social media enhance impersona
In early 2022,a social App called"BeReal"suddenly became popular abroad.In February alone,it was downloaded 1.1 million times and often appeared in the App Store's top 10 list.The core idea of the App,which openly challenges Instagram,is to encourage urs to be themlves and share photos of everyday life without filters or beauty effects,which has been dubbed"Instagram for Casual".
When many people hear Of BeReal's concept,they may be reminded of the recent"make up with No makeup"challenge that has become popular on the Chine Internet.But the content on BeReal isn't that fake,at least for now.This App will ensure the authenticity of the content through some functional restrictions,such as:
Urs need to take photos and upload them within two minutes of receiving the task.There is almost no time to po and po.
感恩节英语Both front and rear cameras are ud to take photos,and the photos must be dumped(that i
s,the photos must be taken dynamically and cannot be uploaded through the album).If there is any modification or re-shooting during the process,records will be left after the relea.
You have to upload a photo of yourlf to unlock and view other people's content,thus cutting off the backdoor for diving urs.
ttvWhile the requirements may em draconian,it is clear from the statistics that young people are receptive to them.BeReal has been downloaded 7.41 million times on the App Store,with 80%of its urs between the ages of 16 and 24.
BeReal isn't the first social app to rai the"authentic,anti-Instagram"banner.In early 2021,a photo social app called Dispo was also all the rage.It featured no filters or photo retouches and took 24 hours to show off.Its retro design,which mimics the development of a film camera,attracted a large number of young urs.
Another app named Poparazzi,featuring"anti-lfie",can only be uploaded and pushed to
the timeline by others to encourage urs to interact offline.As a result,it has attracted many loyal fans and topped the list of free apps in the US on the day of its launch.
In pursuit of the true BeReal,
Why so popular?
Up to now,the development of social media has played the diversification and differentiation of categories to the extreme.So,why are the social apps,which pursue authenticity,encourage urs to be themlves and even go back to offline,frequently favored by young people?Taking BeReal as an example,the author believes that its popularity lies in breaking the triple anxiety:influence anxiety,aesthetic anxiety and social anxiety.
1.Break out of influence anxiety and return to daily life and sharing
可可英语网Social media reprented by Facebook and Instagram have stronger media attributes,and more of them are influenced by head urs.Big Vs and Kols with a large nu
mber of followers have a greater say than ordinary urs.
Although most urs do not ek to be influencers on social media,they still unconsciously desire to be"re-praid"after nding a message,which is the result of product design stimulation.Through red dots,pop-ups and data,urs are constantly interacting and refreshing,so as to improve the overall activity of the platform.The neutral product features can easily lead to a kind of"influence anxiety"for all urs from head to bottom.
And BeReal undermines that."BeReal will not make you famous.If you want to be an influencer,you can u another product,"it says on the screen.This orientation directly affects the content style shared by urs.When you open BeReal,you can obviously feel that the content is more down-to-earth,focusing on daily life,and there is little eye-catching content,and the overall atmosphere is relatively relaxed.ecstacy
relapIn fact,BeReal isn't the first APP to recognize"influence anxiety."In 2019,Snapchat made a major update to parate the feeds of celebrities,influencers and brands from their frien
美参议院 布林肯为国务卿ds'feeds into a parate Discover ction.It lost a lot of online celebrities,but in the end it didn't have much of an impact on overall activity,with regular urs retaining and spending time and the company's advertising revenue increasing.
2.Reject the aesthetic trend and accept imperfection
The exquisite life display platform reprented by Instagram creates a kind of aesthetic anxiety for urs.Cool colors,green plants,geometric shapes,all constitute symbols of xiaozi ntiment,but this delicacy is increasingly regarded as superficial,above the real world.The huge contrast between pictures and real life often gives urs a strong n of psychological imbalance.