货物正确技术名称 Correct technical of the goods | 制冷剂四氟乙烷 | 商业名称 Trade name 四氟乙烷 | R134A | 生产单位签章(包括生产单位主管部门) Manufacturer’s al ( including administrative department of manufacturer ) 杭州艾尔柯制冷剂科技有限公司 | |
ETHANE,1,1,1,2-TETRAFLUORO-HFC-134a) | practical|||||
联合国编号英语培训心得/国内危规编号 | UN:3159 Class: 2.2 | 主要成分(分子式) 英语四六级报名入口官网Main components (formula) | 四氟乙烷(CH2FCF3)什么事英文 | terrorism||
理化性质和主要危险性 * Physical and chemical properties and main hazards. | 无色无味液化气体,沸点:-26.1℃,比重:1.207,饱和蒸气压力(韩语你好25℃):0.665Mpa 不燃。遇火或赤热表面会分解出剧毒的氟化氢。若遇高热,容器内压增大,有开裂和爆炸的危险。 | 鉴定单位意见:(可付相关证明代替) Remarks by testing organization | |||
产品用途 Purpos of the product | 可作制冷剂替代 CFC-12treatment是什么意思 | nick zano||||
包装方法 * * Packaging | 二片气雾罐,340g/瓶,30瓶/纸箱 | ||||
船舶装运安全措施与注意事项 Safety measures and precautions for carriage by ships. | 不燃压缩气体。储存于阴凉、通风仓间内。远离火种、热源。防止阳光直射。应与氧气、压缩空气、氧化剂等分开存放。配备相应品种和数量的灭火器。 | 托运单位: Shipper | |||
急救措施 Emergency medical treatment. | 迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。注意保暖,保持呼吸道通畅。呼吸困难时给输氧。呼吸停止时,立即进行人工呼吸。就医。 | ||||
灭火方法 Method for fire fighting. | 雾状水,干粉、二氧化碳。 | 托运日期: Date of shipping | |||
撒漏处理方法 Method to deal with leakage. | 迅速撤离泄漏污染区人员至上风处,并进行隔离,严格限制出入。应急处理人员戴自给式呼吸器,穿一般作业工作服。尽可能切断泄漏源,合理通风,加进扩散。 | ||||
注:*单一物质注明分子式,混合物注明主要成分。 性质应包括状态、色、味、比重、熔点、闪点、爆炸极限、中毒最大浓度、致死量及危险程度、并附技术检验部门的检查报告。 该种货物本身危害特性和与其它货物的相容性,说明在遇到某种货物时易发生的危险。 Formula should be indicated for a single substance and main components for a mixture. Properties should include state, color, odour, melting point, flash point, explosion limits, poisonous concentration, LD50/LC50 The testing reports issued by technical inspection organizations should be attached. Compatibility between the cargo and others; description of the danger of the cargo in contact with others. * * 包装方法应说明包装的材质、状态、厚度、封口、内部衬物、外部加固情况及单位重量等。 Packaging should include: material, state, thickness, closure, inner lining, outer curing and unit weight. | |||||
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