president linton:
sharpratiothank ou hairmen ren, vie president hi, vie minister ei. e are delighted to be here toda ith a ver large amerian delegation, inluding the first lad and our daughter, ho is a student at stanford, one of the shools ith hih beijing universit has a relationship. e have six members of the united states ongress; the retar of state; retar of mere; the retar of agriulture; the hairman of our ounil of eonomi advisors; nator sasr, our ambassador; the national urit advisor and m hief of staff, among others. i sa that to illustrate the importane that the united states plaes on our relationship ith hina.
i ould like to begin b ongratulating all of ou, the students, the fault, the administrators, on elebrating the entennial ear of our universit. gongxi, beida.
as i m sure all of ou kno, this ampus as one home to enhing universit hih as founded b amerian missionaries. man of its onderful buildings ere designed b an amerian arhitet. thousands of amerians students and professors have e here to stud and teah.
e feel a speial kinship ith ou.florida
i am, hoever, grateful that this da is different in one important respet from another important oasion 79 ears ago. in june of19, the first president of enhing universit, john leighton stuart, as t to deliver the ver first menement address on the ver grounds. at the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. the ere all out leading the ma 4th movement for hina s politial and ultural reneal. hen i read this, i hoped that hen i alked into the auditorium toda, someone ould
be sitting here. and i thank ou for being here, ver muh. over the last 100 ears, this universit has gron to more than 20,000 students. our graduates are spread throughout hina and around the orld. ou have built the largest universit librar in all of asia. last ear, 20 perent of our graduates ent abroad to stud, inluding half of our math and siene majors. and in this anniversar ear, more than a million people in hina, asia, and beond have logged on to our eb site. at the dan of a ne entur, this universit is leading hina into the future.
i e here toda to talk to ou, the next generation of hina s leaders, about the ritial importane to our future of building a strong partnership beteen hina and the united states.
the amerian people deepl admire hina for its thousands of ears of ontributions to ulture and religion, to philosoph and the arts, to siene and tehnolog. e remember ell our strong partnership in orld ar ii. no e e hina at a moment in histor hen our glorious past is mathed b our prent eping transformation and the even greater promi of our future. just three deades ago, hina as virtuall shut off from the orld. no, hina is a member of more than 1,000 international organizations -- enterpris that affet everthing from air travel to agriultural development. ou have opened our nation to trade and investment on a large sale. toda, 40,000 oung hine stud in the united states, ith hundreds of thousands more learning in asia, afria, europe, and latin ameria.
our soial and eonomi transformation has been even more remarkable, moving from a lod mand eonomi sstem to a driving, inreasingl market-bad and driven eonom, generating to deades of unpreedented groth, giving people greater freedom to travel ithin and outside hina, to vote in village eletions, to on a home, hoo a job, attend a better shool. as a result ou have
lifted literall hundreds of millions of people from povert. per apita ine has more than doubled in the last deade. most hine people are leading lives the ould not have imagined just 20 ears ago.
of our, the hanges have also brought disruptions in ttled patterns of life and ork, and have impod enormous strains on our environment. one ever urban hine as guaranteed emploment in a state enterpri. no ou must pete in a job market. one a hine orker had onl to meet the demands of a entral planner in beijing. no the global eonom means all must math the qualit and reativit of the rest of the orld. for tho ho lak the right training and skills and support, this ne orld an be daunting. in the short-term, good, hardorking people -- some, at least ill find themlves unemploed. and, as all of ou an e, there have been enormous environmental and eonomi and health are osts to the development pattern and the energ u pattern of the last 20 ears -- from air pollution to deforestation to aid rain and ater shortage.
in the fae of the hallenges ne sstems of training and soial urit ill have to be devid, and ne environmental poliies and tehnologies ill have to be introdued ith the goal of groing our eonom hile improving the environment. everthing i kno about the intelligene, the ingenuit, the enterpri of the hine people and everthing i have heard the last fe das in m disussions ith president jiang, prime minister zhu and others give me onfidene that ou ill sueed.
as ou build a ne hina, ameria ants to build a ne relationship ith ou. e ant hina to be suessful, ure and open, orking ith us for a more peaeful and prosperous orld. i kno there are tho in hina and the
united states ho question hether lor relations beteen our ountries is a good thing. but everthing all of us
got itkno about the a the orld is hanging and the hallenges our generation ill fae tell us that our to nations ill be far better off orking together than apart.
the late deng xiaoping ounled us to ek truth from fats. at the dan of the ne entur, the fats are lear. the distane beteen our to nations, indeed, beteen an nations, is shrinking. here one an amerian lipper ship took months to ross from hina to the united states. toda, tehnolog has made us all virtual neighbors. from laptops to lars, from mirohips to megabtes, an information revolution is lighting the landsape of human knoledge, bringing us all lor together. ideas, information, and mone ross the planet at the stroke of a puter ke, bringing ith them extraordinar opportunities to reate ealth, to prevent and onquer dia, to foster greater understanding among peoples of different histories and different ultures.
but e also kno that this greater openness and faster hange mean that problems hih start beond one nations borders an quikl move inside them -- the spread of eapons of mass destrution, the threats of organized rime and drug traffiking, of environmental degradation, and vere eonomi disloation. no n
ation an isolate itlf from the problems, and no nation an solve them alone. e, espeiall the ounger generations of hina and the united states, must make mon au of our mon hallenges, so that e an, together, shape a ne entur of brilliant possibilities.c1s
in the 21st entur -- our entur -- hina and the united states ill fae the hallenge of urit in asia. on the korean peninsula, here one e ere adversaries, toda e are orking together for a permanent peae and a future freer of nulear eapons.国庆节手抄报英语
spawningon the indian subontinent, just as most of the rest of the orld is moving XX from nulear danger, india and pakistan risk sparking a ne arms rae. e are no pursuing a mon strateg to move
india and pakistan XX from further testing and toard a dialogue to resolve their differenes.
国际音标发音表下载in the 21st entur, our generation must fae the hallenge of stopping the spread of deadlier nulear, hemial, and biologial eapons. in the rong hands or the rong plaes, the eapons an threaten the peae of nations large and small. inreasingl, hina and the united states agree on the importane of stopping proliferation. that is h e are beginning to at in onert to ontrol the orlds most dangerous eapons.
in the 21st entur, our generation ill have to rever the international tide of rime and drugs. around the orld, organized rime robs people of billions of dollars ever ear and undermines trust in government. ameria knos all about the devastation and despair that drugs an bring to shools and neighborhoods. ith borders on more than a dozen ountries, hina has bee a rossroad for smugglers of all kinds.tsa
last ear, president jiang and i asked nior hine and amerian la enforement offiials to step up our ooperation against the predators, to stop mone from being laundered, to stop aliens from being ruell smuggled, to stop urrenies from being undermined b ounterfeiting. just this month, our drug enforement agen opened an offie in beijing, and soon hine ounternarotis experts ill be orking out of ashington.
in the 21st entur, our generation must make it our mission to ensure that toda s progress does not e at tomorro s expen. hina s remarkable groth in the last to deades has e ith a toxi ost, pollutants that foul the ater ou drink and the air ou breathe -- the ost is not onl environmental, it is also rious in terms of the health onquenes of our people and in terms of the drag on eonomi groth.
environmental problems are also inreasingl global as ell as英语词性