1. Reading chunks of Shapiro’s ver in one sitting, it must be said, expos the _____ nature of his writing: scads of poems are too glancing to strike a nerve, scarcely worth a cond reading.
A. jejune
B. esoteric
C. corrosive
D. finicky
E. Indiscreet
填空对应:glancing, scarcely worth a cond reading
词汇:jejune 枯燥
Esoteric 深奥的
Corrosive 腐蚀的
Finicky 挑剔的
Indiscreet 轻率的
2. The painter’s problem, like that of an author who early literary masterpiece exhausts the themes it embodies, is how to _____ his first highly acclaimed efforts with works of comparable significance and prence.
A. combine
夏天英文B. illuminate
C. realize
D. amend
E. Follow
填空对应:early ...exhausts
the face词汇:combine 组合
Illuminate 阐明
Realize 实现
Amend 修改
Follow 跟随
3. Harper’s draw, while (i)_____ in the United States for years, has remained (ii)_____ in London, where the public greets virtually every work with unabashed enthusiasm.
A. in eclip D. controversial
B. unrivaled E. unsurpasd
C. unchanged F. unexceptional
填空对应: with unabashed enthusiasm
词汇:in eclip 黯然失色
Unrivaled 无敌的
Unchanged 不变的
amitaControversial 有争议的
Unsurpasd 卓越的
Unexceptional 普通的
4. Even if the merits of the proposal are (i)_____, faculty members may be reluctant to (ii)_____, given their fear of offending the group that champions it.
A. unparalleled D. demur
B. dubious E. approve
C. obvious F. acquiesce
逻辑关系提示词:even if,取反;given,取同
填空对应:fear of offending - reluctant to blank ii - blank i;
词汇:unparalleled 无比的
Dubious 可疑的
Obvious 明显的
Demur 反对
Approve 批准
Acquiesce 默许
5. Until now, old snapshots and home movies faded and crumbled and were eventually (i)_____. Only a few precious mementos were prerved and pasd along. But as photography moves into the digital realm, family albums and home videos e capable o
f (ii)_____: our capacity to store them is, for all practical purpos, approaching the infinite. Is such a transformation a good thing? The natural world teaches us that (iii)_____ are vital to ecological health. Does a similar principle apply to communal memory?冷静的英文
A. archived D. transmission G. death and decaydinner什么意思
B. discarded E. immortality H. predator and prey
C. reproduced F. revolution I. reproduction and renewal
填空对应:crumble - blank i; infinite - blank ii; blank i -blank iii;
词汇:archive 归档
Discard 丢弃
Reproduce 复制
Transmission 传递
Immortality 不朽
thriceRevolution 革命
Death and decay 死亡和衰退
Predator and prey 捕食者和被捕食者
Reproduction and renewal 繁殖和更新
6. In medieval Europe, watermills were more (i)_____ than windmills. It is true that windmills could be built virtually anywhere, whereas watermills (ii)_____. However, watermills’ greater capacity and reliability provided a better (iii)_____ the money required to build the mill.
A. problematic D. were suitable only for certain locations G. source of
B. profitable E. inspired a variety of new technologies H. adjunct to
C. versatile F. required a good deal of upkeep I. return on
填空对应:built anywhere - blank ii; greater capacity and reliability - blank iii&blank i;
词汇:problematic 问题的
Profitable 有利可图的
Versatile 多功能的
Were suitable only for certain locations 只适合某些地点
Inspired a variety of new technology 激发新技术
Require a good deal of upkeep 要求大量维护
Source of 来源
Adjunct to 附属
Return on 回报
7. Despite the general _____ of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology has contributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.
A. openness
B. indifference
C. hostility
D. animus
E. bias
F. Orientation
词汇:openness 开放
Indifference 冷漠
Hostility - animus 敌意
Bias - orientation 偏见
8. Our mass media are much more fascinated by bad ideas or the failure of good ones than by success: we drown in bad news—tales of how things went wrong--but we have
only the most_____ discussion on how they might go right.
A. incisive
B. tantalizing
C. trenchant
D. cursory
E. illusory
F. Perfunctory