The tale opens with the unnamed narrator arriving at the hou of his boyhood friend, Roderick Usher, having received a letter from him in a distant part of the country complaining of an illness and asking for his help. Although Poe wrote this short story before the invention of modern psychological science, Roderick's symptoms can be described according to its terminology. They include hyperesthesia (hypernsitivity to light, sounds, smells, and tastes), hypochondria (an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a rious illness), and acute anxiety. It is revealed that Roderick's twin sister, Madeline, is also ill and falls into cataleptic, death-like trances. The narrator is impresd with Roderick's paintings, and attempts to cheer him by reading with him and listening to his improvid mu
sical compositions on the guitar. Roderick sings "The Haunted Palace", then tells the narrator that he believes the hou he lives in to be ntient, and that this ntience aris from the arrangement of the masonry and vegetation surrounding it.
Roderick later informs the narrator that his sister has died and insists that she be entombed for two weeks in a vault (family tomb) in the hou before being permanently buried. The narrator helps Roderick put the body in the tomb, and he notes that Madeline has rosy cheeks, as some do after death. They inter her, but over the next week both Roderick and the narrator find themlves becoming increasingly agitated for no apparent reason. A storm begins. Roderick comes to the narrator's bedroom, which is situated directly above the vault, and throws open his window to the storm. He notices that the tarn surrounding the hou ems to glow in the dark, as it glowed in Roderick Usher's paintings, although there is no lightning.
The narrator attempts to calm Roderick by reading aloud The Mad Trist, a novel involving a knight named Ethelred who breaks into a hermit's dwelling in an attempt to escape an astuff是什么意思
opencircuiterror是什么意思pproaching storm, only to find a palace of gold guarded by a dragon. He also finds hanging on the wall a shield of shining brass of which is written a legend: that the one who slays the dragon wins the shield. With a stroke of his mace, Ethelred kills the dragon, who dies with a piercing shriek, and proceeds to take the shield, which falls to the floor with an unnerving clatter.
As the narrator reads of the knight's forcible entry into the dwelling, cracking and ripping sounds are heard somewhere in the hou. When the dragon is described as shrieking as it dies, a shriek is heard, again within the hou. As he relates the shield falling from off the wall, a reverberation, metallic and hollow, can be heard. Roderick becomes increasingly hysterical, and eventually exclaims that the sounds are being made by his sister, who was in fact alive when she was entombed and that Roderick knew that she was alive. The bedroom door is then blown open to reveal Madeline standing there. She falls on her brother, and bot
h land on the floor as corps. The narrator then flees the hou, and, as he does so, notices a flash of light causing him to look back upon the Hou of Usher, in time to watch it break in two, the fragments sinking into the tarn.
edit Analysis
"The Fall of the Hou of Usher" was published widely in the September 1839 issue of Burton's Gentleman's Magazine.
"The Fall of the Hou of Usher" is considered the best example of Poe's "totality", where every element and detail is related and relevant.[1]
The theme of the crumbling, haunted castle is a key feature of Horace Walpole's Castle of Otranto, a late 18th Century novel which largely contributed in defining the Gothic genre.
The article written by Walter Evans "'The Fall of the Hou of Usher' and Poe's Theory of the Tale," reprinted in Short Story Criticism, says the hou and the tting are really a reflection of Roderick Usher. As described in "The Fall of the Hou of Usher," could symbolize the "'bleak' cheeks, huge eyes ... 'rank' and slightly bushy mustache, and perhaps even 'white trunks of decayed' teeth" of Usher.
emme"The Fall of the Hou of Usher" shows Poe's ability to create an emotional tone in his work, specifically feelings of fear, doom, and guilt.[2] The emotions center on Roderick Usher who, like many Poe characters, suffers from an unnamed dia. Like the narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart", his dia caus his hyperactive ns. The illness manifests physically but is bad in Roderick's mental or even moral state. He is sick, it is suggested, becau he expects to be sick bad on his family's history of illness and is, therefore, esntially a hypochondriac.[3] Similarly, he buries his sister alive becau he expects to bury her alive, creating his own lf-fulfilling prophecy.
The Hou of Usher, itlf doubly referring both to the actual structure and the family, pla
leftys a significant role in the story. It is the first "character" that the narrator introduces to the reader, prented with a humanized description: its windows are described as "eye-like" twice in the first paragraph. The fissure that develops in its side is symbolic of the decay of the Usher family and the hou "dies" along with the two Usher siblings. This connection was emphasized in Roderick's poem "The Haunted Palace" which ems to be a direct reference to the hou that foreshadows doom.[4]