Korrvu®Suspension and Retention Packaging
Cost effective. Easy to u.
®packaging designs are engineered to satisfy your speci fic packaging requirements with unique bene fits that are plain to e.
Product Protection
Korrvu ®
packaging safely holds your product in the
center of the shipping container. The engineered packaging solutions keep your product curely in place, protecting it from shock and vibration.
Showcas Y our Product
Complement your product’s appearance by combining outstanding protection and attractive prentation. Our proprietary, resilient,transparent films provide maximum visual appeal to make your package a protective shipper and an effective display merchandir.
If you ship a variety of similar sized items, chances are that the versatility and simplicity of Korrvu ®packaging will accommodate a one-size-fits-many-products solution. Becau a single Korrvu ®design can accommodate similar products with varying shapes, you can reduce your packaging inventory.
Reclaim Storage Space
Korrvu ®packaging stores flat, reducing storage and warehou requirements. Becau Korrvu ®packaging requires no equipment installation, no signi ficant capital investment is required.Environmentally Sound
Korrvu ®packaging contains at least 30% recovered paper fiber *and is readily recyclable in corrugated hydrapulping operations.Korrvu ®packaging is RESY approved for recycling in Germany and is reusable for return shipments, minimizing waste at both ends of the distribution cycle.
* May contain post-consumer and post-industrial fiber.
Korrvu ®
Korrvu ®packaging requires less storage space and us a minimum of materials. In this ca, Korrvu ®packaging reduced the volume of packaging materials ud by 78% while maintaining the same level of protection as the previous packaging.
Korrvu ®packaging complements your product's appearance – combining outstanding product protection and attractive prentation.
provides award-winning solutions that meet today's packaging requirements. Using innovative materials and proprietary design techniques, Korrvu ®packaging is a dynamic packaging resource that provides excellent product prentation, versatility,space savings and environmental excellence.
Korrvu ®Retention Packaging
holds your product curely within its proprietary retention frame. This provides engineered protection for a wide range of products that require shock protection during the shipping cycle.
®Compression Packaging
provides simple, fast and cost-effective blocking and
bracing protection. Suitable for a wide range of products
审核英文and applications, it also rves double duty as an attractive shipper and protective product display.
The esnce of Korrvu ®packaging is the strong, highly resilient low-slip film that surrounds the packaged product, protecting
it from shock and vibration.苏州中考查分
Korrvu ®retention packaging can be designed to hold very thin
products curely in the retention frame.
Compression packaging provides blocking and bracing with great product prentation.
Flexible film membrane stretches around various
shapes and sizes allowing one pack to work for a variety of items.
Suspension Packaging
suspends your product in the air space of the shipping container between two layers of highly resilient low-slip film.The patented design suspends your product away from impact, providing consis
tent protection for fragile products even after repeated drops.
High-Performance Protection Anyone Can See
Korrvu ®
Suspension Packaging
Korrvu ®
Suspension Packaging
provides high value or fragile products with unparalleled product protection throughout the shipping cycle –
even after repeated drops.The tough and resilient suspension film retains its effectiveness for multiple u – including return shipments.
The top window is placed over the product, completely suspending the item between two strong, flexible,low-slip films.
For higher volume packaging operations, Korrvu ®suspension
pop-up packaging is easy and fast.
The flexible film membrane stretches to hold unusual shapes and provides excellent product visibility.
Korrvu ®suspension packaging protects even the most fragile items from the rigors of the distribution environment.
Korrvu ®
Retention Packaging
The Right Solution for
a Wide Range of Applications
Korrvu Retention Packaging
provides a variety of engineered solutions for products that need protection from shock during the distribution cycle.
The merits of Korrvu ®
wicked公司retention packaging’s shock-absorbing designs
go far beyond impact protection. Their transparent film membranes provide excellent visibility and product display.
Engineered retention frame provides additional bottom cushioning for heavy and fragile items.
Korrvu ®retention packaging can be integrated with the outer carton and printed for an ‘all in one’ packaging solution.
For the applications, the flexible retention film
accommodates a wide variety of spare parts and accessories.