空头支票罚款FME ® Workbench Transformers Quick-Reference Booklet
1 3D
The transformers create and modify three-dimensional surface and solid geometries.
1 calculators
consolegameThe transformers calculate a value and supply it to a new attribute on a feature. 3 collEctors
The transformers operate on collections of features at the same time. The collection of features may be replaced by new features bad upon them, have their attributes or geometries merged, or have their orders altered.
4 DatabasE
The transformers allow interaction with external databas. Data can be extracted from databas and merged into the feature stream or merged onto features. Arbitrary SQL statements can also be executed.
5 filtErs
The transformers perform tests on feature geometry and/or attributes, and allow the feature to be routed to different destinations depending on the outcome of the test.
6 gEomEtric opErators
The transformers operate on the
geometry of individual features or groups of features.
10 infrastructurE
The transformers provide interaction with the underlying FME translation engine facilities. The include functionality to log features, t feature colors, create
individual features and grids of features from nothing, and invoke the FME Viewer on features flowing by.
12 linEar rEfErEncing
The transformers work with linear referencing data structures on FME features.
12 lists
The transformers operate on FME attribute lists.
13 manipulators
The transformers modify (manipulate) the geometry or attributes of individual features in isolation from other features. 19 rastErs
The transformers create, u, and output rasters. They operate on data consisting of a regularly spaced grid of values. 22 stringsand i will always love you
bromineThe transformers operate on character strings held in FME attributes.
23 surfacEs
The transformers create, u, and output surfaces. They operate on data that
defines a surface through the z coordinate, and then either outputs this surface in a variety of ways or applies the surface to other data.
24 WEb sErVicEs
The transformers access web rvices using the HTTP protocol.
25 WorKfloW
The transformers run workspaces either locally or on an FME rver.
hated25 Xml
audience是什么意思The transformers work with XML data by mapping XML elements into FME features, using stylesheets to convert XML documents, and querying collections of XML data.
fmE ® Workbench transformers Quick-reference booklet
This booklet contains a high-level summary of each transformer’s functionality. For detailed informati
on, plea visit or lect FME Transformers from the Workbench Help menu.
Properties button
What is a transformer?
A transformer is an FME Workbench object that carries out the restructuring of features. FME contains over 300 different transformers to carry out different types of restructuring. In the Workbench interface, transformers are stored in the Transformer Gallery, and grouped in categories applicable to their associated functionality.
common Elements ud in transformer parameter Dialogs
Every transformer has a Properties button on the right of the transformer.
When you click the Properties button, most transformers display an Edit Parameters dialog. The content of this dialog depends on the transformer, and sometimes even on connections to the transf
ormer. Most transformers have some common ur interface elements, however, and tho are described here.
The Properties button at the top-right of the transformer is color-coded to show the status of the ttings. If the Properties button is the same color as the transformer, you can u the transformer with its existing parameters.
A yellow Properties button indicates that the transformer contains default ttings, but you have not yet accepted them. You can u the transformer in this state, but the workspace results may be unpredictable.
A red Properties button means that there is at least one parameter for which FME cannot supply a default value. You must provide a value in the required field(s) before the transformer can be ud.
When you click a Properties button, the Edit Parameters dialog that appears will usually
have some of the common elements shown in this example.
You can edit the default transformer name.
Required fields are highlighted. If this field is not filled in, the OK button at the bottom of the dialog is
disabled.Click OK to accept changes and clo the dialog. Note that this button is disabled if required fields have not been populated.
The Defaults menu allows you to replace FME defaults for this
transformer with your own parameter defaults. You can always ret the dialog to FME defaults.
Click this Help button to open the FME Workbench Transformer help
Replaces the geometry of a feature that has CSG.
洛杉矶天气Creates long, surface or solid
geometries with a fixed cross-
ctional profile taken from the
original geometry of the feature.
Replaces the geometry of a feature from donut or polygon to face.地点的英文
The transformers calculate a value and supply it to a new attribute on a feature.
1 FME® Workbench Transformers Quick-Reference Booklet
Converts an attribute’s value from one numeric system (ba) to another,
Extracts the minimum and maximum values of the feature’s coordinates
into new attributes.