9 The scientist looks for order in the appearances of nature by exploring such likeness. For order does not display itlf of itlf; if it can be said to be there at all, it is not there for the mere looking. There is no way of pointing a finger or camera at it; order must be discovered and, in a deep n, it must be created. What we e, as we e it, is mere disorder.
10 This point has been put trenchantly in a fable by Karl Popper. Suppo that someone wished to give his whole life to science. Suppo that he therefore sat down, pencil in hand, and for the next twenty, thirty, forty years recorded in notebook after notebook everything that he could obrve. He may be suppod to leave out nothing: today’s humidity, the racing results, the level of cosmic radiation and the stock market prices and the look of Mars, all would be there. He would have compiled the most careful record of nature that has ever been made; and, dying in the calm certainty of a life well spent, he would of cour leave his notebooks to the Royal Society. Would the Royal Society thank him for the treasure of a lifetime of obrvation? It would not. The Royal Society would tre
at his notebooks exactly as the English bishops have treated Joanna Southcott’s box. It would refu to open them at all, becau it would know without looking that the notebooks contain only a jumble of disorderly and meaningless items.
第一句话的翻译中有两个问题:1. Karl Popper的名字没有翻译准确,这个需要有一定的背景知识或者在网上查一下资料也可以。应该翻译成卡尔·波普尔。这个人是20世纪著名的科学哲学大师。2. trenchantly 不是简明的,而是深刻地、锐利地这种意思。第二句话中的Suppo也不是“试图想想”的意思,这个词在这里指“想象一下”或者“假设”。第3句话中的He may be suppod to leave out nothing翻译成“这样的话,也许他什么也不会落下”也不太合适。后面翻译的基本不错,只是“当然,最关键的是”原文中没有对应的表达。
irig11 Science finds order and meaning in our experience, and ts about this in quite a different way. It ts about it as Newton did in the story which he himlf told in his old age, and of which the schoolbooks give only a caricature. In the year 1665, when Newton was twenty-two, the plague broke out in southern England, and the University of Cambridge was clod. Newton therefore spent the next eighteen months at home, removed from traditional learning, at a time when he was impatient for knowledge and, in his own phra, “I was in the prime of my age for invention.” In this eager, boyish mood, sitting one day in the garden of his windowed mother, he saw an apple fall. So far the books have the story right; we think we even know the kind of apple; tradition has it that it was a Flower of Kent. But now they miss the crux of the story. For what struck the young
Newton at the sight was not the thought that the apple must be drawn to the earth by gravity; that conception was older than Newton. What struck him was the conjecture that the same force of gravity, which reaches to the top of the tree, might go on reaching out beyond the earth and its air, endlessly into space. Gravity might reach the moon: this was Newton’s new thought; and it might be gravity which holds the moon in her orbit. There and then he calculated what force from the earth (falling off as the square of the distance) would hold the moon, and compared it with the known force of gravity at tree height. The forces agreed; Newton says laconically, “I found them answer pretty nearly.” Yet they agreed only nearly: the likeness and the approximation go together, for no likeness is exact. In Newton’s science modern science is full grown.
“教科书里只有滑稽可笑的讽刺漫画”这个地方处理的不太好,因为caricature这个词在这个语境里面并没有滑稽可笑的意思,翻译成漫画就行了。“脱离了传统的学习以后,有一次牛顿对知识的学习感到不胜其烦”这句话的意思翻译偏了。要注意原文at a time when he was impatient for knowledge这句话中impatient后面跟的是submit什么意思for,所以这里的意思是指“当时他对知识充满了渴望”,这样才能和后面的表达联系起来。“我这个黄金年龄用来搞些发明才好”这个地方翻译的也不准确。原文的意思是“我那时正处在创造力的黄金时期”。“一天,牛顿坐在屋外的花园里,妈妈就倚在屋内的窗边”这个地方的翻译也有问题。但根本问题不出在译文上,而是原文上。原文的in the garden of his windowed mother错了,应该是widowed mother. 属于印刷错误。“但相传那个苹果是肯特苹果”这个地方也有问题,应该注意到原文Flower of Kent用的是大写,所以这里是特指这种苹果的品种叫做“肯特之花”。“牛顿在看到苹果落地的时候并没有立刻想到重力一定会让苹果落地”和原文表达的意思也有点
陈情表原文及翻译远。原文For what struck the young Newton at the sight was not the thought that the apple must be drawn to the earth by gravity中的struck一词没有翻译出来。这句话的意思是,“当时触动青年牛顿的并不是苹果在引力的作用下一定会落在地上的思想”。后面“他认为这样的重力很可能就是月球得以绕地球以固定轨道运行的原因”中的“重力”应该译为“引力”。“ 那么重力也许会继续向外存在,一直冲破大气层直到宇宙之中”这个地方完全没有理解原文的意思。“falling off as the square of the distance”意思是“随距离的平方递减”。这个地方的翻译需要对物理学有稍好一些的理解。the likeness and the approximation go together, for no likeness is exact 这句话的意思是“相似性意味着近似,没有绝对一致的相似性”。
小学生报纸12 It grows from a comparison. It has ized a likeness between two unlike appearances; for the apple in the summer garden and the grave moon overhead are surely as unlike in their movements as two things can be. Newton traced in them two expressions of a single concept, gravitation: and the concept (and the unity) are in that n his free crea
tion. The progress of science is the discovery at each step of a new order which gives unity to what had long emed unlike.