To perform the 8960 Operational Verification tests requires that the 10 MHz成人英语怎么说
timebas be connected together. Connect the 10 MHz Reference Output of the 8960to the 10 MHz Ref In of the ESG E4433B. Connect the 10 MHz Ref Out of the ESG E4433B to the 10 MHz Ref In of the VSA E4406A with BNC cables.
The RF In/Out Connector of the 8960 will be alternately connected to either the RF Out of the ESG E4433B (RX Test) or the RF Input of the VSA E4406A (TX Test) with a low loss Type-N cable.
Agilent Technologies 8960
Operational Verification (Manual
Test Equipment Setup
小学生大队委竞选稿>hatU the following procedure to manually test an 8960 that is running an
E1960A GSM Test Application. A test record is included to assist in
collecting test data. Make a copy of the test record to u.
The test equipment required for 8960 Operational Verification is:
ESG E4433B Digital Signal Generator
iwakiVSA E4406A Transmitter Tester Manual Verification
10 MHz Ref In
10 MHz
Ref Out 10 MHz
Ref In 10 MHz
Ref Out
RF In/Out
VSA E4406A
8960Audio In
Hi LF Out RF Out
(RX Test)RF In (TX Test)
Test Data Record for 8960 with E1960A GSM Test Application
Functional Verification Expected Limit (Note 1)Pass Fail Analog Generator Level Accy ± 2.0 dB
Analog Generator Spectral Purity
Harmonics ≤ -25 dBc
Sub-Harmonics ≤
-40 dBc
cof是什么Analog Audio Generator Accuracy ± 0.03V
GSM Generator
Amplitude Flatness ±
.6 dBm男士美白的方法
Peak Pha Error (PGSM/EGSM) < ± 4 Deg
(DCS/PCS) < ± 6 Deg
RMS Pha Error < ±
2 Deg.
Frequency Error (18 Hz) < ± .04 ppm
Analog Audio Analyzer Accuracy ± 0.04V
Analog Analyzer RF Power Meter ±
1.6 dBm
GSM Analyzer Frequency Measurement Accy. < ± 24 Hz
GSM Analyzer Residual Pha Error
RMS Error < ±
2 Deg
Peak Error < ± 8 Deg
GSM Analyzer PVT Accy Expected Limit (Note 1)Pass Fail PVT Offt 0uc and 542.8uc (0 dB) ± 2 dB
PVT Offt -10uc ≤ 8 dB
PVT Offt 552.8uc ≤ 8 dB
GSM Analyzer ORFS Measurement Expected Limit (Note 1)Pass Fail ORFS Offt ± 100 kHz ≤
-6 dB
ORFS Offt ± 200 kHz ≤ -33 dB
ORFS Offt ± 250 kHz ≤
-38 dB
ORFS Offt ± 400 kHz
≤ -67 dB
ORFS Offt ± 600 kHz ≤ -76 dB
ORFS Offt ± 800 kHz ≤
-78 dB
ORFS Offt ± 1000 kHz ≤ -78 dB
ORFS Offt ± 1200 kHz ≤ -79 dB
Note 1 - Expected test limit levels may vary according to test instrument source ud. Expected limits listed may require modification.
8960 Operational Verification
Test Record Manual Verification
8960 Operational Verification
Analog Generator Level Accuracy Analog Generator Level Accuracy is a test to insure that the 8960 can t a basic level and then step in 10 dB increments accurately.
The expected limit is:
RF Generator Output Level, RF In/Out (2 sources) - ± 2.0 dB
The current operating firmware in the 8960 does not allow manual operation of
amplitude or frequency using incremental steps for either Signal Generator 1 or 2; a PC with controlling software is required.
Connect the 8960 RF In/Out Connector to the E4406A RF pains no gains
On the 8960 press the ‘Local’ button and the ‘System Configure’ button .The GPIB address must be
t to: 14
Manual Verification
Analog Generator Level Accuracy, cont.
On the 8960 perform the following t up functions:
1. Press the blue ‘SHIFT’ button and the ‘PRESET’button (front
panel buttons not shown above).
2. Press the display ‘Operating Mode’ button and t mode to
Test using the knob.
3. Press the display ‘Test Function’ button and t function to
CW using the knob.
4. Press the ‘RF Gen Freq’button and t frequency to 939 MHz
using the number keypad and the knob.
5. Press the ‘RF Gen Power’button and t power to -10 dBm
using the number keypad and the knob.
On the E4406A, press the ‘Pret ’ System button, the ‘MODE’ Control button and t to ‘Basic’ Mode .
On the E4406A, press the ‘FREQUENCY’ Control button and t the Center Frequency to 939 MHz.Analog Generator Level Accuracy, cont.