LEC真题解析 | Formation of Contract(合同的构成)
在美国法下,形成一个合同需要Mutual Asnt(双方合意)和Consideration(对价)。双方的合意是通过Offer and Acceptance(要约与承诺)来实现。
Formation of Contract |
Mutual Asnt | 1. Offer | Restatement § 24. Offer Defined An offer is the manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another person in understanding that his asnt to that bargain is invited and will conclude it. |
2. Acceptance | Restatement §50. Acceptance of Offer Defined; 莲韵吧(1) Acceptance of an offer is a manifestation of asnt to the terms thereof made by the offeree in a manner invited or required by the offer. |
3. Consideration | In the legal system, the term consideration in contract law refers to something of value given to someone in return for goods, rvices, or some other promi. A valid contract must include consideration for every party involved. In simple terms, consideration is the basic reason a party enters into a legal contract. |
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Offer 要约
美国《合同法重述》 (第二次)的第24条规定,要约是“订立合同的意思表示,它使得另一个人有理由认为,此方邀请其同意该合同,并且合同因为其同意而成立”。
通常,要约是由以下三个方面构成的: (1)必须明确表示有创设一个受法律约束的义务的意图;
承诺有两层含义: (1)对要约人提议的接受(acceptance);(2)对要约人要求的允诺(promi),或者完成了被要求的行为。
美国《合同法重述》 (第二次)第50条第1款对承诺作出了定义: “parately承诺就是受要约人依照要约所邀请或要求的方式,对要约人表示接受其要约而成立合同之意思表示。asian games”
space shuttle通常情况下,受要约人的承诺必须明确地表示出来,这种表示可以是以文字的形式,也可以通过受要约人的行为表示。
对于表示承诺的方式,普通法(common law)的一般原则是,承诺必须无条件地和绝对地同要约的内容相一致,受要约人必须无条件地同意要约的全部内容,不能对要约作出任何保留、修改或者增减。这就是所谓的“镜像规则”(Mirror Image Rule)。
但是,《统一商法典》(UCC)对表示承诺的方式,采取的更为宽松的“格式之战原则”(Battle of the Forms),即在商品买卖中,如果一方当事人以另一种形式作出承诺,即使与要约中的内容不一致,但是在某些情况下整个合同或合同中的部分内容也可能是有
(1)Benefit-Detriment Approach(获益一受损标准)。受诺人承诺或者履行了其在法律上原本无义务的作为或者不作为, 即受诺人受到“损害”(detriment)。
这样的对价,可能是当事人一方所得之权利、利益、利润或者获利,或者是另一方当事人因克制自己所受的不作为、不利益、损失或者义务(责任) 。
(2)Bargained-for Exchange(交易理论)。许诺人为了获得对价而作出许诺,受诺人为了得到诺言人的许诺而提供对价,因此 对价与诺言互为交易对象(bargained-for exchange)。
1. Melonie had been working with an accounting firm for three years. Although the work 阴核was busy, she was paid quite well. After she had her first baby, she hired a nanny to help take care of her child. Her mother-in-law, Melinda, disapproved the nanny and tried to persuade Melonie to quit her job and take care of the baby herlf. One night, Melinda came to visit and said to Melonie: "If you quit your job and take care of the baby by yourlf for three years, I promi I will give you $2,500 each month as a compensation for your sacrifice".
Melonie discusd with her husband Henry, and they thought it would be a great idea. The following Monday, Melonie resigned from her firm, fired the nanny, and started to stay home taking care of the family. However, Melinda never gave her any money.
If Melonie sues Melinda for breach of contract, which of the following defens argoclai
med by Melinda would be accepted by the court?
A.There was no offer.
B.There was no acceptance since Melonie did not make a promi to Melinda.
C.There was no consideration becau no legal value exchanged.
D.None of the above.
22012高考时间. Melonie had been working with an accounting firm for three years. Although therough work was busy, she was paid quite well. After she had her first baby, she hired a nanny to help take care of her child. Her mother-in-law, Melinda, disapproved the nanny and tried to persuade Melonie to quit her job and take care of the baby herlf. One night, Melinda came to visit and said to Melonie: "If you quit your job and take care of the baby by yourlf for three years, I promi I will give you $2,500 each month as a compensation for your sacrifice".
Melonie discusd with her husband Henry, and they made a decision. The following Monday, Melonie talked to her boss and switched to a part-time position so that she would only need to work 20 hours each week. After she told Melinda what she did, Melinda never responded and never paid her anything. So Melanie decided to sue Melinda for the $2,500 monthly payment. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Melanie could not get compensation becau there was no contract.
B. Melanie could not get compensation becau there was no consideration.
C. Melanie could not get compensation becau Melinda did not have income.
D. Melanie could only get $1,250 as compensation.