[模拟] 120
A rious critic faces a dilemma: he must recognize the artistic element of uniqueness
that________subjective reaction; yet he must not be unduly________by such a reaction.
B.denies ... limited
C.warrants ... repelled
D.invalidates ... attracted
Childhood memoirs often gain their poignancy through a n of displacement: each lesson in
牛津词典放弃年度词experience is accompanied by a loss of________.
Although scientists have long________the human appendix as________organ, there is a growing
body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body''s immune system.
A.overestimated ... a minorattachments
B.discounted ... a vestigial
C.valued ... a major
D.ignored ... a pivotal
E.studied ... an inaccessible
Data from inter-species genomic quence comparisons and genome-wide expression profiling, integrated with various computational tools, are________to contribute to the decoding of genomic quence and
to________tho quences that orchestrate gene regulation.
A.utilized ... locate
B.unlikely ... detect
C.prone ... decipher
E.poid ... identify
On the face of it, the plan under consideration is________. and indeed, has already sparked
protests from veral prominent politicians, who argue that "hasty implementation" could________the economy.
A.hopeless … boost
B.appealing … undermine
D.draconian … damage
E.suspect … radicalize
Regardless of what might be said about the vehement diatribes of the Minnesota nator, one
can''t argue that he was any less than utterly________his beliefs and his tituents, for invariably, he voted his________.
A.oppod to ... politics
唛头英文B.committed to whims
E.dedicated to ... conscience
Adams was so________that his friends did not bother to________him,
becau they presuppod
that he would pay scant attention.
A.obstinate … infuriate
B.obedient … refute
D.intractable … remonstrate
E.bizarre … palliate
Passage A
Though agreeing with Descartes that consciousness and extension are qualitatively distinct, Spinoza's dual-aspect theory denied that consciousness and extension are inherent characteristics of two finite substances, treating them instead as attributes of the infinite substance of a transcendent intelligence. While mental occurrences can dictate only other mental occurrences and physical motions can determine only other physical motions, mind and body exist in pre-established coordination, since the same lf-consistent intelligence establishes affinities and connections within
both class. Another alternative, psychophysical parallelism, retains both the dualism of mind and body and the notion of a regular correlation between mental and physical events, but avoids any assumption of causal mind-body connection, direct or indirect. Psychophysical parallelism eschews interactionism, stating that mental and physical could not possibly affect one another, and also rejects occasionalism and dual-aspect theory on the grounds that no third entity, including a transcendent intelligence, could be responsible for such vastly different effects. Parallelists accept only pure correlations, not causation, between mental and physical events.
According to the passage, psychophysical parallelists would be LEAST likely to agree with which of the following views attributed to Spinoza?
A.Through a relationship of correlation, mental occurrences can only determine other mental occurrences.
B.Through a relationship of causation, physical occurrences can only determine other physical occurrences.
C.Mind and body exist in pre-established coordination provided by a third entity, transcendent intelligence.
D.Consciousness and extension, as parate finite qualities, may be described as distinct.
E.One of the necessary attributes of any divine esnce is its infinitude.
According to the passage, which of the following events is most analogous
to the relationship between thought and event articulated by psychophysical parallelism?
A.A man looks in a mirror and, as a result, of the effect of cognition, es his ownreflections.
B.One thought in a ntient entity leads, by virtue of the stream of consciousness, to another thought.
C.A match is struck, and through the effects of a physical law, it ignites into flame.
D.Every time a pingpong ball is bounced, a tree falls, but through no causal relationship.
E.A human being makes a mental judgment bad on physical phenomena he has obrved.
The author cites Spinoza''s belief that "mind and body exist in
pre-established coordination" most likely in order to________.
A.prove that Descartes confud the true distinction between consciousness and extension
B.suggest the logical assumption behind Spinoza''s embrace of dualism
C.lay the groundwork for psychophysical parallelism'' s rejection of occasionalism
D.deny that any outside entity could be responsible for both mental and physical events
E.establish why he believed mental events could not determine physical motions
It can be inferred from the passage that dual-aspect theory relies on what key assumption concernin
g the "transcendent intelligence" to establish the connection between mental and physical occurrences?
A.The intelligence is omniscient with regard to mental and physical occurrences, envisioning all acts of causation in advance.
B.The intelligence transcends consciousness and extension, but not other categories of substance.
C.Only infinite substances can establish a unity of finite substances, whether that of a mental or physical nature.
D.The intelligence exists in a state of invariable consistency, allowing the synthesis of different metaphysical categories.
E.The intelligence is the only means of establishing a common category between distinct consciousness.
A.astrologer: constellation
B.surgeon: pipette
D.carpenter: trowel
E.cartographer: foolscap
A.misleading: deception
B.paradigmatic: deviation
C.solvent: contamination
tomriddleD.impervious: immunity
A.blush: ridicule
初会成绩查询B.cackle: appreciation
C.vacillate: irresolution
D.blench: rapture
E.flummox: engagement
american dreamTENDER: ACCEPTANCE : :
B.legalize: disapprobation
C.submit: approval
D.announce: scrutiny
E.perish: idea
city hall
B.interpretation: language