The 2015 National Security Strategy
Today, the United States is stronger and better positioned to ize the opportunities of a still new century and safeguard our interests against the risks of an incure world. The President’s new National Security Strategy fromtoprovides a vision and strategy for advancing the nation’s interests, universal values, and a rules-bad international order through strong and sustainable American leadership. The strategy ts out the principles andpriorities that describe how America will lead the world toward greater peace and a new prosperity.
✧ We will lead with purpo, guided by our enduring national interests and values and committed to advancing a balanced portfolio of priorities worthy of a great power.
✧ 我们经通过全色清晰的目的实现领导,将以我们持久国家利益和价值为指导,致力于维持优先事项的平衡组合,投入我们的伟大力量;
stay here forever✧ We will 博色lead with strength, harnessing a resurgent economy, incread energy curity, an unrivaled military, and the talent and diversity of the American people.
✧ 我们将通过强大的力量实现领导,利用好正在复兴的经济、已经改善的能源安全和无以伦比的军事和人才实力;
✧ We will lead by example, upholding our values at home and our obligations abroad.
✧ 我们要发挥典范作用实现领导,在国内发扬我们的价值、在国外履行我们的责任;
bridesmaid✧ We will lead with capable partners, mobilizing collective action and building partner capacity to address global challenges.
✧ 我们要通过有力的伙伴来实现领导,动员集体行动、打造伙伴能力,应对全球挑战;
✧ We will lead with all instruments of U.S. power, leveraging our strategic advantages in diplomacy, development, defen, intelligence, science and technology, and more.
✧ 我们要通过各种美国的力量工具来实现领导,发挥我们在外交、发展、国防、情报、科技和其他方面的优势;
✧ We will lead with a long-term perspective, influencing the trajectory of major shifts in the curity landscape today in order to cure our national interests in the future.
✧ 我们要致力于长远领导,影响当前安全态势的发展路径,以期维护我们国家未来的安全。
We will advance the curity of the United States, its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners by:
✧ Maintaining a national defen that is the best trained, equipped, and led force in the world while honoring our promis to rvice members, veterans, and their families.
美国投资移民中介公司✧ 维持训练有素、装备精良的国防力量,领导全球力量,践行我们对现役、退役以及他们家庭的承诺;
✧ Working with Congress to end the draconian cuts impod by questration that threaten the effectiveness of our military and other instruments of power.
✧ 与国会通力合作,结束由自动削减机制带来的苛刻预算削减,这一削减威胁到了美国军队和其他国家权力工具的效能;电算化考试软件
✧ Reinforcing our homeland curity to keep the American people safe from terrorist attacks and natural hazards while strengthening our national resilience.
✧ 加强美国的国土安全,以确保美国人民免遭恐怖主义袭击和自然灾害伤害,同时增强我们的国家恢复能力;
✧ Transitioning to a sustainable global curity posture that combines our decisive capabilities with local partners and keeps pressure on al-Qa’ida, ISIL, and their affiliates.
✧ 朝着可持续的全球安防姿态转变,综合美国与地区伙伴的决胜能力,并对基地组织、伊斯兰国以及它们的附属组织保持压力;
✧ Striving for a world without nuclear weapons and ensuring nuclear materials do not fall into the hands of irresponsible states and violent non-state actors.
✧ 努力实现世界无核化,确保核物质不会落入那些不负责任的国家和暴力非国家行为者手中;
✧ Developing a global capacity to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to biological threats like Ebola through the Global Health Security Agenda.
✧ 开发一种全球能力,通过“全球卫生安全议程”(Global Health Security Agenda)来预防和探测类似埃博拉这样的生物性威胁,并快速做出响应。
✧ Confronting the urgent crisis of climate change, including through national emissions reductions, international diplomacy, and our commitment to the Green Climate Fund.
✧ 应对严峻的气候变化危机,具体方式包括国家减排、国际外交和恪守我们对国际气候基金的承诺等。
We will advance a strong, innovative, and growing U.S. economy in an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity by:
✧ Strengthening American energy curity and increasing global access to reliable and affordable energy to bolster economic growth and development worldwide.
✧ 加强美国的能源安全,增加对可靠的和经济上可承受的能源的全球介入,以支持世界经济的增长和发展;wow是什么意思
✧ Opening markets for U.S. goods, rvices, and investment and leveling the playing field for American workers and business to boost our economic competitiveness.
✧ 为美国的产品、服务和投资打开市场,并维持美国的工厂和业务,以增强美国经济的竞争力;
✧ Advancing a trade agenda – including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – that creates good American jobs and shared prosperity.
✧ 推进包括跨太平洋伙伴关系和跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系在内的贸易议程,为美国创造更多的工作机会、共享繁荣;
✧ Leading efforts to reduce extreme poverty, food incurity, and preventable deaths with initiatives such as Feed the Future and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.