Unit 2 Developing the Marketing Mix
warming-up 常识预习
卫衣1.Go to KFC and order a sandwich. Note the questions you are asked and obrve how special orders are handled. Next, go to Pizza Hut or McDonald’s and order a hamburger or a pizza. Consider the differences you saw. Did you obrve any significant differences in how orders are handled? Do you think the restaurants have different marketing concepts?
2.Imagine you were a CEO of Coca-Cola, what kind of marketing strategy you will develop to compete with Pepsi Colajohn lenon?
3.What is the newest market for Lining? In which markets does Nike ll well?
4.Why do you think IBM is a successful company? What other successful computer companies do you know? Why are they successful?
5.What products do you think of when you e the brands?
lya. Google b. Sony c. Kappa d. Nokia
6.What is your favorite advertiment? Why do you like it?
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Developing the Marketing Mix
Today’s companies are struggling in a war zone of rapidly changing competitors, technological process, new laws, managed trade policies and diminishing customer loyalty. They must keep racing in spite of no permanent “winner”. It is urgent and critical t
would like的用法hat today’s companies reconsider their business mission and u their marketing strategies as a weapon.
What Is Marketing?
Marketing is the business function that identifies customer needs and wants, determines target markets and designs appropriate products, rvices and programs to effectively rve the markets. More than any other business functions, it deals with customers. Thus, the marketers must shift their ideas from pursuing a sale to creating a customer. Past marketing has been largely transaction-oriented or cost-driven; today’s marketing is more market-focud and customer-driven. In vigorously competitive marketplace, the goal of modern marketing is to win customers and retain customer loyalty through satisfying customer needs and creating superior customer value.
What does the term marketing mean? Various definitions have been given by different scholars. The one given by Prof. Philip Kolter is the most famous. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want
through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others.
Marketing Management Philosophies
What philosophy should guide marketing efforts? What weights should be given to the interests of the organization, customers and society? The following five concepts orient organizations to conduct their marketing activities.
The production concept. It holds that consumers will prefer products that are available and affordable and that management should concentrate on improving production and effective distribution. The concept is one of the oldest concepts that guide llers. Two types of situations are suitable to the philosophy. The first occurs where the demand for a product exceeds the supply. The cond is where the product’s cost is high and should be cut down by the way of improved productivity to expand the market.
go overThe product concept. It is bad on the idea that customers will favor tho products with best quality, performance and innovative features, and that the organization should t
herefore focus their energy on product improvements. The concept leads to “marketing myopia”.
知识就是力量英文The lling concept. It suppos that customers will not buy enough of the organization’s products unless it engages in the hard lling and the heavy promotion effort. Most firms adopt the concept when they have overcapacity. Their aim is to ll what they make rather than make what the market wants.
The marketing concept. I英语译汉语t holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do. Many successful and famous companies have adopted the marketing concept, such as KFC and Disney. They start with a well-defined market, focus on customer needs, coordinate all the marketing activities affecting customers, and make profits by creating long-term customer relationships bad on customer value and satisfaction.
km是什么意思The societal marketing concept. It expands on the marketing concept by stressing that
the organization should deliver the desired customer 体育用品 英文satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves the customer’s and society’s well-being. It calls upon companies to balance three considerations in tting their marketing policies, company profits, consumer wants and society’s interests.
The Marketing Mix
Once a company has decided on its overall competitive marketing strategy, it is ready to begin planning its marketing mix. Marketing mix is the t of controllable tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the respon it wants in the target market. It is known as the “four Ps”: product, price, place and promotion.
Product It is defined as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, u or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. Products include more than just tangible goods. Broadly defined, they include physical objects, rvices, persons, places, organizations, or ideas. Product planners need to think about the product on three levels: core products, actual products, augmented products. The core pr
oduct stands at the center of the total product. It consists of the problem-solving rvices or core benefits that consumers ek when they buy a product. The product planner must next build an actual product around the core product. They may have as many as five characteristics: a quality level, features, design, a brand name, and packaging. Finally, the product planner must build an augmented product around the core and actual products by offering additional consumer rvices and benefits.