一、 考核目标
(2)听懂题材熟悉、基本上没有生词的我国对外英语广播(Radio Beijing)节目、“美国之音(VO
A)”与 “英国广播公司(BBC)”的慢速英语节目, 基本听懂“美国之音”与“英国广播公司”正常语速广播的国际新闻的主要内容。
二、 考核依据教材:
指定教材: 《英语听力教程(Listen this way)》1—4册,张民伦编,高等教育出版社,1998版
2.Radio Beijing, VOA, BBC广播节目及TOEFL考试听力训练材料。
三、 考试内容和题型 :
四、 试卷结构
第一部分Statements共有15题,每题vesak day1分,共15分。要求考生听完每题一句或两句的陈述(statement)后从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。每题后约有10秒的间隙,录音语速约为每分钟120个词,念一遍。
第二部分Short Conversations共有10题,每题1.5分,共15分。要求考生听完每题所含的一组短小对话(conversation)后从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。每题后约有10消释是什么意思秒的间隙,录音语速约为每分钟120个词,念一遍。
第四部分News有2--3则新闻广播, 要求考生听完后按试卷给出的要求填充信息,每个信息点2分,共20分。听完每则新闻后考生有3分钟时间答题,录音语速约为每分钟100个词,念一遍。
余额宝 英文第五部分为Dictation,共有1题,20分。要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上逐字逐句写出全篇短文,要求单词大、小写,单词拼写,句子结构以及标点符号正确无误,错误率不超过10%。本部分每错2个扣一分,扣完为止,不倒扣分。听写文章全篇约150个词,共念四遍。第一遍用正常速度朗读,录音速度为每分钟120词,让考生听懂短文内容大意。第二、三遍用稍慢的速度朗读,句子或分句间有大约15秒的间隙,让考生书写。第四篇再用正常速度朗读,让考生检查。
五、 命题要求
1. 命题应严格按照本大纲对于学生听力技能的要求,不能随意提高或降低标准。
ime2. 命题应严格按照本大纲试卷结构要求设计试题,不得随意改变。试卷分为试卷一和试卷二,客观题部分为试卷一,主观题部分为试卷二。客观题部分要求考生在答题卡上作答,主观题部分考生直接在试卷上作答。
3. 每套试题要安排题目的难易层次。在一般情况下,测试中心大意的题目占30%,测试细节和推理能力的题目占50%,听写占20%。试题中适当采用教材中的材料,但分值一般不得超过总分的40%。
takemetoyourheart歌词六、 题型举例
Part One Statements (15%)
Directions: There are fifteen items in Part One. For each item in this part, you will hear a short statement. The statements will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a statement, read the four ntences on your question paper and decide which one is clost in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 conds to make your choice for each item.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
It's likely that Peter will leave for Switzerland to e his brother.
You will read:
(A) Peter will go to Switzerland to e his brother.
(B) Peter likes his brother very much.
(C) Perhaps Peter will go to e his brother in Switzerland牛津国际公学常州学校.
(D) Peter will leave for Switzerland like his brother.
Sentence C “Perhaps Peter will go to e his brother in Switzerland.” is clost in meanin
g to the statement “It's likely that Peter will leave for Switzerland to e his brother.” Therefore you should choo C.
Now listen carefully.
1 A. May I e that can, plea?
B. I think I will fail my exam.
C. I don't e where the exam grades are posted.
D. I might be able to find a story for him.
Part Two Short Conversations (15%)
Directions: In Part Two, you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each
conversation you will hear a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just once. After
you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one
new directionswould be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number
of the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be give 10 conds to answer each question.
Here is an example.
You will hear:
Man: Are you going to the concert this afternoon?
Woman: No, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to go to the library and get some information ab
out Canadian history.
Question: Why can’t the woman go to the concert?
You will read:
A. She has to go to the Information Bureau.
B. She has to go to Canada.
C. She has to go to the library.
D. She has to go to a history class.
From the conversation we know that she has to go to the library. The best answer, then, is C. “She has to go to the library.” Therefore, you should choo C.