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Squirrel。kangaroo。monkey。panda。bear。n。tiger。fox。zebra。deer。giraffe。goo。hen。turkey。lamb are all different animals.
People include friends。boys。girls。mothers。fathers。sisters。brothers。uncles。men。women。Miss。Mr。ladies。moms。dadas。parents。grandparents。grandmas/grandmothers.整机英文
Jobs include teachers。students。doctors。nurs。drivers。farmers.
Animals include sheep。goats。cows。donkeys。squids。lobsters。sharks。als。sperm whales。and killer whales.
Family members include aunts。cousins。sons。daughters。babies。and kids.
Classmate refers to a fellow student in school。A queen is a female monarch who rules a country or state。A visitor is someone who comes to e a place or person。A neighbour is a person who lives near you。A principal is the head of a school。A university student is a person who is studying at a higher n n。A pen pal is someone with whom you exchange letters。A tourist is someone who travels to different places。People refer to individuals in general。A robot is a machine that can perform tasks automatically。A grandpa or grandfather is a male relative who is the father of your parent。A singer is a person who sings nally。A writer is someone who writes books。articles。or other literary works。An actor is a male performer in movies。plays。or n shows。An actress is a female performer in movies。plays。or n shows。An artist is a person who creates art。A TV reporter is a journalist who reports news on n。An engineer is a person who d
esigns and builds machines。structures。or systems。An accountant is a nal who manages financial records。A baball player is an athlete who plays baball。A policeman is a male officer who enforces the law。A salesperson is someone who lls products or rvices。A cleaner is a person who cleans buildings or other facilities.
Rice is a staple food made from grains。Bread is a baked food made from flour。water。and yeast。Beef is a type of meat that comes from cattle。Milk is a white liquid produced by female mammals。Water is a clear liquid that is esntial to life。An egg is an oval-shaped object laid by female birds or reptiles。Fish is a type of aquatic animal that is commonly eaten。Tofu is a soft。white food made from soybeans。Cake is a sweet desrt made from flour。sugar。and eggs。A hot dog is a type of sausage rved in a long。soft bun。A hamburger is a sandwich made with a beef patty and us toppings。French fries are thin。fried potato strips。A cookie is a small。sweet baked food。A biscuit is a small。dry baked food。Jam is a sweet spread made from fruit and sugar。Noodles are a type of food made from dough that is typically boiled and rved in a soup or sauce.