To the Managerterminate
Our Ref Office
Date:Dear Sirs,
A/C (Customer's Name)
皮肤美白方法Plea confirm the position by completing the ction headed "Bankers' Confirmation" on the final page of this request.
英语课件免费下载Tel :86-755-8258 4500Fax :86-755-8258 4508
You are hereby authorid to debit any balance for this rvice to our account number _________________________________________.
Your faithfully,brushed
特梅尔(Authorid Signature/s and Chop)
In t of 5 pages
For the purpos of our annual audit plea complete the attached form to show the following information relating to our affairs with your bank as at the clo of business on __________________________________. For each item, plea state any factors which may limit the completeness of your reply; if there is nothing to report, state "none".
You are hereby authorid to return this request after completion and together with any remarks you may have to our auditors, Messrs. BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP of 16/F, Block A, China Investment International Business Center, 1061 Xiangmei Road, Shenzhen, 518034, China.
It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect of your General Lien as Bankers.
1 Alternatively, banks may complete this ction by attaching the relevant bank facility letters. Any relevant information not included in such letters should be parately included above.
2 Common examples of guarantees include financial guarantees, advance payment guarantees, shipping guarantees and performance bond, bid bond and retention bond guarantees. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms ud in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the guarantee is not readily apparent.
3 Common examples of derivative contracts/ structured product contracts include forward rate agreements, option contracts, futures contracts, swap arrangements, bullion contracts, commodity contracts and structured products. Banks are recommended to provide additional explanatory notes for the items or terms ud in the bank confirmation, where the nature of the derivative contract / structured product contract is not readily apparent.