
更新时间:2023-07-19 03:53:41 阅读:10 评论:0

Give Her a Pattern    原文配搭译文
The real trouble about women is that they must always go on trying to adapt themlves to men's theories of women, as they always have hone. When a woman is thoroughly herlf, she is being what her type of man wants her to be. When a woman is hysterical it's becau she doesn't quite know what to be, which pattern to follow, which man's picture of woman to live up to.
杨自伍 译
女人的真正麻烦在于,她们必须始终不断地力求适应男人的各种妇女理论,她们向来就是这样做的。 一旦哪个女人完全显出本色,她便变成了男人心目中的妇女类型。女人有的时候歇斯底里,那是由于她不太清楚要成为什么样的人,要遵循什么样的模式,要符合男人眼里什么样的妇女形象。jjcc
在线翻译 金山
樱花国际日语学校For, of cour, just as there are many men in the world, there are many masculine theories of what women should be. But run to type, and it is the type, not the individual, that produces the theory, or “ideal” of woman. Tho very grasping① gentry, the Romans, produced a theory or ideal of the matron, which fitted in every nicely with the Roman property lust. “Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion.”② -So Caesar’s wife kindly proceeded to be above it, no matter how far below it the Caesar fell. Later gentlemen like Nero③ produce the “fast”④ theory of woman, and later ladies were fast enough for everybody. Dante arrived with a chaste and untouched Beatrice, and chaste and untouched Beatrices began to march lf-importantly through the centuries. The Renaissances discovered the learned woman, and learned women buzzed⑤ mildly into ver and pro. Dickens invented the child-wife⑥, so child-wives have swarmed ever since. He also fished out his version of the chaste Beatrice, a chaste but marriageable Agnes⑦. George Eliot imitated this pattern, and it became confirmed. The noble woman, the pure spou, the devoted mother took the field⑧, and was simply worked to death. Our own poor mothers were this sort. So we younger men, having been a bit frightened o
f our noble mothers, tended to revert to the child-wife. We weren’t very inventive. Only the child-wife must be a boyish little thing-that was the new touch we added. Becau young men are definitely frightened of the real female. She’s too risky a quantity. She is too untidy, like David’s Dora. No, let here be a boyish little thing, it’s safer. So, a boyish little thing she is.想说就说
当然,天底下有多少男人,便有多少女人应当如何如何的男人理论。不过男人讲究类型,正是类型而非个人制造出了妇女理论和“理想”。那些贪得无厌之辈,即古罗马人,制造了一种主妇理论和理想,它恰如其分地合乎罗马人的占有欲。“恺撒之妻不容怀疑。”-所以恺撒的妻子自然从此不受怀疑,无论恺撒之辈受到多大的怀疑。后世尼禄一流的先生们又制造了妇女“淫荡”论, 后世的太太们便淫荡得尽如人意。但丁推出了那一位贞洁的一尘不染的贝雅特丽齐,于是贞洁的一尘不染的贝雅特丽齐们又自高自大地迈过几个世纪。文艺复兴时期的人发现了女才子,于是女才子们又哼儿哈儿地吟诗作文。狄更斯编造出个小娘子,于是小娘子们从此蜂拥而来。他还掏出了自家面目的贝雅特丽齐,一位贞洁但是可以出嫁的阿格尼斯。乔治·艾略特仿效这个模式,于是模式渐渐确立下来。高贵的女人,纯洁的配偶,慈爱的母亲纷纷登场了,简直是劳累致死的。我们自己的母亲就是这一类。因此
There are, of cour, other types. Capable men produce the capable woman ideal. Doctors produce the capable nur. Businessmen produce the capable cretary. And so you get all sorts. You can produce the masculine n of honor (whatever that highly mysterious quantity may be) in women, if you want to.
There is, also, the eternal cret ideal of men-the prostitute. Lots of women live up to this idea; just becau want them to.
And so, poor woman, destiny makes away with her. It isn't that she hasn't got a mind-she has, She's got everything that man has. The only difference is that she asks for a pattern. Give me a pattern to follow! That will always be woman’s cry. Unless of cour sh
英语3级成绩查询e has already chon her pattern quite young, then she will declare she is herlf absolutely, and no man’s idea of women has any influence over her.
Now the real tragedy is not that women ask and must ask for a pattern of womanhood. The tragedy is not, even, that men give them such abominable pattern, child-wives, little-
boy-face girls, perfect cretaries, noble spous, lf-sacrificing mothers, pure women who bring forth children in virgin, coldness, prostitutes who just make themlves low, to plea the men; all the atrocious patterns all perverted from any real natural fullness of a human being. Man is willing to accept woman as an equal, as man in skirts, as an angle, a devil, a baby-face, a machine, an instrument, a bosom, a womb, a pair of legs, a rvant, an encyclopedia, and ideal, or an obscenity; the one thing he won‘t accept her as, is a human being, a real human being of the feminine x. doggy style是什么
现在真正的悲剧并不是女人们寻求而且必须要求一个妇道模式。 悲剧甚至并不在于男人们给了她们这类为了取悦于男人的可恶模式,比如小娘子、小男孩脸蛋的姑娘家、无可挑剔的秘书、高贵的配偶、牺牲自我的母亲、在处子般冷漠状态下生儿育女的纯洁女人、偏偏使自己变得下贱的妓女。男人们提供给妇女的全是些冷酷无情的妇道模式;根据一个血肉之躯的任何一点自然的完满性来看,这些模式统统是扭曲的。男人乐意接受的女人是平等的人,是穿裙子的人,是天使、魔鬼、娃娃脸、机器、工具、乳房、子宫、两条腿、佣人、百科全书、理想或下流动作;他不肯接受她的唯一事实在于她是一个有血有肉的人,一个阴性的真正的人。

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