General Prentation
Critical Major Minor Total
A. Burst Seams: 拼缝爆口
B. Buttons & B / holes: 纽扣钮门
C. Needle Damage: 针孔
D. Holes: 破洞
E. Pockets: 口袋
Supplier / Factory: 供应商/工厂
Custom er: 客户 F. Foreign / Cour Fibre: 飞纱/纱结
new orderStyle No: 款号Garmen t
Descript ion:款式G. Zippers / Poppers: 拉链/四合钮Delivery Date: 船期
Colours : 颜色H. Dirt & Stains: 油污迹
PO Number: 合同号Supplier Grade:
I. Shading: 色差
Visual appearance: 整体外观Very Good:很好
Poor:差J. Broken / Skipped Stitches: 断线/跳线
No of Audit: 验货次数1st : 第一次2nd : 第二次3rd : 第三次
K. Thread ends: 线头
Audit Date: 验货日期Carton size: 纸箱规格X X L. Run off stitch: 车线落坑
Shipment Qty: 出货数量
Carton weight :箱重G.W2011浙江高考分数线
breaking freeN.W
M. Measurements: 尺寸Sample Size (Units): 验货数量N. Labelling: 商标
AQL Level: AQL 标准
O. Handling / Storage: 整理/包装
Delivery Rejected: 不接受Delivery Accepte d: 接受P. EMB / Print: 印花/绣花Measurement -- Tops 上衣TOL
6 / XS
8 / S
支持的英文10 / M
12 / L
14 / XL 16 / XXL
Q. Pressing: 整烫
Length CF / CB 身长 前中/后中S. Loo Threads: 浮线
Chest 胸围T. Metal Detection: 金属检测Waist 腰围U. Belts / Buckles: 腰带/带扣
Hip 坐围Total Rejects
all starHem 下摆
A. CRITICAL - Possible Safety Issue 存在/潜在的安全问题
bbeTotal %
Sleeve length 袖长
the lucky one
B. MAJOR - Possible customer discomfort 影响购买的问题
Shoulder 肩宽
C. MINOR - Customer unlikely to notice 客人可能忽视的问题
Minimum neck stretch 拉领GENERAL COMMENTS:
Collar 领
Measureme -- Bottom 下身Waist 腰围Hip 坐围Thigh 脾围Bottom 脚围Inam 内长Outam 外长Front ri 前浪Back ri 后浪Belt length 腰带长Carton / Pallet Numbers:
Delivery Pending / Comments
Supplier QC:Factory:
Supplier lf inspection
AQL Quality Report