智慧树知到《跨文化人力资源管理》见面课(含答案)见面课:Ca Study of Cross-cultural Impact upon Human Resource Management
1.问题:Which one is not the main recruiting methods of Dell ? 选项: A:Employee referral program B:E-recruiting C:Internship programs D:Cus recruitment 答案: 【Cus recruitment】
2.问题:Which one is the disadvantage of “employee referral program”? 选项: A:Rejections may produce discontent; telling them why you rejected them and what modificatory actions they might take is crucial B:Knowing a candidat e’s strengths and weakness C:Inside candidates may require less orientation and (perhaps) training than outsiders D:Current employees may also be more mitted to the pany 答案:
【Rejections may produce discontent; telling them why you rejected them and what modificatory actions they might take is crucial】
3.问题:Which one is the advantage of “E-recruiting”? 选项: A:Online application recruiting may inadvertently exclude disproportionate numbers of older applicants becau fewer of them u the Inter. B:It provides organizations with a highly cost effective and efficient means of attract qualified applicants on a global basis, reducing traditional job adverts cost. C:The risk of cheating and faking has also been incread. D:Using e-recruiting at organizations may involve some legal risks. 答案:
【It provides organizations with a highly cost
effective and efficient means of attract qualified applicants on a global basis, reducing traditional job adverts cost.】
4.问题:Which one is not included in “Job description”? 选项: A: job title B:responsibilities
C:education D:the main tasks 答案:
【education 】
5.问题:Which one is not included in “Person specification”? 选项: A:qualifications B:personal汽车更换机油
他们用英语改变了人生skills C:experience D: job title 答案:
【 job title】
南洋理工大学6.问题: Which one is not the idea that help P
B:Employees are involved in the determining strategic objectives; C:The model highlights the interest of different stakeholders; D:It doesn’t recognize the influence of situational factors. 答案:
【It doesn’t recognize the influence of situational factors.】
2.问题:What is Cisco’s lection method for
positions related to the managerial or logistic team? 选项: A:Online testing; B:Career certification; C:Work sling; D:Interview. 答案:
3.问题:What is the main purpo of the creation of a new learning and training solution team in Cisco? 选项:A:Only to provide effective training for employees;
B:Meet the learning needs of the pany’s core business; C:To provide managerial skills training for exectives. 答案:
【Meet the learning needs of the pany’s core business;】
4.问题:Which of the following elements is included in the pensation package of expatriate managers? 选项:
A:Salary and bonus; B:Benefits; C:On-going allowances and reimburments; D:All of above. 答案:
题破山寺后禅院常建【All of above.】
5.问题:Which of the following is not an employee relationship management strategy in Cisco? 选项: A:To establish an fair and equal culture; B:To focus on the
main host culture; C:To avoid cultural conflicts. 答案: 【To focus on the main host culture;】
6.问题:Which of the following stakeholders is not recognized by the mission statement of PepsiCo? 选项:
A:Consumers; B:Customers; C:Social pressure groups;
D:Shareholders. 答案:
【Social pressure groups;】
7.问题:Which one of the following is not an aspect of PepsiCo’s water protection and conrvation poli cy? 选
项: A:Improve water-u efficiency in agriculture;
B:Minimize water usage despite the production needs;
C:Improve water-u efficiency in direct operations. 答案: 【Minimize water usage despite the production
8.问题:What is the primary purpo of P epsiCo’s sustainable agriculture support policy? 选项: A:To
cure their supply chain into the future; B:To fulfill
the pany’s social responsibility; C:To gain good reputation for the pany; 答案:
【To cure their supply chain into the future;】
9.问题:What is the main concern of PepsiCo in packaging its’ products? 选项: A:Luxury;
B:Eye-catching; C:Cost-beneficial; D:Environment-friendly. 答案: 【Environment-friendly.】
10.问题:Which one of the following is not an effects
of the morally conscious decisions on the pany’s bottom line? 选项: A:Motivation; B:Gratitude; C:Satisfaction; D:Collaboration. 答案:
thunder bho platform 是什么
见面课:Cas of Recruiting and Selecting the International Staff by the Multinationals