director of the hospital 院长
physician 内科医师
chief physician 主任医师
associate chief physician 副主任医师 attending doctor 主治医师resident doctor 住院医师
普通英文intern doctor 实习医师
general practitioner 全科医师
macworld>candidatesspecialist 专科医师
函授专升本head of the nursing department 护理部主任 Head nur 护士长Student nur 实习护士stay hungry
E.N.T.doctor 耳鼻喉科医师
Ophthalmologist 眼科医师
Dentist 牙科医师paula
Orthopedist 骨科医师
Dermatologist 皮肤科医师
urologist surgeon 泌尿外科医师 neurosurgeon 神经外科医师plastic surgeon 矫形外科医师
anaesthetist 麻醉科医师
Doctor for tuberculosis 结核科医师 Physiotherapist 理疗科