Unit 4 Making the news
To Capture the Last Pay Phones 捕捉最后的公用电话 We’re heading north up Rochester’s Goodman Street, past pizza places and gas stations and narrow wood-frame homes, when Eric Kunsman spots a red crowned kiosk (公用电话亭) in front of the parking lot of a convenience store/smoke shop. It’s a pay phone, one he’d probably en many times before but never truly en until now. “Look at that!” he says. We pull over, and he pops the hatch on his SUV. “I can’t believe I misd this one. ” In the back, Kunsman keeps his photography equipment—vintage (老式的) Haslblad film camera (哈苏相机) in a suitca-size ca. It’s an attention-getting rig (装备), and as he ts it up and strains it on the battered telephone, the owner of the smoke shop emerges, frowning. Kunsman is very familiar with this part of the process, and with an enormous grin he explains himlf: He’s a photographer with a newspaper and he takes pictures of pay phones before they disappear. 【外刊概要】 本篇文章介绍了Eric Kunsman是一名媒体摄影师, 他目前的任务是拍摄城市最后一批公用电话, 因为公用电话正在逐渐从人们的生活中消失, 他要在这之前用镜头记录下这个时代发展的陪伴者。 | 主题语境 人与社会 课标话题 新闻媒体 urumqi思维品质 通过阅读外刊文章, 理解文章内容, 拓展国际视野, 增强爱国情怀, 关注社会热点, 积极参与实践, 培养思维能力。 对接教材 必修5 yessirUnit 4 Making the news |
Ⅰ. 翻译 公用电话/付费电话 pay phone 比萨店 pizza places 加油站 gas station 停车场 parking lot 便利店 convenience store 香烟商店 peppersmoke shop Ⅱ. 佳句仿写 1. 我正在沙发上休息, 这时电话响了。(when) I was having a rest on the sofa when the telephone rang. 2. 帮助别人是一种习惯, 一种你可以在很小的时候学会的习惯。(one) Helping others is a habit, one you can learn even at an early age. 3. 有时候我在做作业的时候听音乐。(as) Sometimes I listen to music as I am doing my homework. |
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1. ca n. 情况; 病例; 案例
【教材重温】Have you ever had a ca where someone accud your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick. (P26)
你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者, 说他(她)们的报道完全失实。
【语境速测】 单句语法填空
queenie eye①(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷) Popularization has in some cas (ca) changed the original meaning of emotional intelligence.
②We’ll discuss a ca where beginners of English fail to u the language properly.
③Take the note as a reminder in ca you forget to buy some sweets for the kids while shopping there.
④We can in no ca go against the law of nature, or we’ll meet endless suffering. (改为倒装句)
In no ca can we go against the law of nature, or we’ll meet endless suffering.
(1)in ca 以防(万一)
(2)in ca of 万一……, 如果发生……
(3)in any ca 无论如何; 不管怎样
(4)in no ca 决不(置于句首时, 引起部分倒装)
(5)as is often the ca 这是常有的事
Unless we have enough evidence, we can’t win the ca. 诉讼
It is often the ca that anything is possible for tho who hang on to hope.
通常情况下, 对于那些坚持希望的人来说, 一切皆有可能。
2. eager adj. 渴望的; 热切的
【教材重温】You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested. (P26)
你会发现你的同事们会很热情地帮助你, 所以如果你感兴趣的话, 以后你可以专注于摄影。
【语境速测】 单句语法填空
①(2021·全国乙卷) As she was leaving she was eager to say多谢的英文 (say) goodbye to each of us in the nursing team.
②Eager to attain (attain) brilliant success in the coming speech competition, Jim showed tremendous eagerness (eager)to learn in practice. With the date approaching, he was eager for being awarded the first prize. When the winner was announced, he couldn’t wait to attend the awarding ceremony eagerly (eager).
(1)be eager for 渴望
苦恼的意思(2)be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
shemales【知识拓展】 表示“渴望”的短语:
desire for/to do long for/to do
be thirsty for/to do hunger for
Given the chance, I would make donations to orphans eager to gain future access through learning.
如果有机会, 我想向渴望通过学习获得未来机会的孤儿提供捐助。
3. inform vt. 告知; 通知
【教材重温】They must u rearch to inform themlves of the missing parts of the story. (P26)
他们(记者)必须通过调查研究, 来使自己了解事件被遗漏的那部分的情况。
【语境速测】 单句语法填空
①The boss asked his cretary to keep him well informed (inform) of the programme’s progress.
②It was considerate of Michael to inform (inform) us of his delay in ca we got worried.
③He informed her that he was thinking of entering a medical college.
④We need time to inform ourlves thoroughly of the problem.
(1)inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事
inform sb. that. . . 通知某人……
(2)informed adj. 了解情况的; 见多识广的
keep sb. informed of/about. . . 通知某人关于……; 使某人知道……
I’d like to inform you of/about some detailed information so that you can make full preparations for it.
我想告知你一些详细的信息, 以便你做好充分的准备。
1. assist vt. 帮助; 协助; 援助
【教材重温】You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you. (P26)
dvb【语境速测】 单句语法填空
①He asked us to assist him in carrying through his plan.
②With the assistance (assist) of his teacher, he gradually adjusted to the school life.
③We will have handy robots and computers to assist us with the things that are boring.
(1)assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事
assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事
assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事
(2)come to one’s assistance 援助某人
When you face a challenge, the suggestions may be of assistance to you.