route 128

更新时间:2023-07-19 16:26:42 阅读: 评论:0

Statement of Planning Intent
megapolisThe Route Concept Report (RCR) is a planning document which describes the Department's conceptual improvement options  for a given transportation route or corridor. Considering reasonable financial constraints and projected travel demand over a 20-year planning period, the RCR considers transportation facility needs for each route or corridor.  The RCR is a tool for implementing interregional and statewide continuity of the State’s transportation network, and will be updated as needed as conditions change, or new information is obtained
Purpo of Route Concept Report
The objective of the RCR is to have local, regional, and state connsus on route or corridor concept options, improvement goals, and strategies.  This document provides concept information only and does not determine policy nor establish a cour of action.  Route Concept Reports are prepared by District staff in cooperation with local and regional agencies.  Route Concept Reports are a preliminary planning phas that lead to subquent programming and the project development process.
The following assumptions form the basis for the development of Route Concept Reports:
1.The relative importance of State highways in the District is bad on functional classification.  In
general, higher priority is given to major improvements on principal arterial routes as compared to minor arterials and collectors.
2.State highways with improvement concepts must have realistic concept levels of rvice. Concept
levels of rvice are not established on State Highways that will only be maintained (since improvements would not be made to address level of rvice concerns).
3.Level of rvice calculations are bad on the 1997 Highway Capacity Manual (e Appendix A).
4.Determinations of future levels of rvice for State Highways in District 1 are bad in part upon
Statewide and regional forecasts of State highway travel developed by the Department.
5.Route concepts are generally uniform for an entire route or corridor, unless there is a major chang
in function along the route or corridor.
6.Major projects will be developed to meet design standards acceptable to the Federal Highway
Administration in order to receive Federal funding for projects.  Otherwi, a "design exception"
must be cured during the project development process.
7.Safety projects will be pursued on an on-going basis in order to be responsive to safety concerns as
they are identified.
8.No planned or programmed improvements were assumed to be complete in analyzing prent and
future operating conditions.  The Route Concept Report details programmed improvements in the 2000 State Transportation Improvement Program.
9.Environmental documents are not required for Route Concept Reports.  Individual improvement
projects identified in Route Concept Reports will follow established environmental process when development is propod as required by law.
01-MEN-128-KP 0.0/81.9 (PM 0.0/50.9)
The concept for Route 128 in Mendocino County is 2-lane conventional highway on existing alignment.
Route 128 originates at its interction with Route 1 south of the community of Albion and travers southern Mendocino County, bicting the Anderson Valley, in a generally southeasterly direction.
Route 128 is a Rural Minor Arterial, rving veral small southern Mendocino County communities
and provides coastal access from Route 101.  While Route 128 is regionally significant, it cannot effectively compete for capacity improvement funds with other more important routes in the District, generally Rural Principal Arterials.
The level of rvice concept lected for Route 128 is LOS “E”.
Route 128 currently operates at a “C” level of rvice.  With the projected traffic increas over the next 20 years, level of rvice is expected to deteriorate to LOS “D” or “E”.
However, no improvements will be made to address reductions in level of rvice.
This Route Concept will rve as a guide for long-range planning of Route improvements.
It recognizes financial considerations and competing priorities both on this route and other routes in the District.  It will protect the state's investment in Route 128, while recognizing financial constraints, which will not allow the programming of extensive improvements for all highways.
jade raymond
Route 128 should be maintained and rehabilitated as necessary.
Bad on functional classification, traffic volumes and maintenance rvice levels, Route 128 in District 1 should be maintained and rehabilitated as necessary at its prent width and on its existing alignment.
Current rehabilitation standards (3-R) in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual indicate that Route 128 is not wide enough to permit rehabilitation at prent width over most gments. Widening gments, which do not meet 3-R width standards, is generally not considered prudent for the following reasons:
ll1.Costs to widen narrow ctions would be inordinately high becau of rugged terrain.
2.Existing vertical and horizontal alignment does not meet current standards.
3.Environmental impacts would be significant.  There are veral locations along Route
128 where there are old growth redwood trees, archaeological and cultural sites and
there are four state parks at or near the roadway on Route 128.
4.Committing extensive funds for widening in conjunction with correcting pavement
deficiencies would divert funds from higher priority improvements on other routes. SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY
While no gment of Route 128 has a collision rate greater than 1.5 times (150% of) the statewide average bad on similar facilities, the District has an established collision surveillance and monitoring program, which identifies locations with collision concerns and recommends safety improvements when warranted.  Safety improvements at spot locations will be considered as necessary.
内审员资格证书Bridge replacement, storm damage and operational improvement projects will also be considered as necessary.  The projects, in addition to safety projects, should be constructed to appropriate State and Federal standards.
In the late 1980's, the Department barrier striped two-lane highways to comply with Federally manda
ted standards.  This reduced the number of passing opportunities (and the level of rvice) on most two-lane State highways, including Route 128.  A passing lane candidate project was initiated for Route 128 but did not generate a high enough priority to be programmed. It is anticipated that the effects of barrier striping effects can additionally be mitigated by the construction of additional “turnouts” on Route 128.
Route 128 is a major all-weather Route rving the communities of Navarro, Philo, Boonville, and Yorkville along the route, and the City of Fort Bragg on the Mendocino coast (via Route 1).  It is ud to transport food and other esntial supplies and to transport goods (primarily agricultural and timber products) to market.
Consistent with the relatively low truck traffic volumes on this Route, no goods movement improvement projects are planned at this time.
Route 128 experiences light to moderate non-motorized traffic, generally concentrated in the small to
wns along the route.  Some through bicycle traffic exists; a portion of which utilizes Route 128 as a link between the coast and the wine country of the Napa Valley.
Shoulder widths on Route 128 are generally minimal, and improved shoulders would better accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians.  No projects for shoulder improvement along Route 128 are currently programmed.  Department staff will work with the Mendocino Council of Governments to implement high priority non-motorized improvements as they are identified.sliver
The Department supports Community Enhancement opportunities and are open to working in partnership with Regional Transportation Planning partners in Counties, Cities, and Communities where Route 128 is the Main Street, to achieve livable communities goals.
Community Enhancements including the development of traffic calming improvements to reduce traffic speed and noi, development of context-nsitive improvement alternatives, and development of bicycle/pedestrian facilities to increa the opportunities for non-motorized trips can improve the quality of life in our communities.  Safety will continue to be our primary concern in the consideration of the entire transportation network of which community streets are a part.
It is anticipated that Route 128 will remain a 2-lane expressway/conventional highway, on existing alignment.  No substantial long-term right of way needs are anticipated.
No alternative concepts were considered for Route 128 in District 1.
Route 128 begins at Route 1, immediately northeast of the mouth of the Navarro River, at the Pacific Coast.  Within District 1, it travers the southwest corner of Mendocino County, to the County line, approximately 10 kilometers (6 miles) northwest of Cloverdale.  Route 128 is approximately 82 kilometers (51 miles) in length within District 1.  The post mile description is 01-MEN-128-KP 0.0/81.9 (PM 0.0/50.9)
Route 128 bicts the Anderson Valley, a rich agricultural area noted for its apple orchards.
It rves a number of small southern Mendocino towns, Navarro, Philo, Boonville and Yorkville.

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