序号 | 项目 | 英文对译 |
1 | 丝印花 | Poor silkscreening The printed word is bad丝印花 |
2 | 外壳刮伤 | Scratch on unit body 刮伤Scratch / 外壳unit body |
3 | 外壳脏污 | Dirty on unit body 脏污Dirty The printed word is bad产品上的灰尘 |
4 | grow的过去式外壳变形 | Body distort 变形distort |
5 | 外壳毛边 | unit body sharp edge 锐利的 sharp/ 边edge |
6 | 底板刮伤 | scratch on soleplate 底板soleplate |
7 | 底板脏 | Dirty on soleplate 底板soleplate |
8 | 铝划伤 google sb | Scratch on Aluminum plate 铝板 Aluminum plate |
9 | 电源线脏 | Dirty on electric wire 脏Dirty 电源线electric wire |
10 | 插头脏 | Dirty on plug 插头plug |
11 | 塑壳杂质 | Color dot on plastic body 颜色profitsColor / 点dot / 塑料 plastic 身体body |
12 | 塑壳破裂 | Plastic body broken 破裂broken 断裂break |
13 | 塑壳色差 | Discolor on Plastic body 变颜色Discolor |
14 | 塑壳熔化 | Plastic body melting 熔化melting |
15 | 电镀生锈 | Rusty on chrome body 生锈Rusty / 电镀chrome body |
16 | 生锈 | Rusty |
17 | 螺丝生锈 | Screw rusty 螺丝Screw / 生锈rusty |
18 | 搅拌器生锈 | Blender rusty 搅拌器Blender |
19 | 搅拌棒生锈 | Muddler rusty 搅拌棒Muddler |
20 | 外壳生锈 | unit body rusty |
21 | 电镀不良 | Poor chrome furnishing 电热丝冒烟Heating element smoky |
22 | 印刷不良 | Poor printing 印刷printing |
23 | 螺丝滑牙 | Screw not dependable 螺丝Screw / 可靠的dependable |
24 | 螺丝松动 | Screw loo 螺丝Screw / 松 loo |
25 | 螺丝未锁紧 | Screw not tightened 紧tightened |
26 | 螺丝漏锁 | Screw omited locked ; 螺丝Screw / 锁locked |
27 | 加热元件发黑 | Heating element black 加热Heating / 元件elemen / 黑black |
28 | 加热元件发红 | Heating element red 红red |
29 | 加热元件发热不均匀 | Heating element heat inequable 热heat 不均匀inequable |
30 | 水煮不开 | Water not boil 水Water / 煮开boil |
31 | 控温器失灵 | Thermostat dead 控温器Thermostat / 死亡dead |
32 | 堵风测试 | Block up wind test 堵塞Block / 风wind /测试 test |
33 | 非正常测试 | Abnormal test 不正常Abnormal / 测试test |
34 | 开关不良 | Poor switch 开关switch |
35 | 开关损坏 | switch function broken 功能function / 损坏broken |
36 | 开关紧 | Switch tight 紧tight 变压器Transformer |
37 | 开关挡速反 | Switch speed function asmbly is opposite/挡速speed功能function装配asmbly /相反的opposite |
38 | 器具不工作(死机) | Unit dead |
39 | 电机杂音 | motor noi 电机Mannie lennoxotor / 杂音noi 风扇 fan |
40 | 电机不转 | motor dead 无接地电阻Earthy resistance test failed |
41 | 高压击穿 | High voltage test failed 高High / 电压voltage / 测试test / 失败failed |
42 | 接触不良 | Switch poor connecting 连接connecting |
43 | 焊线虚焊 | line fal Weld 线line / 假的fal / 焊接Weld |
44 | 标签翘起 | Cnot sticked well/label bad sticked / 标签Label 粘贴sticked 好welldumper |
45 | 开关推钮 | Switch push button |
46 | 印刷脱落 | Poor Printing 印刷Printing |
47 | 内锅破裂 | Inner pot broken 内部的Inner / 锅pot / 破裂的broken |
48 | 内锅疤痕 | Inner pot好眼光 scratch 刮伤scratch |
49 | 遥控失灵 | Remote controlc dead; 遥控Remote / 控制control / 功能function |
50 | 开关不灵敏 | Switch is not nsitive 开关Switch / 灵敏nsitive |
51 | 指示灯不亮 | Indicate light dead 指示Indicate 明亮的light 灯光lamplight |
52 | 机内有异物 | Other object found inside unit /别的Other / 目标object /内部 inside |
53 | 裂缝 | dentistCrack 明亮brightness |
54 | 开关装配有裂缝 | Switch asmbly has crack 开关Switch /装配 asmbly / 缝隙crack |
55 冰川时代1 | 双向电压 | Two-way voltage 双向Two-way / 电压voltage |
56 | 壶漏水 | Kettle leakage 水壶Kettle / 漏水leakage |
57 | 功率偏高 | Power is high 功率Power / 高high |
58 | 功率偏低 | Power is low 低low 通电electrize 角度angle |
59 | 开关1挡不工作 | Switch 1-speed function dead 功能function |
60 | 印刷错误 | wrong printing 印刷printing / 错误wrong |
61 | 配件遗漏 | Accessory is misd 附件Accessory / 遗漏omitted /错过misd |
62 | PTC不工作 | PTC function dead |
63 | 后盖装配不良 | Rear cover poor asmbling 后方Rear / 盖cover / 装配asmbling / 前方front |
64 | 有效长度 | Effective length 有效的Effective / 长度length |
65 | 插销直径 | Plug diameter 插销Plug / 直径diameter |
66 | 无普通蒸汽 | normal steam function dead 普通Ordinary / 蒸汽steam 正常的标准的normal |
67 | 无蒸汽爆炸 | Steam burst function dead 爆炸burst |
68 | 喷水 | spray water 喷洒spray/ 水water 少量的普通蒸汽few of normal steam |
69 | 爆炸蒸汽按扭 | press-button steam burst 按扭press-button |
70 | 电源线旋转保护 | swiveling cord protector 电线cord /旋转swiveling /保护者protector |
71 | 隔热板掉漆 | poor paint on backlite part 不好的poor / 油漆paint /隔热板backlite / 部分part |
72 | 喷水口(管) | spray nozzle 喷嘴nozzle |
73 | 装水口 | water filling opening 开口/洞opening 充填物filling |
74 | 旋钮 | knob 固定holding 风叶(扇叶)Fan blades |
75 | 喷水按扭 | spray button 按钮switch button |
76 everything是什么意思 | identifying 水箱 | water box 箱/盒box 震动vibration |
77 | 指示灯光 | indicator light 指示灯/指示器indicator 明亮的light |
78 | 隔热板 | heat insulation board 热的heat 隔离/绝缘insulation 板子board |
79 | 转换 | Switchover/ convert 控制面板 control panel |
80 | 错误/错的 | erroneous |
81 | 不顺畅 | switch moving not smoothly 活动moving/ 顺利地smoothly |
82 | 开关关不掉 | switch not shut-off 开关switch/ 能can /关闭shut-off |
83 | 机体抖动(较大) | unit shaking a lot when it works 部件unit |
84 | 机体抖动(较轻微) | unit shaking a little when it work; 抖动shaking / 什么时候when / 工作work |
85 | 大包装 | large-scale 包装 packing |
86 | 隔热板 | thermal isolate board / (backlite part) |
87 | 底版温度偏低 | soleplate max temperature too low only( ℃)底版soleplate温度temperature/ 低low |
88 | 底版温度偏高 | soleplate max temperature too high only( ℃) 很too / 高high/ 只only |
89 | 塑壳毛边 | plastic body sharp edge 塑料plastic /身体body /锐利界限edge |
90 | 隔热板掉漆 | poor paint on backlite part 油漆/涂料paint/ 隔热板backlite/ 部分part |
91 | 功率超标 | power is not in the range allowed 功率power/ 范围range /允许的allowed |
92 | 机体歪斜 | unit inclined 歪斜的inclined |
93 | 摆头有声 | Unit swings have noi 摇摆swings / 杂音noi |
94 | 手柄与上盖组合间隙大 | handle and top cover asmbly big crack 手柄handle 大big 间隙crack |
95 | 客户商标印刷错误 | customer trademark printing erroneous 客户customer 商标trademark 印刷printing |
96 | 金属 | Metal 支架cantilever |
97 | 锡粒 | Tin grain 锡Tin / 粒grain |
98 | 塑料件 | Plastic body 塑料Plastic / 身体body |
99 | 说明书 | Instruction manual 教导Instruction / 手册manual |
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