
更新时间:2023-07-22 06:55:41 阅读: 评论:0

Lesson 32  A Lost Ship 沉船之谜
New words and expression 生词和短语
salvage['sælvɪdʒ]n. 营救,救助,打捞(n.(对财物等的)抢救;抢救出的财物))  Rescue  save
1、vt ~ sth (from sth)打捞,营救(失事船舶等);抢救(失事船舶、火灾等中的财物)
2、vt 挽救;挽回(败局,声誉,自尊等)(从一个不好的境遇中脱出,或是不至于完全失败)
3、n 对财物(物资等)等的抢救
4、n 抢救出的财物
salvage goods from fire 从火中抢救货物
salvage the patient 拯救病人salvage your time 节省时间
salvage archaeology/boat/ money 抢救性的考古/营救船/救助的钱
词根:salvor ['sælvə;'sælvɔː]难船救助者;救难船(n. (遇难船只的)救助人员)
adj.  salvageable ['sælvədʒəbl]可抢救的;可打捞的;可挽回的;能利用的
n.    salvation 拯救;救助(救赎)
无线电讯号Mayday  “Mayday”一字原为“救我”的法语“m'aider”  必须连续呼叫三次
Save sb/sth from = rescue sb/sth from
Remedy ['remɪdɪ] vt&n  补救,纠正,解决办法
The coral a 珊瑚海大堡礁
South China Sea ///The south a of China
Caribbean Sea 加勒比海
Mediterranean Sea 地中海
Bering Sea 是太平洋沿岸最北的边缘海,海区呈三角形。北以白令海峡与北冰洋相通,南隔阿留申群岛与太平洋相联。
Sunken['sʌŋk(ə)n]沉没的(只能做定语)sink-sank-sunk  sink-sunk-sunken
sink(1) n. 水池,洗涤槽
(2) v. (sank, sunk) vt. 使下沉;挖,掘;使受挫vi.下沉,沉没;下陷,(日、月)落下;降低,衰退
[ 过去式sank或sunk(不太常用)过去分词sunk或sunken 现在分词sinking ]做定语只用sunken. 而过去分词的普通用法, 既可以用sunk也可以用sunken,一般来讲用sunk.
表示状态时(沉没的)用sunken    a sunken ship表示动作时(被击沉或沉没)用sunk The ship had sunk.
sunken  沉掉的,水底的
sinkable 易沉的,可沉的
◆be sunk in sth: 陷入(某种情绪)…..
◆one's heart sink: 感到失望
◆sink into sth: 陷入……;渐渐……
cargo n.货物(一般是轮船或飞机)运输环节常用的一词
2、货轮,货机飞行员之眼,German cargo
a cargo plane 货机  a cargo ship  货船  a cargo train 货车
cargo : the goods carried by ship, plane or vehicle (通常用于船运)
The ship has a cargo of 1000 tons.
cargo vesl 货船
goods: 商品或货品things that are produced to be sold。2、(铁路或公路)运载的货物
a goods train 货物列车Trains are ud to carry goods and pasngers. 火车是用来运送货物和旅客的。Bullion  n. 大量的金(或银);金(或银)条(金银;纯金;金银块)
scour  ['skaʊə]vt.彻底搜查scour : go through
1、vt ~ sth (for sb/sth) (彻底地)搜寻,搜查,翻找(go through, turn inside out, arch thoroughly)
2、vt ~ sth (out)(用粗糙的物体、用力)擦净,擦亮,
3、vt ~ sth (away/out) | ~ sth (from/out of sth) (费力地) 擦洗;洗涤;冲洗;(水、溪流)冲刷成;冲刷出The hou has been arched/scoured for the hidden bullions. 整个房子都被彻底找过了。
arch 指寻找丢失的东西或被认为是存在的东西比look for 更正式
I have been arching everywhere but I can’t find the key.
hunt  指漫无边际的寻找急需的东西We spent a week hunting for the puma.
scour  表示彻底的搜查一个特定的范围并暗示花费巨大的力气They scour the woods for the child.
三个词的共同特点:arch/scour/hunt都可以+ for 表示目的
chest [tʃest]n.箱子(常为木质的大箱子)(本意是“胸部,胸膛”,引申出“储物箱”)
chest: a large strong box in which valuable objects are kept
ca(总称)/ suitca  (手提相) / safe(保险箱)/ trunk(汽车尾箱)/ dustbin(垃圾箱)
Contents  重音第一个音节(复数)所装的东西
Content  n. 内容,(书的)目录ca ta logue;满足;容量含量adj. 满意的vt. 使满足
contented  满足的;心安的
contentment 满足;满意
content 内容;
contrast ['kɒntrɑːst]名词读作ˈkɒntræst。动词读作kənˈtrɑːst。对比,差异;
vi. 对比;形成对照vt. 使对比;使与…对照with n. 对比;差别;对照物in contrast to 与什么不同context 上下文['kɒntekst]
contest  比赛,竞赛;名词读作ˈkɒntɛst。动词读作kənˈtɛst。六年级家长会发言稿
belongings [bə'lɔŋɪŋz](复数)所有物
Posssion  n.所有物-- What I posss is valuable.= My posssions are valuable.
Belonging  n.随身携带物, 附属品, 附件
Item['aɪtəm] n 物件(一些物品中的一项)因为突出了一件,所以可以加s
n. 条款,项目;一则,一条(新闻);一件商品(或物品)
项目条款one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about
1)a single thing among esp. part of a list (一组事情或一清单上)一项
news item 一项新闻
2) 经常指成套的物件里一件
an item of furniture  一件家具/a piece of furniture      a t of furniture  一套家具
3) 条款,项目
an investment item 投资项目items of business  经营的项目contract items合同条约(条款)
Cruir  ['kruːzə]巡洋舰
Vesl  [‘vesl] n.轮船, 大木船(非常正式的表达方式, 用于文学体中, 可以代替ship、boat)
-- a fishing vesl  /  a sailing vesl帆船
Ship  n.大船;舰艇
Boat  n.小船, 艇(比ship小, 在非正式的场合可以替换)-- a fishing boat
Lifeboat  raft  dinghy  canoe  warship  submarine  liner
aircraft carrier  destroyer驱逐舰Battleship战列舰cruir巡洋舰[kru:z r]  frigate [‘frɪɡət] (小型)护卫舰crui [kru:z]乘船游览;以平稳的速度行驶; 巡行
find n.找到的物品. : sth good or valuable
The little restaurant is quite a find.    The garden is a good findied是什么意思
Log book航海日志
journal  日报;日志,日记(diary);定期刊物,期刊(多指学术或专业团体出版的刊物或学报)
piece v. 拼成整体(vt. 修补;接合;凑合)同义词:asmble
piece  n. : part
a piece of cake / a piece of news
v. : put parts together to form a whole
piece together 拼凑They piece the log book together. 他们把航海日记拼凑在一起
翊赞Piece up : 修补,拼合Plea piece up the dress. 请把裙子缝补一下Piece a quilt. 拼缝一下被子reconstruct
1) to produce a complete description or of sth that happened or of sth that happened by putting together pieces of information.  (由部分资料,信息)推想,设想,重塑,重现,重演
eg. Police are trying to reconstruct the events of last Friday.
2) to rebuild sth that has been destroyed or damaged 重建,重塑
reconstruct a statue  reconstruct the distant past    reconstruct a ruined city
Convoy  ['kɒnvɒɪ]n. 护航(n. 护送;护卫;护航队vt. 护航;护送)
in a convoy护航under a convoy被护航
escort ['eskɔt] n. 护卫者,护卫队
(a person or a group of people, often in ships or aircraft , going with another as a guard or as an honor)
under escort 在…的护卫(监督)之下(protected by an escort)
eg. The suspect arrived under armed escort.
deport under escort 押解出境
escort  n. 押钞车
escort  v. [Is’kɔt] 护送
escort my friend home送我朋友回家
torpedo  [tɔː'piːdəʊ]用鱼雷攻击tornado 龙卷风
n. 鱼雷,水雷;信号雷管;掼炮;油井爆破筒;电鳐
keyboardspeedv. 用鱼雷袭击;彻底破坏,完全摧毁
submarine n. 潜水艇  a nuclear submarine
1.表示下如:subway(地铁)/substructure(下层建筑)/subsoil(下层土)/ subnormal(低于正常的)2.表示次、准、亚如:subtropics(亚热带)/ sub college(准大学)/ sub continent(次大陆)(相对独立,一般指南亚次大陆,印度巴基斯坦,因为喜马拉雅山)
3.表示副、分支、下级、下属如:subeditor(副编辑)/ subagent(副代理人)/subhead (副标题)/ sub office(分办事处)副的associate professor副教授associate director 副导演
4.表示接近的如:subadult(接近成年的)/ sub teen (13以下) / subequal(接近相等的,约等于)5.表示再如:subdivide(再分)/ sublet(转租)/subculture(再培养)
naval ['neɪv(ə)l]  a. 海军的(海军的,军舰的)
navy  army  air force
naval port 军港naval power 制海权navigate v 航海,航行navigation 航海术
navigator 导航,领航员,航海家navigable ['nævɪgəb(ə)l]可航行的,适航的
ministry['mɪnɪstrɪ]n. (政府的)部门[复数ministries]    美式英语一般是department
minister ['mɪnɪstə]n. 部长;大臣
the ministry of defen国防部ministry of commerce商务部ministry of communication交通部
n.(政府的)部门同义词division , department ,
Department of Defen美国国防部the department of state国务院
navy  n. 海军
voyage  n. 海上航行
navigation  n. 航海术
navigate  v. 航海,航行
Text 课文
The salvage operation had been a complete failure.
Operation  1、行动(经组织策划的)2、商业公司3、手术4、作业(building operation)
5、器械或设备运转中(be in operation短语)
6、开始实施(come into operation短语)
Operation Barbarossa 巴巴罗萨Operation Overlord 霸王行动
Complete 完全的,彻底的(生活中用的比较多)
a complete failure.      a complete victory全胜  a complete idiot十足的白痴  a complete surpri十分的惊喜
The small ship, Elkor, which had been arching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.
定语从句。Which 指代the small ship, Elkor
A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship’s captain instructing him to give up the arch..
=The captain had received a radio message from the mainland instructing him to give up the arch.。
背熟这句话。在这句话中,instructing进一步说明a radio message的内容。
kiddlebaidithe editor nt a fax to the journalist instructing him to get statistics.
Mainland  n. 大陆;本土adj. 大陆的;本土的有相对原理本土的国土
mainland china 中国大陆;中国内地chine mainland 中国大陆
exclave  ['ekskleɪv]飞地梵蒂冈摩纳哥(法国)阿拉斯加加里宁格勒
mandarin  ['mænd(ə)rɪn] (中国)普通话;(旧中国的)官员sharapova
Cantone  [,kæntə'ni:z]n. 广东人;广东话
The captain knew that another attempt would be made later, for the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion.
make (another) attempt 再一次尝试
Make an attempt to do sth (正式)try to do sth(口语)try doing  try once more
knew that another attempt to be made…被动语态减少主观色彩
Fallen leaves (have fallen)retired worker (has retired)  returned sheep(have returned)
Despite the message, the captain of the Elkor decided to try once more.
despite = in spite of
despite + n/ doing/ the fact that…
前面出现过4次,直接接宾语的。Despite her age, ~ the new tunnel, ~ its immensity, ~ this
in disregard o f不顾,忽视,漠视in spite of / despite / in contempt of /~~regardless of 不顾,不管
He did the work in disregard of my instructions.他不顾我的指示而继续做这项工作。
总体而言,disregard主观感情更重一些,其次是in contempt of也有主观感情,despite系列则相对客观try once more 代替make another attempt 为了避免重复
The a bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raid from the bottom.
The a bed  海床,即海的底部,也叫海底bottom  river bed 河床
Searching the abed need a lot of time and energy. 所以我们用的动词是scour,语气要比ach 强烈。There was tremendous excitement on board 是以抽象的兴奋,说明甲板上的人

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