1. Do you like (to learn about) history?
I love history it shows us where we come from. People say history always repeats itlf and it does. I think it’s important to look back so we can learn from past mistakes and make sure we don't make the same ones as ancestors did. My favorite time in history would have to be the medieval times.大学梦
2. Do you think history is important?
History is the record of events of what had happened in the past. In a n all developments in politics, government, society, inventions and discoveries are part of human history. History helps you understand yourlf better and understand others around you better.
mione3. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs?
No. Unless the film is prented as a documentary, no strict adherence to the historical record is mandated. You go to movies not to learn about history but to be entertained, frightened, thrilled. That’s all great. But there’s no reason that an episode of history has to be done with a certain degree of accuracy, becau that’s not the objective of a movie. My view is, if you get your history from movies or TV programs, you get what you derve.
4. Do you think the internet is a good way to learn about history?
There many excellent resources for the study of history available on the Internet. Keep in mind, however, that not everything published on the Internet is reliable information. We should all be careful and u our commonn when surfing the Internet. Always check the information you learn from online against reliable sources elwhere.
5. Does your country have a long history?
With more than 4,000 years of recorded history, China is one of the few existing countries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of world civilization.
一、 地域性发音的影响
如果说有时候两个辅音的互换不会产生太大理解方面的问题,但长时间不加以区分,考官听着也会不自觉地产生一种压迫感。下面是一位考生在第二部分描述自己的一位家庭成员时的话,说到她的姐姐像个假小子:… I guess you can imagine that she really looks like
a boy. When she was in middle school, she cut down her long hair, started to wear large shirt and became a boyish girl… 如果就这两句话中出现的”l”,发音都换成”n”的音,考官或许能明白,但听起来却比较难受。
二、 发不出的”th”
[θ]和[ð]两个音标都是”th”的发音,汉语中此种发音方式的缺乏直接导致很多考生从练习口语一开始就发不出这个音。就像很多English native speakers说汉语的“谢谢[xiexie]”会发[?e?e],是因为其中不卷舌的[x]也不存在于他们语言的发音方式中。
三、 重音错置
许多考生在平时学习词汇的过程中很容易忽视一些细节,而重音的错置就是其中之一。有的考生在习惯了单词重音为第二个音节之后,对一些重音在单词第一个音节上的细节便视而不见了。例如雅思口语中经常谈论到的”television”, “newspaper”,对于这样熟悉且简单
四、 莫名的'”r”
雅思口语考试对语音的包容性让很多考生选择了自己喜欢的美式英语,但这也意味着很多考生开始了对“儿化音”的情有独钟。”becau”和“of cour”并不一样,后者有”r”可以“儿化”;前者却没有,可很多考生都喜欢把它读成[bi’k?rz]。事实上,无论英式还是美式,它都发 [bi’k?z]。”China”, “Christmas”, “August”, ” idea”都是很典型的例子,单词的拼写中红色标记的部分后面并没有”r”,但是考生读出来时却无端产生了”r”的音。
五、 经验性判断
有的考生习惯了”nation”, “promotion”,看到”precision”, “decision”的时候觉得也应该发[??n],但事实上这两个单词中”-sion”应该发[??n];”address”这个词大家都很熟悉了,有的考生一直读的是[?d’dres],因为觉得里面有两个”d”,但其实正确的读音当然是[?’dres]。