Plea carefully review the information in Section I. If any information is missing or incorrect, email the additions/corrections to
Plea provide an alternate email and alternate phone number for the institution:
ABHE S Approved Separate Classrooms (if any)
Plea carefully review the information in Section II. If any information is missing or incorrect, email the additions/corrections to **********************. See Annual Report instructions at www.abhes/annualreport for instructions on how to submit your additions/corrections to **********************. You will receive an email reply when the additions/corrections have been made. Plea DO NOT proceed to the Annual Report until you have verified that all of the programs offered during the reporting peri od (including discontinued programs) are listed on this profile verification.
Programs offered between July 1, 2011and June 30, 2012. (includes discontinued programs if they had enrollment during the reporting period)
I affirm that all the programs offered by my institution between July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 are listed on thi s Profile Verification.
(I-A-1) Does your institution hold institutional or programmatic accreditation in addition to ABHES accreditation? ☐Yes ☐No
(I-A-2) Plea provide the additional information for each accreditation held. (Question will only appear if you answer YES to I-A -1)
(I-B-3) Are degree program(s) offered? ☐ Yes ☐No
(I-C-1) The institution is a:
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☐ Non-Profit Organization
Privately Held Business Corporation ☐ Publicly Held Business Corporation ☐ Sole Proprietorship Business ☐ Other
If you lect Non-Profit Organization:
List all the members and officers of the board of directors/trustees. Has thi s organization been officially recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as an exempt organization under Section 501 (
英孚课程转让❑ Yes ❑ No
If you lect Privately Held Business Corporation:
mcflyList the exact ownership structure, including all levels of subsidiaries under the parent corporation and any subsidiary corporations operating as non-main campus:
∙ Provide the ownership percentage breakdown of each entity in the chain of ownership, up to an inc luding the individual(s) who control
the ultimate ownership entity in the chain of ownership.
∙ Provide descriptions for each level that include all individuals, partnerships, LLCs, corporations, trusts, or other forms of ownership (for
publicly traded corporations, this includes shareholders that directly own 10% of the stock.)
If you lect Publicly Held Business Corporation:数列求和公式
List the exact ownership structure, including all levels of subsidiaries under the parent corporation and any subsidiary corporations operating as non-main campus:
∙Provide the ownership percentage breakdown of each entity in the chain of ownership, up to an including the individual(s) who control the ultimate ownership entity in the chain of ownership.
∙Provide descriptions for each level that include all individuals, partnerships, LLCs, corporations, trusts, or other forms of ownership (for publicly traded corporations, this includes shareholders that directly own 10% of the stock.)
If publicly held business corporation, the stock is traded on the:
❑Regional Exchange
If you lect Sole Proprietorship Business:
List name, title and address of individual(s) responsible for operations of the sole proprietorship business that owns the institution.全球十大最丑建筑
If you lect Other:
(I-C-2) Since July 1, 2011 have there been any changes in legal status, ownership or form of control?
☐ Yes ☐No
fear是什么意思(I-C-2-a) If yes, plea complete the chart documenting the changes.
(I-C-3) Were the changes considered a change in legal status, ownership or form of control by ABHES?
☐ Yes ☐No
(I-C-4) Did the U.S. Department of Education consider the changes a change of legal status, ownership or form of control?
☐ Yes ☐No
(I-C-5)Does the institution or sponsoring institution for the program(s) have pending litigation?
(II-1) Plea provide the program synopsi s for each program currently offered.
(II-1-1) I affirm that the information provided in Question II-1 of the annual report is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all program names, CIP codes, hours, weeks, credits awarded, credential awarded and method of delivery for each program reported, has been approved by ABHES.
☐ Yes ☐No
(II-3) The following new program(s), requiring the New Program Application, have been approved by ABHES and added since July 1, 2011: (INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS ONLY)
(III-1) When was the distance delivery method originally approved by ABHES?
Plea provide the student enrollment for programs with any portion offered via Distance Education. Plea parate the students into full distance education delivery (DE) and blended di stance education delivery, as applicable (Full DE = entire program minus remote externships or labs, if applicable. Blended DE = combination of on-campus and di stance cours. See Accreditation Manual Glossary for detailed definitions.)
(III-3) Plea provide retention statistics for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 for programs with any portion offered via distance education. Plea parate the students into full distance education delivery (DE) and blended distance education delivery, as applicable.
(III-4) Plea provide placement statistics for the period of July 1, 2011to June 30, 2012 for programs with any portion offered via distance education. Plea parate the students into full distance education delivery (DE) and blended distance education delivery, as applicable.
(III-5) Is a credential or licen required for graduates to work in the field? Plea answer this question as it pertains to your di stance education offerings only.
Yes / No
如何快速学英语(III-5-1) Plea provide credentialing and/or licensure statistics for the period of July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, for programs with any potion offered via distance education. Plea parate the students into full distance education delivery (DE) and blended distance education delivery, as applicable.