Some people think studying in a university is worthwhile only becau you can get a degree. There is no denying that we will get a degree or diploma which may help us satisfy some companies' interview qualification. But is it the degree that makes studying in适销对路 a university worthwhile? I think what we obtain from our university is far more than it.
In the first place, we go to the university for the purpo that we will get further development by studying skills which meet the need of our career in the future. After almost onehidi year's study, I realize that studying in a university 我不想看见你is totally different from nior high. More free time, more choices of cours, less pressure. Study skills are strengthened by arranging time reasonably and make wi fleshydecisions. It is not what we have learned but the way we learn that matters. We learn how to learn in a university, which will benefit us in the future.
In the cond place, as most of us all, entering into university means a start of living independently. Far away from home, without the care of parents, we are forced to live in dormitory with 3 strange faces. Faced with problems, difficulties, depression and frustration
in life, we must learn to deal with them on our own. The experience of collective life teaches us how to communicate, understand and tolerate with each other. The things are needed in our whole life.
In the last place, the university, a 顺利英文place where brilliant students gather
from all 中小学over the country, provides us with more opportunities to show ourlves. Cooperating with other people and learning from each other help to reinforce our cohesion and leadership. The things are valued by our society. And in that process, we harvest friendships and even first love. They are worth treasuring forever. Maybe after dozens of years, the diploma will become yellow and old, but the happy days we spent together in a university will be still clear enough to let us never forget. In a word, studying in a university not only brings us a degree but also a experience, through which we obtain a lot and benefit a lot. Bad on the英文书信格式范文 above points, I disagree that studying in a university is worthwhile only becau you can get a degree.
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