i was wrong>骑牛难下
I was very nsitive to music. Just dipping into the music books briefly, I could sing or play well. To be honest, I always dreamt of becoming a famous folk actor. I was so confident that I never decread my devotion.
I formed my first band called “Rolling Frog”. At the beginning, we relied on performing on instruments in pubs or to pasrs –by to earn extra money in cash. Then we wore fal beards to pretend to be the musicians whom people were familiar with. In addition, we attached humorous acts to our performances and played jokes on each other. Soon, our “funny jazz” became famous and invitations to perform for broadcast stations began to come. Afterwards, we sorted out attractive music and made a record in a studio. A million or so copies were sold and we became millionaires.katy perry好听的歌
It was painful that the band broke up finally. But above all, I realized my dream to be a musician.
友谊地久天长 英文 我对音乐很敏感,只要简要地浏览一下乐谱,我就能演唱或演奏得很好。说实话,我一直都梦想着能成为出名的民间演员,自信的我从未减少过热爱。korea是什么意思
指挥官英文 乐队最终的解散让我很心痛,但最重要的是,我实现了自己当音乐家的梦想。