure (柱后压)
13. Peak Area Fluctuations (峰面积波动)
14. Ghost Peaks (鬼峰)
15. Dependence of Retention Times on pH (保留时间对pH的依赖性)李宇春全球最佳艺人
16. Column Equilibration (柱平衡)
17. Column Conditioning (柱改善)
18. Complex Sample Matrices (复杂样品母株)
19. Hydrophobic Collap (疏水性塌陷)
20. Baline Noi (基线噪音)
21. Narrow-bore Columns (窄孔柱)
22. Sample Solvent (样品溶剂)
23. Gradient Scaling (梯度缩放比例)
24. Column Storage (色谱柱贮存量)
25. Paired-Ion Chromatography (离子对色谱法)
26. Hydrolytic Stability of Reverd-Pha (反相的水解稳定性)
27. Optimal Flow Rates (最佳流速)
28. Carbon Load (碳负荷)
29. pH Control(pH控制)
30. Mobile Pha Composition (流动相组成)
31. Column Contamination (柱污染)
32. Method Verification (方法验证)
33. Double Peaks in Sugar Separations (糖分离中的双峰)
34. Method Control (方法控制)
35. Mobile Pha pH (流动相pH)
36. Signal-to-Noi Improvements (信噪比改善)
37. Overload (色谱柱过载)
38. Column Durability (柱使用年限)
39. Fast Analysis and Column Backpressure (快速分析与柱后压)
atbelt40. Column Backflushing (柱的反向冲洗)
41. Selectivity Shift (选择性漂移)
42. New Method (新方法)
43. Negative Peaks (负峰)
44. Tricky, Tedious, Time Consuming (机警的,单调乏味的,时间消耗)
45. Fast Separations (快速分离)
46. Buffers for LC/MS (液质联用的缓冲液)
47. Alkaline Buffers for RPLC (用于反相液相色谱的碱性缓冲液)
48. Post-Column Derivatization (柱后衍生作用)
49. Gradient Dwell Volume (梯度间隙体积)
50. Buffer Capacity (缓冲容量)
51. Flow Rate Changes and Quantitation (流速改变与定量)
52. Analysis of polar compounds (极性化学物的分析)