BRITISH ENGLISH Buildings in General block of flats first floor flat ground floor lift Houhold Furniture camp bed chest of drawers 学习韩语 cot cupboard curtains dresr (for plates, dishes) roller blind standard lamp In the Kitchen baking tray bread bin clothes peg cooker cutlery flex hoover (to hoover) liquidizer / blender napkin / rviette tap tea towel tin opener wash up washing up liquid waste bin worktop Fruits and vegetables aubergine beetroot spring onion courgette marrow runner bean Meat minced meat Snacks biscuits chips crisps sweets sweetshop Automobile / Car accelerator aerial bonnet boot gear level handbrake indicator switch mudguard petrol cap puncture rear light side-light windscreen wing wing mirror Motor Vehicles coach estate car lorry sallon Near Roads car park crossroads cycle path diversion flyover lay by middle lane motorway pavement pedestrian / zebra crossing roundabout sleeping policeman slip road subway underground row是什么意思Driving change up into gear overtake rever down Shops / Stores bookshop chemist’s chemist fishmonger’s greengrocer’s grocer’s jeweller’s newsagent’s off-licence stationer’s Clothes anorak braces dinner jacket dressing gown polo neck jumper suspenders tights trours turn-ups vest waistcoat Shoes性感的英文名字 court shoes flip-flops football boots plimsolls trainers wellington boots Travel buffet car engine driver hire / rent a car bo xi lailuggage trolley railway carriage railway station return ticket single ticket Telephonee dialing / STD code directory enquiries it’s engaged / busy rever the charges Miscellaneous autumn bank note candyfloss carrycot fortnight / two weeks high street hire purcha holiday interval nappy petrol petrol / filling station polling day caretaker postbox / letterbox postman postcode queue rubber rubbish condary school llotape skipping rope term university 英语六级模板wardrobe 我的天用英语怎么说(TV) aerial dustbin | AMERICAN ENGLISH Buildings in General apartment building cond floor apartment first floor elevator Houhold Furniture cot dresr crib clot drapes hutch shade rom是什么floor lamp In the Kitchen cookie sheet bread box clothes pin stove silverware electric cord vacuum cleaner (to vacuum) blender napkin faucet dish towel can opener do the dishes dish washing liquid waste basket counter Fruits and vegetables eggplant beet green onion zucchini squash string bean Meat ground meat (hamburger) 误会的英文Snacks cookies French fries chips candies candy store Automobile / Car gas pedal antenna hood trunk gear shift emergency break turn signal / blinker splash guard (mud flaps ) gas cap blow-out (flat) tail-light parking-light windshield fender rearview mirror Motor Vehicles bus station wagon truck dan Near Roads parking lot interction bicycle route detour overpass rest area center lane freeway / highway sidewalk crosswalk traffic circle speed bump on ramp underpass subway Driving shift into gear pass back down Shops / Stores bookstore drugstore / pharmacy fishstore fruit and vegetable stand grocery store jewelry store news dealer liquor store stationary / office supply Clothes parka suspenders tuxedo robe turtleneck sweater garters pantyho pants cuffed pants undershirt vest Shoes pumps thongs soccer shoes sneakers sneakers / tennis shoes rubber boots Travel café car engineer rent a car (hire a person) baggage cart railroad car railroad station round-trip ticket one way ticket Telephone area code information it’s busy call collect Miscellaneous fall bill cotton candy porta crib two weeks main street installment plan vacation intermission diaper gas gas station election day janitor mailbox mailman zip code line erar garbage modahigh school Scotch tape jump rope mester university / college clot (TV) antenna garbage / trash can |
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