第一条 目的:通过实施有效的激励,为员工提供一种融洽和谐的氛围、一个以人为本的体制,一个自我实现的舞台,充分调动员工的积极性,从而提高企业的整体绩效水平。
Item1 Objectives:To provide staff a harmonious atmosphere, a lf-fulfillment stage and manoeu-vre staff positivity by effective incentives, so as to improve the performance level of the whole com-pany.
第二条 企业文化相关活动的开展:为提升团队的凝聚力,加强员工的集体荣誉感,同时塑造一个良好的企业形象,公司开展了一系列的激励员工的活动。
Item2 Corporate culture:In order to exalt consolidation and n of collectivity honor of the team as well as shaping a favorable corporation visualize, the company developed a ries of staff motiva-tion activities.
1) 活动一:团队旅游:soguActivity1:Group travelling
活动时间:每年3月份 Time:March every year
活动形式:参加旅游团及公司自行组织Form:Take part in tour or organize by the com-pany
做好旅游纪律宣权活动。Organizing department:AD Dept. bring forward the place, date, meal and tour for traveling, transact related insurance and propagandize for traveling disci-pline.
活动参加人员:部门经理及优秀员工。Participants:Department managers and excellent employees
费用范围:公司安排的交通运输费、餐饮费、住宿费。Expens:Traffic cost, meal cost and quarter cost arranged by company
天津hr培训2) 活动二:篮球运动开展:Activity2:Basketball
为了丰富员工业余生活 ,创建公司团队氛围,增强员工身体素质,公司组织了篮球队。In order to enrich staff afterhours life, improve teamwork and boost up staff physical diathesis we t up a basketball team in the company.
活动组织部门:行政部负责提案实施,邀请比赛,做好后勤保障工作Organizing department:AD Dept. is with responsibility for resolution, implementation, invitation for match and logistics.
orm:the team will have an exercitation on every Thursday, the time should be PM5:30——7:00,and have a friendship match every month. Apply to出乎意料之外:All the employees who are willing to join
活动范围:公司所有意向员工Apply to:All the employees who are willing to join
Match scope:1)Friendship match held by related local organizations in Taicang;
2)Friendship match initiated or attended by customers
3)Match held by Foreign Trade Industry Garden
费用范围:球员球衣、球鞋、篮球及参赛的饮料费、餐饮费和交通费。Expens:Polo shirt、shoes、basketball, beaverage cost, meal cost and traffic cost.
第三条 建立评优体系:通过开展一系列的评优工作,充分调动全体员工的工作积极性和主观能动性,增强员工向上管理及自我进取意识,达到表彰先进、激励后进之目的,从而有效地提高员工整体素质。并且我们通过评选这一过程,号召公司所有部门要以身边的
先锋模范人物为榜样,认真执行公司的各项规章制度和操作流程,以带动全体人员的综合素质及精神面貌的提升。Item3 Set up asssment system:to manoeuvre staff positivity and boost up up-wards management and lf-enterprising consciousness by asssing excellence, so as to commend the advanced and inspirit the others. What’s more, through the asssment proc-ess, we can call on all the departments to learn from the good examples and perform the by-law and operation process of the company carefully to bring along the exaltation of diathesis of the whole company.
(一) 评选流程:Asssment process:
(二) 评选原则:Voting Principles
1、 “公平、公正、公开”six原则:“优秀员工”依据员工表现、工作成绩等、“优秀团队”依据团队建设、工作成绩等各方面,并“足为楷模”之原则进行考核及评定。The principle of “being fair, square and open to the public”: The “excellent employee” shall be voted and appraid according to the employee’s performance and achievements, while the “excell
ent team”, according to the team building and work achievements. Such two honorary titles must be assd and appraid according to the principle of “ to be a qualified model”.
2、 责任人原则:由行政部主持评优活动;Principle of Responsibility: The asssment must be conducted by the Administrative Department.
(三) 评选频次: Voting Frequency
1、 季度评优:每季度进行评比,侧重于“优秀员工”类,于次月公布评比结果并颁发奖项。
Quarterly Asssment: The asssment will be conducted quarterly, focusing on the title of “excellent employee”, and the results of asssment shall be publicized in next month with the price awarded to right employees;
2、 年度评优: 综合考量一年的绩效,在每年年底进行评比,于次年一月公布评选结果并颁发奖项。 Annual Asssment: The achievements within one year will be appraid at the end of each year, and the results will be publicized at the first month of the next year with the price awarded to right employees.
(四) 评选具体操作流程:Voting Procedures
为使评优更加客观、准确,采用多级审核制,整个评优活动按照如下流程进行:The multi-level voting system shall be adopted in an objective and correct way, and the asssment activities will be conducted according to the procedures as follows:
各部员工讨论、提名 → 填报《优秀员工考核评审表》→ 行政部核查 → 评审委员会评审→ 总经理批准 → 结果公告并执行奖励
The employees are nominated through discussion →The nominated employees fill out the Asssment Form for Excellent Employees→ The Administrative Department reviews the completed forms→ The Board of Review reviews such forms→The General Manager approves the results of review → The results of asssment are publicized with the prize awarded accordingly
① 公司按各项奖项的参评细则设置组织全体员工投票评选出本部门的优秀员工。According to the rules for prize item tting, the company shall organize the whole staff to nominate through voting the excellent employees in each department;
② 对提名没有异议的优秀员工,部门完整填写《评优考核评审表》,由候选人的直接
主管对参评人员的日常表现作综合评定并签字确认,如无综合评定即作为废票处理。经部门经理确认后,交行政部参与奖项评选。For tho unanimously-agreed nominated excellent employees, the relevant department shall fill out the Appraisal & Review Form which shall be confirmed and signed by the direct supervisor according to the nominated employee’s daily performance, and tho nomination without comprehensive asssment shall be invalidated. The nomination will be delivered to the administrative department for the price competition after being confirmed by the department manager;
③由行政部组织评审委员会召开评审会议,确定评选的最终人选。The Administrative Department shall organize the Board of Review to hold review meetings to decide the final competitors for the prize;
④行政部整理出被最终选定的优秀人员名单交总经理批准后,将优秀员工评选结果资料整理存档,作为年度奖项、员工晋升和加薪的参考依据,由公司颁发奖励文件,并由行政部执行奖励,颁发奖状和奖金。The Administrative Department shall sort out the name list of the excellent employee finally decided and deliver it to the General Manager for approval. The results and materials about the excellent employee asssment shall be so
rted out and filled as the evidence for the annual prize, promotion and salary increa. The Administrative Department is responsible for giving prizes according to the incentive plan of the company, including the Certificate of Merit and the bonus.
被评选优秀的员工,应始终坚持一贯的行为标准,如在下次评选之前被发现有任何严重违反公司规定的行为,立即收回奖励称号,并参考公司的相应管理条例作处分。Tho excellent employees shall persistently adhere to the standards of well-behavior, and any rious breach of the company’s rules found before the next asssment will lead to the cancellation of the honorary title and be punished according to the company’s management rules.
(五) 评选、核定权责分配:Division of Rights and Obligations for Asssment and Review
1. 部门内部评优会议:全体员工参与“优秀员工”的投票提名,每个奖项每个部门原则上只可提报一名优秀员工,生产车间可适当放宽名额限制。The vote meeting within the department: All the employees are entitled to participate in voting for the “Excellent Emplo
yee”. Generally, each department may only nominate one excellent employee for one prize item, and the quota of the production department may be properly incread;
2. 部门经理、主管:负责所辖部门优秀员工”的考评、审核 The Department Manager and Supervisor are responsible for asssing and reviewing the nominated excellent employees within the department;
3. 行政部负责收集各部门的评选资料,核定参评人员事迹的真实性及对“优秀员工”和“优秀团队”的评选过程进行记录。The Administrative Department is responsible for collecting relevant materials for the asssment within the department, reviewing and verifying the reality of the achievements of each nominated employee and recording down the asssment procedure for “excellent employee ” and “excellent team”
4. 评优委员会(会员:各部门经理):负责“优秀员工萌猫snoopy”和“优秀团队”的评议、选举。The Board of Review (compris of all the department managers) is responsible for reviewing and voting for the “excellent employee” and “excellent team”
评优委员会主席:郭爽 Chairman of the Board of Review: Guo Shuang
5. 总经理:负责“优秀员工”和“优秀团队”评议选举结果之最终核定。General Manager:
responsible for finally determining the “excellent employees” and “excellent teams”.
6. 由行政部公布评选的最终结果,并由行政部执行奖励 The Administrative Department publicizes the voting results and gives the reward.
(六) 评优实施附录:Attachment for Implementation of Asssment Activities
1. 优秀员工及优秀团队的奖项设置及评选细则 Detailed rules for voting excellent employees and excellent team as well as for the prize tting;
2. 各部门有义务对参评人员的参评资格进行确切了解、核查;Each department is responsible for reviewing and checking the qualification of the nominated employees;
3. 对有以下表现的员工将优先考虑:Following employees will be firstly taken into consideration for the nomination;
①对公司经营管理的改进有好的建议或有重大提案,被公司采纳从而带来明显效益的;Tho employees who makes significant proposals for the improvement of the company’s management, and the proposal has been adopted by the company and brought about sig
nificant profits;
4. 评选结束在公司内部宣布优秀员工名单,并张贴公告海报;While the asssment is completed, the name list of the excellent employee shall be publicized in bulletins.
(七) 季奖项评选细则葡萄英语怎么读 Detailed Rules for Quarterly Prize
季度奖项评选细则(一)Detailed Rules for Asssment of the Quarterly Prize (1)
拜客 奖项设置Prize Items 奖项说明
Description 名额Quota 参选范围Voting Scope 提名条件Conditions for Nomination 评选细则Detailed Rules for Asssment
管理类 奖项
Management 优秀经理人
Excellent Manager 带领工作团队取得优异绩效的经理人The manager who team has fulfilled striking achievements under his leadership 1 各职能部门经理
All the Department Managers 铁观音英语领导团队取得良好业绩的经理人,且团队内无人员受处
罚nevergrowoldThe manager who team has fulfilled great achievements under his leadership, and there is no punishment against his team member 1有丰富管理经验,具体参考评选期内的绩效考核表
1. Has rich experience in management, refer to the Efficiency Check Form within the asssment period;
2. 对公司发展提出良性建议并取得实际性的效果Has made good proposal for the company’s development and achieved great efficiency.
主人翁奖Prize of Ownership 最具主人翁精神的员工Tho employees with spirit of ownership 2 全体员工All the staff 拥有主人翁精神Tho employees with the spirit of ownership 1. 爱岗敬业,以科络普公司为家,始终以主人翁的态度来对待工作;
1. Be faithful to his duties and the company Coroplast, work with the full n of ownership.
2.始终把科络普公司的形象和利益放在首位。Put the Coroplast’s image and profit at the first place.
优秀管理者Excellent Manager 表彰在管理岗位上表现出色的管理人To encourage the managerial staff with great achievements 1 部门主管Department Supervisors 领导团队取得良好业绩的管理者The manager who group has made great achievements under his leadership 1.能有效领导本团队达成工作目标,善于挖掘团队潜力,发挥团队力量,内外协作性强,并能对部门的发展提出建设性的意见
1. Good at developing the team’s potential, effectively lead his team to reach the objectives in work, fully display the team’s strength through cooperation both internal and external, and make constructive proposals for the development of the department.
优秀管理团队奖Excellent Managerial Team 有突出业绩的部门The department with great achievements 1 公司所有部门All the departments of the company 1.评选季度内,业绩最终得分排名最前的部门The department tops in business achievement during the asssment period 1.在部门营运过程中,对公司各项技术管理及职能条线的要求能完整执行。
1.Completely fulfill the requirements for technical management and function guidelines during the business operation
2.在各项绩效考核中的成绩名列前茅Top in the achievement asssment.
优秀员 工奖Prize of Excellent Employees 优财务人员Excellent Financial Staff 1 公司全体员工All the staff
1、保持良好的出勤记录,遵守公司规章制度;Good in attendance record, and abide by all the company’s rules and regulations
2、遵守公司的行为规章制度,在当期内无违章记录Abide by all the company’s rules and regulations, and have no breach during the asssment period.
1.认真仔细完成本职工作Carefully fulfill his own duties;
2.严格执行国家及公司相关财务制度;Strictly abide by the State or the company’s financial system;
3.能够对现有的财务流程有进一步的改善May further improve the existing financial procedures;
物流仓储员Logistic & Warehou Supervisor 1 1.能严把仓库
管理之门,无物品遗失Carefully manage the warehou without any material loss
2.使仓库合理推放,坚持日盘、周盘、月盘,使公司财产无损坏。Orderly store the materials in the warehou, check the storage daily, weekly and monthly, and keep the company’s ast without any damage.
销售人员Sales person 1 1.能出色完成公司的销售指标Successfully fulfill the company’s sales targets.
生产人员Production Staff 3 1.认真履行岗位职责,谦虚好学,工作业绩一直名列前首。Be faithful to his duties, assiduous in learning, and tops in business achievements;
2.其各方面的表现是值得大家学习和借签的 Be a qualified model in all aspects
质量人员Quality Inspector 1 1.所负责的项目,产品无批量不良,及重大质量事故发生(造成客户投诉)The production under his duty has no defect or rious quality problems (which caus the complaints from customers)
2.对所发生的质量问题,能迅速组建团队解决Quickly organize teams to solve any quality problem.
人事行政Personal Administration Supervisor 1 1.对本职工作认真负责
1.Be faithful to his duties;
2. Worthy of being praid in all aspects.
Engineers 1 1.引进技术改进,得到领导批准且有实效The technical innovation introduced in has been recognized by the leader and proved efficient
The Best New Employee Prize 1 公司全体员工All the staff 1、保持良好的出勤记录,遵守公司规章制度;Good in attendance record, and abide by all the company’s rules and regulations
2、遵守公司的行为规章制度,在当期内无违章记录Abide by all the company’s rules and regulations, and have no breach during the asssment period. 1.入职半年内(不包
括试用期)的新员工New employees enrolled within half year (not including the probation period)
2.在新进岗位认真学习,能很快适应岗位要求、独立操作并有突出成绩和贡献者 Seriously learn from others in the new position, may quickly qualify himlf to the duties and independently operate the business, and make striking achievements;
3.谦虚好学,或者管理业绩较突出,有良好的发展潜质。Be modest to learn from others or makes great achievements in management, or has great potential for development
(八) 年度奖项评选Asssment of the Annual Prize
1. 年度奖项的获得者将从季度奖获得者中产生,由各部门自行在部门内部先在季度奖获得者中按奖项归属相应评选出一名在本年度中各方面的工作综合表现最优异的员工,推荐其参与年度评选。具体评选流程同季度奖项的评选。The winner of the annual prize will be nominated within the quarterly prize winners. Each department is required to independently lect one best employee in all aspects for the current year from the quarterly prize winners, and nominate him to compete for the annual prize. The asssm
ent procedure is the same to the competition for quarterly prize.
2. 公司在评选时将参考该员工每个季度奖的具体事迹、综合部门经理的评价以及季度奖项的累计综合计分,进行评选。For the asssment, the company will fully take into consideration the quarterly achievements of each employee, the appraisal from the department manager and the accumulated scores for the quarterly prizes.
(九) 季度、年度奖项评选原则Voting Principles for the Annual Prize and Quarterly Prize
1. 在评选期内(季度及年度内)受过行政处罚、通报批评及警告以上(含警告)的团队和个人不得参与评奖Tho teams or individuals received administrative punishment, including being criticized publicly, warned or received any other higher punishments during the asssment period (quarterly or yearly) shall not be allowed to participate in the prize competition;
2. 对个人、团体奖项,其所在职能条线上级(经理级以上)有权否决。Tho managerial staff above the function lines of the manager or above has the veto power against the individual or group prize items.
3. 总经理有权一票否决。The General Manager also has the veto power.
(十) 奖项设置Setting of Prize Items
1. 行政部将优秀员工的资料整理存档,作为员工晋升、加薪及其它奖励的重要依据;优秀员工将作为公司内部选拔的优先考虑对象,对于连续多次获得优秀称号的员工行政部将给予岗位晋升、加薪;获得优秀团队奖的部门将参加公司组织的团队旅游活动;The administrative department will timely file the information of excellent employees to be the evidence for promotion, salary increa and other prizes; the excellent employees shall be firstly taken into consideration for promotion and salary increa, and tho employees won the honorary title for veral times will be promoted and economically encouraged; tho excellent teams will be granted the opportunity of group tour program organized by the company;
2. 评选对优秀员工颁发奖状和奖金:In the asssment, the excellent employee shall be issued with a certificate of merit and encouraged with bonus:
季度个人:经济奖励200元;Prize of Quarterly Excellent Individual: RMB 200
季度团队:经济奖励50元;Prize of Quarterly Excellent Team: RMB 50
年度个人:经济奖励800元,同时参加公司组织的团队旅游活动、并有机会得到教育提升费用一定比例的报销。Prize of Annual Excellent Individual: RMB 800, and may participate in the group tour program organized by the company, and has the chance to reimbur the training fee at a certain percentage.
年度团队:经济奖励2000元,同时参加公司组织的团队旅游活动。Prize of Annual Excellent Team: RMB 2,000, and may participate in the group tour program organized by the company.