nobody的意思专利名称:Coin bank with parations and turnable top 发明人:Philip H. Hobson,Charles E. Goodwin
摘要:Disclod is a bank for coins comprising a container having an open top and interior. A cover is rotatably associated with the container top. A plurality of dividers are connected to a support column. The column and dividers are inrtable as a unit within the container to divide the interior of the container into a plurality of chambers. The column has an upper end bore and a lower end bore and a collar is associated with the container interior. The column lower end bore and collar are dimensioned to provide an axial interference fit therebetween. There is a pin with a shank end, the shank end and the column upper end bore being dimensioned to provide an axial interference fit therebetween. The cover is rotatable about the pin and is retained in associated with the container by the pin. The pin shank end and the column upper end bore cooperate in such fashion as to limit the interference fit therebetween and to enhance curement of the interference fit between the column lower end bore and the collar.
echo什么意思申请人:HOBSON; PHILIP H.,GOODWIN; CHARLES E.bull shit
pst time>一对一补习
代理机构:Arnold, White & Durkee