who decided 90% of terran units should have ground bad aoe attacks?
now with new aoe cots silencer can make enemy mana pool 0 from level 3 already.
shadow - obviously a single target sustained dps, with mind ar now should be one of thestrongest aoe class.
an aoe skill which like ankle binding slows down the foes in front of you for like 12 cs .output是什么意思
once everyone is poisoned make sure u spread back out, its important becau he us someaoe splash effect cur.
i just got out of a market rearch study here in chicago where we were given a preview of theupcoming aoe 3 game.
学习论坛 the marauder is effective against small groups of units, but beyond that the lack of aoe slow,negates its concept.
while participating in the operation, regardless of time, is wounded or injured and requiredmedical evacuation from the aoe.
stage 2 also introduces a 3 hit combo 4m aoe called "rain of blows" that deals heavy damagewith a 20% chance to crit.
awesome job, scenario_t_c! you've earned your place in aoe history, and a very importantplace.
just keep recasting it as long as aoe silence is not on its 13s cooldown.
colossus now fires in an aoe which is extremely deadly for grouped units.
summon; 35 mp, range 5, aoe 13; summons salamander, the spirit of fire. number ofsummons depends on ur's int.jesus christ>brat
召唤;35mp,射程5, 效果范围13;召唤火蜥蜴,火之精灵。召唤数量视使用者智力(int)而定。
area-effect; 12 mp , range 6, aoe 1-5; pillars of fire damage foes, burn fields, and melt snow.area of effect increas with caster's int.
区域效果;12mp ,射程6,效果范围1-5;伤害敌人的火柱,燃烧草地,融化雪地。效果范围随发射者智力(int)增加而扩大。
support; 20 mp, range 7, aoe 1; temporarily lowers speed and restricts movement bych
anging target's movement type.
支援;20mp,射程7, 效果范围1;通过改变目标的移动方式暂时减低其速度和限制其移动。toefl培训
apply critical path method to manufacturing, combine with cad/cam technology, the aoe netmodel is established in which take machine as node and assign task to machine according toprocess flow.
support; 15 mp , range 7, aoe 1-5; foes lured to sleep by chilling breeze. area of effectincreas with caster's int.
支援;15mp ,射程7,效果范围1-5;寒冷的微风诱使敌人沉睡。效果范围随发射者智力(int)增加而扩大。
area-effect; 12 mp, range 6, aoe 1-5; damages foes by freezing the air. area of effectincreas with caster's int.
区域效果;12mp,射程6, 效果范围1-5;结冻空气以伤害敌人。效果范围随发射者智力(int)增加而扩大。
area-effect; 8 mp, range 7, aoe 1; foe drifts into unconsciousness and is damaged bymalignant visions.坚定不移的意思
区域效果;8mp,射程7, 效果范围1;敌人陷入无意识并被恐惧的视觉所伤害。