1 wrath [rθ /rθ]
n. 愤怒, 猛烈的力量, 激怒
同义词: anger ire rage
2 xenophobia [xen·o·pho·bi·a || zen'fb]
n. 仇外; 惧外者
3 voracious [vo·ra·cious || v'res]
adj. 狼吞虎咽的, 贪婪的
同义词: gluttonous greedy hoggish piggish ravenous
4 turbulent ['tur·bu·lent || 'trbjlnt /'tbjl-]
adj. 狂暴的, 吵闹的
同义词: blustering disorderly excited frantic frenzied furious riotous tumultuous unruly violent wild
5 symptom [symp·tom || 'smptm]
n. 病症, 征兆, 征候
同义词: implication indication mark omen sign token
6 quarantine [quar·an·tine || 'kwɑrntn ,'kw- /'kw-]
n. 隔离; 隔离区; 检疫; 检疫所
v. 使隔离; 使孤立; 使受检疫; 与...断绝关系
同义词: confine isolate clude gregate parate
7 protocol [pro·to·col || 'prtkɑl ,-kl /-kl]
n. 议定书, 协议, 处理某问题的方法; 草案, 谈判的起草; 礼节, 行为准那么; 协议, 处理资料
传送的标准 (计算机用语)
同义词: munications protocol
8 overheat ['uv'hi:t]
v. 使过热; 变得过热; 愤怒
9 monopolize(Amer.) [mo'nop·o·lize || m'nɑplaz /-'n-]
v. 独占; 垄断
同义词: monopoli
10 upscale ['p,skeil]
vt. 升高一级,升档;迎合(高层次消费者)
a. 高档的;高收入的;销售对象为高收入者的
11 rigid [rig·id || 'rdd]
adj. 坚硬的; 不易弯曲的; 巩固的; 严格的 adolescence
同义词: adamant firm hard stiff strict stubborn taut ten unbending unyielding
反义词: pliable yielding
12 litigate [lit·i·gate || 'ltget]
v. 在法庭相争, 诉讼; 诉讼
litigation 同义词: judicial proceeding
13 jurisdiction [ju·ris·dic·tion || drs'dkn /dr-]
n. 司法权, 管辖权, 审判权
同义词: legal power
14 intelligence [in·tel·li·gence || n'teldns]
n. 智力; 智能; 聪明
同义词: intelligence activity intelligence agency intelligence information intelligence operation intelligence rvice news tidings word the tower
15 hypnosis [hyp·no·sis || hp'nss]
n. 催眠状态, 催眠
hypnotic 同义词: mesmeric mesmerizing soporific spellbinding
16 intricate ['in·tri·cate || 'ntrkt]
adj. 复杂的, 缠结的, 错综的
同义词: plex plicated confud involved perplexing
反义词: plain simple
17 gourmet [gour·met || gr'me /'gme ,'g]
n. 美食家; 美食品尝家
同义词: bon vivant epicure epicurean foodie gastronome
18 fraud [frd]
n. 欺骗; 骗局; 诡计; 骗子
同义词: dishonesty swindle trickery
19 extinct [ex·tinct || k'stkt]
adj. 熄灭的; 耗尽的; 灭绝的
同义词: dead gone obsolete past
20 dumb [dm]
adj. 哑的, 无声音的, 不说话的
同义词: den dull mute silent speechless stupid
21 aspiration [as·pi·ra·tion || sp'ren]
n. 渴望; 热望
同义词: ambition breathing in dream inhalation inspiration
22 deride [de·ride || d'rad]
v. 嘲弄, 嘲笑
同义词: laugh at make fun of ridicule
23 swot [swt]
v. 【英】【俚】刻苦攻读[(+up)]
同义词: bone bone up cram drum dweeb get up grind grind away mugup nerd swotup wonk
24 frown [fran]
滑梯英文翻译过来 n. 皱眉, 蹙额; 不悦之色
v. 皱眉; 不赞成; 蹙额; 皱眉表示
同义词: pout scowl
反义词: smile
t down 25 grind [grand]
n. 磨, 研磨; 苦差使; 磨擦声; 单调的事
v. 磨擦, 磨光, 磨碎; 磨; 磨碎; 碾; 磨光
同义词: crumble crush drudge edge file grate mash plod pulverize rub sharpen smooth squash study whet work
26 limb [lm]
waterdrop n. 肢; 脚; 臂; 翼#边缘; 叶边; 刻度圈, 分度弧
v. 肢解; 从截去树枝; 给...截肢
同义词: arm branch tree branch
27 gear [gr /g]
n. 齿轮; 排档; 传动装置; 工具
v. 以齿轮连起, 配搭活动, 开动; 连接上, 适合
同义词: equip furnish outfit rig wheel
28 elite [e·lite || e'lit]
n. 精华; 中坚分子; 精锐
同义词: elect elite group
混淆怎么读 29 vision [vi·sion || 'vn]
n. 视觉, 眼光, 先见之明
v. 梦见, 显示, 想象
同义词: apparition dream fantasy ghost illusion image perception phantom sight specter
30 shatter [shat·ter || 't(r)]
v. 打碎, 粉碎, 使散开; 粉碎, 落叶, 损坏
同义词: break destroy fragment smash