View Current Gold List
Monday 6th December, 2010
© The London Bullion Market Association, 2010
The following is a list of refiners of gold who large bars were found to meet the required standard when originally tested.
Inclusion in this list does not constitute or imply any reprentation or warranty by the LBMA as to creditworthiness or as to the rvices or goods supplied or quality or compliance with any specification relating thereto. No liability for direct or conquential loss, howsoever caud, whether by negligence or otherwi, whether by u of this list or reliance thereon, is accepted by the LBMA.
If a bar bears more than one assay stamp, the lowest figure will be taken.
Western Australian Mint trading as The Perth Mint — Newburn, first listed 29.3.10
Current mark: THE PERTH MINT, AUSTRALIA with stylid swan logo in rounded rectangle.
Umicore SA Business Unit Precious Metals Refining — Hoboken, first listed 1930 (estimated)
Current mark: umicore and company logo above the word HOBOKEN and 9999 in square. Separate logo in small square to right showing JDJ with bird above.
AngloGold Ashanti Mineração Ltda — Nova Lima, first listed 21.3.86
Umicore Brasil Ltda — Guarulhos, first listed 11.12.92
Current mark: umicore and company logo above the word BRASIL
Johnson Matthey Limited — Brampton, first listed 15.6.61
Current mark: JM and corsd hammers in diamond surrounded by JOHNSON MATTHEY, and JM Ltd Canada Assay Office in oval
Royal Canadian Mint — Ottawa, first listed 1919 (estimated)
Current mark: ROYAL CANADIAN MINT and MONNAIE ROYALE CANADIENNE in maple leaf logo with four digit year mark. Landscape layout.
Xstrata Canada Corporation — Montréal, first listed 1.1.56
Current mark: MONTREAL - EAST with CCR before bar number
The Great Wall Gold and Silver Refinery of China — Chengdu, first listed 2.10.61
Current mark: GREAT WALL GOLD & SILVER REFINERY (Roman and Chine characters) in oval around CHINA, plus Great Wall logo and circular assay al.
Inner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Company Limited —
Huhhot, first listed 1.12.99
Current mark: Hor’s head logo surrounded by QIANKUN GOLD AND SILVER (Roman and Chine characters) and assay mark with Chine characters for Inner Mongolia, China in Chine characters and CHINA in Roman characters
Jiangxi Copper Company Limited — Guixi City, first listed 30.08.05
Current mark: JCC under metal loop logo and GUYIE
The Refinery of Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd — Laizhou City, first listed 14.1.10
Current mark: Circile surrounded by TAISHAN in Roman and Chine characters within a square comprising four stylid S’s.
Shandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co Ltd — Zhaoyuan City, first listed 13.12.07
Current mark: Triangle with two interlocking half circles and ZHAOJIN in Chine characters within the triangle.
Zhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold Corporationsafetess — Sanmexia City, first listed 28.03.06
Current mark: Circular logo round Chine character with CHN GOLD below.
Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd — Shanghang , first listed 31.03.06
feikCurrent mark: Double crescent logo with ZIJIN MINING in Roman and Chine characters. Circular assay mark with ZIJIN MINING in Roman and Chine characters.
Allgemeine Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt A.G公务员考试常识题. — Pfrozheim, first listed 08.04.08
姿态的意思Current mark: Allgemeine above circle within a circle logo
Aurubis AG (formerly Norddeutsche Affinererie AG) — Hamburg, first listed before 1934
Current mark: Aurubis with triangle logo consisting of three gold bars.
W.C. Heraeus GmbH — Hanau, first listed 15.7.58
buenos airesCurrent mark: Heraeus Hanau in rectangle
Hong Kong
Heraeus Ltd Hong Kong — Fanling, first listed 23.01.06
Current mark: Heraeus Hong Kong within rectangle
Metalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd — Kwai Chung, first listed 15.08.01
Current mark: METALOR with assay mark M over HK within an inverted triangle and ASSAYERS and MELTERS along the sloping sides of the triangle.
PT Aneka Tambang (Perro) Tbk — Jakarta, first listed 1.1.99cat怎么读>the wrong hole
Current mark: LM logo in pentagon and REFINER ASSAYER INDONESIA ANTAM LOGAM MULIA in oval.
Chimet SpA — Arezzo, first listed 27.7.96
Current mark: Stylid Chimet and TRATTAMENTO METALLI PREZIOSI BADIA AL PINO AT in oval
Asahi Pretec Corp — Kobe City, first listed 12.09.08
Current mark: AKK within a horizontal diamond
Ishifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd. — Soka, first listed 30.6.82
Current mark: ISHIFUKU TOKYO MELTERS and ISHIFUKU TOKYO ASSAY OFFICE in perate circles around a Japane ‘Bun’ character
Japan Mint — Osaka, first listed 13.12.07
Current mark: JAPANESE MINT OSAKA in Japane and Roman script in oval around leaf symbol
JX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd — Saganoki, first listed 3.5.00
Current mark: Hollow circle above NSS in two areas, one larger version and smaller with NIPPON MINING at right. The date of production is shown as the first two digits of the bar mark.
Matsuda Sangyo Co. Ltd - Iruma, first listed 11.1.00
Current mark: MATSUDA TOKYO ASSAYER-MELTER in oval around stylid M
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation — Kagawa, first listed 20.5.81
Current mark: Three diamonds mark, and three diamonds mark with ASSAYER MELTER in rectangle
Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. — Takehara, first listed 20.5.81 nyk
Current mark: Logo consisting of three horizontal lines inside diamond inside circle.
Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. — Toyo, Saijo, first listed 17.6.81
Current mark: Sumitomo logo (diamond shape with indents on each edge and corner with a small diamond in the centre.)
Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. — Hiratsuka, first listed 7.9.78
Current mark: TANAKA TOKYO MELTERS around logo and TANAKA TOKYO ASSAY OFFICE around Japane character.
Tokuriki Honten Co., Ltd. — Shobumachi, first listed 2.7.81
Current mark: TOKURIKI TOKYO MELTERS ASSAYERS in circle round Japane ‘Toku’ character