Agricultural Biotechnlogy 2021,10(3): 134 - 136Food Science
Formula Optimization of Wheat Germ Solid Beverage
Teng HOU 1* , Min ZHANG 2, Rul LIU 2, Yunjiao ZHAO 2, Chanchan SUN 2
Received : Janua — 23,2021 Accepted : March 29 , 2021
Teng HOU (1990 - ) , female , P. R. China , master , devoted to rearch about eood nuteition and peoce s ing"* Co e spondingauthoe"
1. Chongqing Agricultural Mechanization School , Chongqing 4041001 , China ;
2. Tianjin Univewity of Science and Technology , Tianjin 300202, China
Abstract # Objectives ] This study was conducted to develop a healO-eac product with smooth taste and high nuOition. # Methods ] With natuol wheat germ powder a Oe mln —i material and ma/odextln , white sugar , compound stabilizes and other mate/Ps a auxilia — mateials , the Houi of wheat germ solib bev- eoce wa optimized using nsory evlulion value as an index , through the mPturo expe/ment method id Hzzy mathematical yalysis. # Resplts ] The optiml Hou
i of wheat germ solid beverage was : suga 11.51% , maltodextrin 37. 89% , wheat geo powder 50% , compound stliizer 0.6% ( arabic gum 0.3%, xan- thaa gum 0. 3% ) , soya bean lecithin 0. 2% , ethyl maltol 0. 002% , and vanilin 0. 003%. # Conclusions ] This study provibes a theoretical basis Hr expanding the
makeOe/ented production and application of wheat geo.
Key worUs Wheat geo ; Sensory evalulion ; MPturo expe/ment ; Fuzzy mathematical analysis
Wheal germ is a by-p —ducl in the miOiny lour indust —, as wel l as the e snce of wheal , with a content of only 1.4% to
3. 9% #1]. As a nutltional healthy -bod raw mate/ai , w heal geo
also has certain degrees of anti-exidation , ipmune activity-imp —- viny, anti-cancer and blood pressure-lowering elitW 2].
Al prent , thie is little rearch and development on wheal
germ solid beveryes at home and abroad , and related rearch
mainly focus on the prervation of wheat geo , wheat germ oil , whea,geempeoein #3] and soon.Whea,geem iich in nu eiion and haeceieed moeeand moeeaen ion eeom eeaecheesin ee-
cent years , and the related rearch lelds have been expanding
and deepening. Solib beverages are convenient to caiy, easy to store , and simple to dink ⑷. This study was aimed to develop a
nutltional product with smooth taste and health-care binction using wheat germ as the main raw mateial , so as to expand the
market production and application of wheat germ.
Materials and Methods
Wheat geo , Shandong Fada lour mil l s ; arabic yum (Hod
grade ) , Henan Siyuan BiotechnoUyo Co. , Ltd. ; soybean lecithin
(Hod grade ) , Zhejiang Gaomao BPtechnoiyy Co. , Ltd. ; vanil
lin ,Yangjiany Baiyun Fivowchemistc Co. , Lth.
Wheat germ flour peparption Through prelimina — rearch on thensoe e e e ctsoedi e e eentbakingtime , bakingtempeeatuee
and wheat geo particle size on wheat geo solid beveryes , wheaf
yerm powder with a particle size of 140 mesh oven-baked a- 120 b
Hr 120 min was lected as the basic raw material.
Mixture design In the early stage , the elects of Hus diPecnt stabilizers , arabic gm , xanthan gm , caiayeenan and sodium al- yinatv , on the suspension pcpe/y of wheat germ solid powder
were studied in the preliminac stage. Among them , arabic yum
and xanthan yum had signiicant impacts on the stability of prepa ration , while carrageenan and sodium alUnato had little impacts. Therefore , the two stabilizers of arabic yum and xanthan yum we —
inliy lected and compounded into a composite stabilizes xc-
cordiny to a ratio of 1: 1.
Though the Design Expel 8. 0 statistical analysis sobware ,
the D-optimal mixture design in the mixture design was ud to
limit the popoOions of wheat geo , maltodextrin , white sugar ,
compound Wabilizes and other raw materials. The total weight pes-
centageoeeaeiouactoeswas100% , and thespecieiceangesweee
xs Hl i ws : 50% < wheat geo powder <70% , 10% < white sugar
< 30% , 15% < maltodextrin < 37% , 1% < composite stabilizes < 5% , soybean Ucithin 0. 2% , va
niiin 0. 003% , and ethyl mal tol 0. 002% . The mixture design of wheat germ powder solid bee-
iaye was inliy determined.
Fuzzy comprehensive nsory evaluation ReHr i ny to the QB/L 3623-1999 method , ten Hod indust — staff and students in
Hod major with nso — scoring expeienco were lected to evalu
ate the Hvos, smell , tissue state , mouthfeel and color Hliwiny
the scoring ois of the wobny inspection method in Table 1 #5].Table 1 Scoring rules of the scoring inspection method
Color (10 points )
一般现在时练习题及答案Golden 8-10
Lightbeown 6 -7Toodaek , daek beown <6
Smell (10 points )Wheat aroma , no raw lavos 8-10
Slightly weak aoma , slightly raw lavos 6-7
Raw lavos < 6
Dissolution (10 points )
Basically dXsolved 8-10
A little amount of insoluble solids 6-7More insoluble solibs <6
Fuzzy mathematical model establistmeet Establishment of
factor t F and comment t E : Hctos t F = ( color F1, tissue
state F2, mouthfeel F3, Havos F4} , and comment t E = ( poos E1, relatively poos E2, gener
al E3, relatively good E4, good E5} . Specifically , poos is 1 point , reitively poos is 2 points ,
general is 3 points , reitively good is 4 points , and good X 5
Teng HOU ei ci.Formula Optimization of Wheat Germ Sobb Beverage135
Establishment of weigh t X:The"0-4"evaluation method was adopted to determine the weight of each factor.First,10 peoee s ionaesaeeasked tocompaeetheimpoetanceoeeach eactoe paiewiand scoeeaccoedingtotheeeeatieeimpoetanceoethetwo factors.Speci/caOy,em important is4points;er unimportanf is0points;more important is3points;no-er important is1 point;and equa e y impoetanti2point.The10peoee6ionaepee-eoemed6coeing,and thetotae6coeeoeeach eactoeobtained wa6di-eided bythe6um oethetotae6coee6oea e eactoe6,and theee6uet wa6theweighteactoeoeeach eactoe.
E6tabeihmentoe6ingee-eactoeeeaeuation:A eu e y eeeation-6hip R eeom FtoEwa6ceeated eoeeach eeaeuated eactoe,theeeby obtainingtheeeaeuation6etoeeach eactoe.Themateii R wa6ob-tained aeteeeeaeuatingeach eactoe,thati,ba6ed on F i,theeeae-uation oeeach eactoewa6got,con6titutingthe i th eowin R,thati, R n&r p'!0n1!2,...,4;j n1!2, (5)
Compeehen6ieeeeaeuation:AeteeobtainingR and X,eu e y tens/matOn B二X•R was peAoned,—which X O the weight and R is the fuzzy matfa.X+R was the matfs composition, and thecomposition opeeation wasbad on themaiimummembee-ship principle.Then,/was nomalized to obtain B n(b'1,b'2, b'3,b'4,b'5}.The B value was the t of comments made by theeeaeuatoe6on the6en6oeyquaeityoeeood.Theeeaeuation oethe 6en6oeyquaeityoethepeoductwa6deteemined accoedingtothe maiimum membee6hip peincipee.Fina e y,thee6tabeihed modee wa6eeeieied.
In oedeetoeacieitate6ub6equenteipeeiment,thecompeehen-6iee6coeeoeB4coued becaecueated.Se t ingpooeto20point, eeeatieeeypooeto40point,geneeaeto60point,eeeatieeeygood to 80point,and good to100point,thecompeehen6iee6en6oey score was calculated accordin'to S=b、X20+b r2X40+b f3 x60+b‘4x80+b'5X100.
Resnds and Analysis
如何提高智力Determination of weight
In Tabee2,A ieae
*e and sme e,Bisti s uestate,Cis m*u theeee,and Disc
*e e.
Table2Relts of weight
No.A B C D Tool poinW 1957324 2957324 3867324 4688224 5947424 6947424 7679224 8797224 9599124 10776424
Total points75647428240 Accordin'to the cOtical deyrees of favor and smell,tissue state,moutheeeeand coeoe,eeaeuation wasca e i ed outin accoedance with theestabeished peocedueeoeeu e y eeaeuation,and theweights were obtained.The weight t X=(0.31,0.28,0.31,0.102was thusobtained,indicatingthattheeeaeoeand sme e and moutheeee had geeateeimpactson thequaeityoewheatgeem soeid beeeeage, eo e o wed byti s uestate,and coeoehad theeeastimpact. EstabUshment of Fuzzy Mathematical Model and Analysis and Evaluation of Signiqdnce
Theeu e y eeaeuation mateicesweeedeteemined accoedingto theeeaeuation eesuetsoetheeeaeuatoes,and theeeaeuation eesuets weeedieided bythetotaenumbeeoepeopee,gieing20eu e y matei-ces such as R g:
Wheeein githenumbeeoe6ampee61,2,3,…,20.Fu e y mathematicaeanaey6iwa6peeeoemed a6beeowtaking6ampeeNo.1 a6an eiampee:
Thecompeehen6ieeeeaeuation result was B n X•R,
10.31,0.28,0.31,0.102,and accordin'to the maximum membeehip peincipee,B1wa6deteemined.
Lv B二1b1,b2,b3,b4,b52,4二(0.31&0)V(0.28& 0)V(0.31&0.1)V(0.1&0.1)二0.1,b2n(0.31&0.2)V (0.28&0.4)V(0.31&0.5)V(0.1&0.2)二0.3,b3n(0.31 &0.5)V(0.28A0.3)V(0.31&0.3)V(0.1&0.14)n 0.31,b4 n(0.31A0.3)V(0.28A0.3)V(0.31A0.1)V (0.1A0.2)二0.3,b5n(0.31A0)V(0.28A0)V(0.31A0) V(0.1A0)n0,theeeeoee,B1n10.1,0.3,0.31,0.3,02. Theeeeoee,thecompeehensieensoeyscoeeS1oetheeiestgeoup oe products was S1二b1x20+b2x4
0+b g x 60+b q x80+b§x100 n56.6.Aeteenoemaeieation,theeu e y mathematicaeeaeuewa6 60.45.The6en6oeyeeaeuation eu e y mathematicaeeaeue6oethe 6pecieic1-20g eoup6o ewheat ge em6o eid beeeeage6aee6hown in Tabee3.
In oedeetoeeeieywhetheethemodeewa6eea6onabee,De6ign-Eipeet8.0wa6u6ed topeeeoem eineaeeegee6ion anaey6i on the datain Tabee3,obtainingtheeo o wingeegee6ion equation:R1n 21.93x A+31.49x/+48197.93x/+5.16D-5.95x AB-4911.33x AC+0.22AD-4741.91BC-4.06BD-4880.82/D. Quadeaticpoeynomiaeeegee s ion ei t ingwaspeeeoemed on Tabee3, obtainingtheeegee s ion coe e i cientand signieicanceoetheeegees-sion modee.Itcan been eeom Tabee3and Tabee4thatthe P eaeueoethemodeewae s than0.001,indicatingthatthemodee reyression was O—ificant,and R2n92.97%,R2 Adj二86.65%, indicatingthattheei t ingdegeeebetween theeipeeimentand the modeewashigh,and theeineaeeeeationship between theindepend-enteaeiabeeand theeesponeaeuewassignieicant.Theeeeoee,the modeecoued beud eoethetheoeeticaeanaeysisoethensoey quality of wheat-em solid bevera-e#6]
136A-ricu/urai BioOchnologe2021 id beverage
Table3MixHire deigc scheme and evaluatioc relt of wheat germ sod
sug%e Mf m dexOis
mathema/cshymen picture
vf u e
1 2.9958 1.5000 5.00000.303760.45
2 1.7668 1.9394 5.84180.251478.00
31 3.699550.155.88
4 1.040
5 3.262350.496862.68
5 1.8412 1.5 6.35830.175.40
6 1.1995 1.570.148.33
7 2.1425 1.5729 5.58420.569.92
8 1.0405 3.262350.496873.26
9 2.0874 2.612150.159.08
10 1.4765 2.4837 5.33930.572.48 111 2.5956 6.10390.167.82
12 1.7668 1.9394 5.84180.251480.00
13 1.3214 1.7922 6.18590.570.00
14 2.6372 1.5 5.56230.166.74 151 3.699550.166.29
16 1.1995 1.570.155.88
17 2.3557 1.998850.44549.58 181 1.6171 6.72050.461854.09
19 1.0879 3.0239 5.54870.13960.00
20 2.0874 2.612150.165.63
Table4Acalysis of vaeaccc and signiqdcd of mixiir expekmeqt re
Decree of
freedom (dS)square
;velue P velue
Model1437.907006239.65110023.254330<0.0001** AB92.02332192.0233208.9294010.0105*
B/124.432801124.43280012.0742300.0041** BD58.77172158.771720 5.7028610.0328* ResiVuol133.973501310.305650
Lack—Io108.08210813.510270 2.6090290.1529Nwi-Pun error25.891375 5.178274si—ificant Ootol1571.8800019
The optimol raw niateVal ratio of wheat gem solid bevera-e wo obtained usingthestatisticaeanaeysis
soetwaeeDesign-Eipeet8.0with the nsom evaluation o the respon value,namely,sugar11.51%, mOtodextSs37.89%,wheat gem powder50%,compound stabi-zer Editor:Yingzhi GUANG 0.6%(arabic gum0.3%,xanthan gum0.3%),soya bean lecitOs 0.2%,ethyemaetoe0.002%,and eani e i n0.003%,which weeeadopt-ed toeeeieytheaccueacyoethemodeepeediction.Itwasdeteemined thatthensoeyeeaeuation testeaeueoewheatgeemsoeid beeeeagewas 78,which was0.46di e eenteeomthepeedicted eaeue78.46,indica-tingthatthemodeecoued be t eeanaeyeeand peedictthensoeyquaeity oewheatgeemsoeid beeeeage.
Conclusions and Discussion
In thisstudy,theeoemueaoewheatgeempowdeesoeid beeee-aye was optimized by D-mixture design and fuzzy mathematics, eina e y obtainingtheoptimaeeoemueaoewheatgeemsoeid beeeeage:sugae11.51%,maetodeitein37.89%,wheatgeempowdee50%, compound stabieieee0.6%(aeabicgum0.3%,ianthan gum 0.3%),soya bean lecithin0.2%,ethyl maltol0.002%,and va-niin0.003%.
Thisstudypeoeidesatheoeetica-basioeeipandingthemae-ket-oeiented peoduction and app ication oewheatgeem,and peo-duction can beeipanded and eaeiousbeneeitscan beimpeoeed ac-ccndingly.
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Edoro:Yngzh GUANG Proofreader:Xnxiu ZHU