Lesson Ten The Trial That Rocked the World
sweltering adj. being uncomfortably hot; suffering from the heat 热得难受的
例:a sweltering climate 闷热的气候
counl n. a lawyer or group of lawyers giving advice about legal matters and reprenting clients in court. 辩护律师,法律参谋
例:The court heard the counl for both sides. 法庭听取了双方律师的陈述。
silver-tongued adj. eloquent, persuasive 雄辩的,有口才的
orator n. person who makes formal speeches in public; person who is good at public speaking. 演说者,演说家
例:a fine political orator 优秀的政治演说家
nominee n. person who is nominated for an office, a position, etc. 被提名的候选人,被任命之人
testify v. give evidence; declare as a witness, esp. in court 提供证据,作证
例:The teacher testified to the boy’s honesty. 老师证明那孩子很老实。/Two witness testified against her and one in her favour. 有两个证人的证词对她不利,另一个人的对她有利。
同义词:verify, confirm, prove
verify指通过调查或者与可弄清的事实的比拟来证明某事是对的,如:The driver’s report of the accident was verified by eye-witness.〔这位司机的事故报告由目睹者加以证实。〕confirm 冉维指证实某些不确定的事情,消息或谣言是真的,如:The hotel confirmed our rervation by telegram.〔那家旅馆打来电报证实我们已预订了房间。〕 prove在线翻译网页指用足够的证据来确证某事是否真实,如:I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.〔我将向你们证明这个证人是非常不可靠的。〕testify指作证,尤指正式在法庭上作证。
反义词:contradict, dispute, doubt
jury n. group of people in a law court who have been chon to listen to the facts in a ca and to decide whether the accud person is guilty or not guilty 陪审团
例:Seven men and five women sat on the jury. 陪审团由七男五女组成。
erupt v. burst forth or out, as from restraint 迸发,爆发,喷出;break out suddenly and violently 突然发生
new beetle
例:The demonstration erupted into violence. 示威游行中突然出现了武斗。
同义词:explode, burst
这些词都指仿佛由于某种内部力量而突然猛烈的爆发,翻开或是分开。explode指物理现象,气体的突然膨胀着火,以及相当大的能量释放的一刹那。它从爆发这种意义来讲,比其它词都要猛烈,声响更大,如:A bomb exploded at a distance.〔炸弹在很远的地方爆炸了。〕explode还可用于比喻,指一种情感的突然释放,如:explode with laughter〔哄
然大笑〕/explode with anger〔勃然大怒〕;burst在指爆炸或别离的意义上比explode用得更广泛;erupt在字面和比喻意义上都指突然发生或爆发,和深圳游学burst一样,指在一个受限制的空间和条件下发生。
反义词:implode, suck in
clash 研究生英语听说教程 n. rious difference; conflict 抵抗,冲突,对立
例:a clash of personalities 个性的宏大差异
a clash between two class 两节课在时间上的冲突。
fundamentalism n. (in Christian thought) belief that the Bible is literally true and should form the basis of religious thought or practice 原教旨主义〔认为?圣经?的经文翔实无误,应构成宗教的理论或理论的根底。〕
legislature n. body of people with the power to make and change laws 立法机关
prohibit v. forbid sth. or sb. from doing sth. esp. by laws, rules or regulations 制止,不准
例:a regulation to prohibit parking in the city center 制止在市中心停车的规定
同义词:forbid, ban, interdict
prohibit是指发布正式命令或制定一些官方的法令来制止某事,准备采取某种约束力来促使法令的施行,如:In our country, bigamy is prohibited by law.〔我国法律规定不允许重婚。〕出国 留学 forbid没有prohibit正式,指下令制止某人做某事或不让某事发生,不过此禁令一般指非法定的,但希望别人遵照执行。如:Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall.〔音乐厅内不许吸烟。〕ban和interdict指禁令,是宗教或法律用语。
反义词:permit, endor
legality n. state of being legal 合法性
例:The legality of this action will be decided by the United Nations.这一行动的合法性将由结合国裁定。
anticipate v. expect (sth.); e (what is going to happen or what needs to be done) and act accordingly 期望,意料〔某事〕,预见某事发生
例:We anticipated that the demand is likely to increa. 我们意料需求可能会增加。
expect 指有一定的根据预见或期待某事一定会发生,也可指在心理状态的等待,是肯定性较强的常用词,如:There is still no news from her but we expect a letter soon.〔尽管仍然没有她的消息,但我们意料很快有信来。〕 anticipate指事先预感将要发生什么事,强调情绪上的表现,并不含有一定的根据,不像expect那样常用,如:I anticipate great pleasure from my visit to Europe.〔我意料欧洲之行会非常愉快。〕
indict v. accu sb. officially (of sth.); charge sb. 就某事控告起诉,揭发某人
例:He was indicted for murder.他被控杀人。
同义词:accu, charge
正式或非正式的指控,如:She accud him of having broken his word.〔她指责他食言。〕 charge指在法律上正式的指控或指对某种违背公共准那么的行为进展非正式的指责,如:The candidate charged his opponent with evasion of the basic issues.〔这个候选人指责他的对手回避根本问题。〕 indict是法律术语,指正式地指控某人,并使之出庭在陪审团或法官面前。
procute v. bring a criminal charge against sb. in a court of law 检举;揭发某人,对某人提起公诉
例: He was procuted for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速行车而被起诉。
festoon v. decorate with festoons 给…饰以花彩
例:a room festooned with paper streamers 饰有纸带花彩的房间
sprout v. begin to grow or appear rapidly 迅速出现,生长
例:new buds sprouting on the trees 树上长出的嫩芽
rickety adj. weak or shaky, likely to fall or collap 不牢靠的,摇摇欲坠的.
例:a rickety shelter for the bikes 摇摇欲坠的自行车棚
evangelist n. preacher of the Gospel. esp. one who travels around holding religious meetings
exhort v. advi sb. strongly or earnestly 劝告,奉劝
例:The chairman exhorted the party workers to action. 主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动。
同义词:arou, provoke
arou专指唤醒式翻开人的眼界去注意某种向势或观点,如:His suspicions were again
aroud.〔这再一次引起了他的疑心。〕而provoke不一定是这样的,甚至也不常指有意的企图,相反它可以指自发的反响,如:The slur provoked a sharp resort.〔诽谤激起了一阵猛烈的还击。〕,provoke 可以用来表示激起某种情绪;exhort指热切地催促,他表示用强调的富于感情的论点或者通过唤起同情心和良知来努力劝某人采取行动,如:The nator exhorted his colleagues to vote against the motion.〔参议员力劝他的同事们对这个动机投反对票。〕