Note:This documen t is referenc e material fo r investigato rs and otherFDA personnel. The documen t does not bi nd FDA, and d oes no confer any rights,privileges, b enefits, or i mmunities for or on any pe rson(s).
One of the more dif ficult proces s to inspec t and one whi ch has pren ted considera ble problemsover the year s is that ofthe manufactu re of sterile bulk drug su bstances. Wit hin the pastveral years, there havebeen a number of batches o f sterile bul k drug substa nces from dif ferent manufa cturers which exhibited mi crobiological contaminatio n. One manufa cturer had ap proximately 100 batches co ntaminated in a 6 month ti me period. An other had app roximately 25batches cont aminated in a similar peri od. Other man ufacturers ha ve had recall s due to thelack of
assur ance of steri lity. Althoug h the Inspect ion Guide for Bulk Drug Su bstances prov ides some dir ection for th e inspectionof the steril e bulk drug s ubstance, itdoes not prov ide the detai led direction needed.
In the m anufacture of the sterilebulk powders, it is import ant to recogn ize that ther e is no furth er processing of the finis hed sterile b ulk powder to remove conta minants or im purities such as particula tes, endotoxi ns and degrad ants.
choirA s with otherinspections,any rejectedbatches, alon g with the va rious reasons for rejectio n, should
befamoussmart中文意思beidentified ea rly in the in spection to p rovide direct ion for the i nvestigator.For example,lists of batc hes rejectedand/or retest ed over a per iod of time s hould be obta ined from the manufacturer to provide d irection forcoverage to b e given to sp ecific proces s or system s. Becau so me of the act ual sterile b ulk
operation s may not been, and bec au of the c omplexity ofthe process,it is particu larly importa nt to reviewreports and s ummaries, suc h as validati on studies, r eject lists,Environmental Monitoring S ummary Report s, QA Investi gation Logs,etc. The sy stems and oth ers are discu sd in the B asic Inspecti on Guide. Thi s is particul arly importan t for the for eign sterilebulk drug sub stance manufa cturer wheretime is limit ed. In the pr eparation for a sterile bu lk drug subst ance inspecti on, a flow ch art with themajor process ing steps sho uld be obtain ed. Generally, the manufac ture of a ste rile bulk sub stance usuall y includes th e following s teps:
1. C onversion ofthe non-steri le drug subst ance to the s terile form b y dissolvingin a solvent, sterilizatio n of the solu tion by filtr ation and col lection in asterilized re actor (crysta llizer).
2. Aptic p recipitationor crystalliz ation of thesterile drugsubstance inthe sterile r eactor.
2. 在无菌反应罐中进行无菌沉淀或结晶。
3. Aptic isolation of the sterilesubstance bycentrifugatio n or filtrati on.
3. 通过离心或过滤实现无菌分离。
4. A ptic drying, milling and blending ofthe sterile s ubstance.
5. Aptic samp ling and pack aging the dru g substance.
Th e operation s should be p erformed in c lod systems, with minima l operator ha ndling. Any a ptic operat ions performe d by an opera tor(s) otherthan in a clo d system sh ould be ident ified and car efully review ed.
In addition t o the impurit y concerns fo r the manufac ture of bulkdrug substanc es, there isa concern wit h endotoxinsin the manufa cture of thesterile bulkdrug substanc es. The valid ation report,which demons trates the re moval, if pre nt, of endo toxins to acc eptable level s, should bereviewed. Som e manufacture rs have comme nted that sin ce an organic solvent is t ypically ud for the conv ersion of the non-sterilebulk drug sub stance to the sterile bulk drug substan ce, that endo toxins will b e reduced atthis stage. A s with any op eration, this may or may n ot be correct. Fo
r example, in an inspe ction of a ma nufacturer wh o conducted e xtensive stud ies of the co nversion (cry stallization)of the non-s terile substa nce to the st erile drug su bstance, they found no cha nge from theinitial endot oxin level. O rganic solven ts were udin this conve rsion. Thus,it is importa nt to reviewand asss th is aspect ofthe validatio n report.
湛江师范学院是几本In the vali dation of thi s conversion(non-sterileto sterile) f rom an endoto xin perspecti ve, challenge studies canbe carried ou t on a labora tory or pilot scale to det ermine the ef ficiency of t he step. Once it is establ ished that th e process wil l result in a cceptable end otoxin levels, some monito ring of the p roduction bat ches would be appropriate. As with anyvalidation pr ocess, the pu rpo and eff iciency of ea ch step shoul d be evaluate d. For exampl e, if the con version (crys tallization)from the non-sterile to th e sterile sub stance is toreduce endoto xins by one l og, then data should suppo rt this step.
S ince endotoxi ns may not be uniformly di stributed, it is also impo rtant to moni tor the biobu rden of the n on-sterile su bstance(s) be ing sterilize d. For exampl e, gram negat ive contamina ts in a non-s terile bulk d rug substance prior to ste rilization ar e of concern,particularly if the steri lization (fil tration) andcrystallizati on steps do n ot reduce the endotoxins t o acceptablelevels. There fore, microbi ological, aswell as endot oxin data onthe criticalcomponents an d operational steps should be reviewed.
Fac ility designfor the apt ic processing of sterile b ulk drug subs tances should have the sam e de
windelnsign feat ures as an SV P aptic pro cessing facil ity. The wo uld include t emperature, h umidity and p ressure contr ol. Becau s terile bulk a ptic facili ties are usua lly larger, p roblems withpressure diff erentials and sanitization have been en countered. Fo r example, amanufacturerwas found tohave the gown ing area unde r greater pre ssure than th e adjacent as eptic areas.The need to r emove solvent vapors may a lso impact on area pressur ization.
无菌原料药的无菌加工设施的设计应与SVP无菌设施具有相同的设计特征。这包括温度、湿度和压力控制。由于原料药无菌设施通常较大,常常遇到压差和消毒问题。例如,在现场检查中发现,一个生产商更衣区域的压力比临近无菌区的压力更大。有时需要排除溶媒蒸汽也可能影响着洁净区域的压差。Unnecessaryequipment and/or equipment that cannotbe adequately sanitized, s uch as wooden skids and fo rklift trucks, should be i dentified. In quire about t he movement o f large quant ities of ster ile drug subs tance and the location ofpass-throughareas between the sterilecore and non-sterile areas. Obrve the areas, rev iew environme ntal monitori ng results an d sanitizatio n procedures.
The CGMP Reg ulations proh ibit the uof asbestos f ilters in the final filtra tion of solut ions. At pres ent, it would be difficult for a manufa cturer to jus tify the uof asbestos f ilters for fi ltration of a ir or solutio ns. Inquire a bout the uof asbestos f ilters.朗文
Fa cilities ud for the char ge or additio n of non-ster ile component s, such as th e non-sterile drug substan ce, should be similar to t ho ud for the compound ing of parent eral solution s prior to st erilization.The concern i s soluble ext raneous conta minants, incl uding endotox ins, that may be carried t hrough the pr ocess. Obrv e this area a nd review the environmenta l controls an d specificati ons to determ ine the viabl e and non-via ble particula te levels all owed in thisarea.
Sterilepowders are u sually produc ed by dissolv ing the non-s terile substa nce or reacta nts in an org anic solventand then filt ering the sol ution through a sterilizin g filter. Aft er filtration, the sterile bulk materia l is parate d from the so lvent by crys tallization o r precipitati on. Other met hods includedissolution i n an aqueoussolution, fil tration steri lization andparation by crystallizat ion/filtratio n. Aqueous so lutions can a lso be steril e filtered an d spray dried or lyophiliz ed.
In t he handling o f aqueous sol utions, prior to solvent e vaporation (e ither by spra y drying or l yophilization), check theadequacy of t he system and controls tominimize endo toxin contami nation. In so me instances,piping syste ms for aqueou s solutions h ave been show n to be the s ource of endo toxin contami nation in ste rile powders.There should be a print a vailable of t he piping sys tem. Trace th e actual pipi ng, compare i t with the pr int and assur e that thereare no "deadlegs" in thesystem.
four asonsThevalidation da ta for the fi ltration (ste rilization) p rocess should also be revi ewed. Determi ne the firm's criteria for lection of the filter a nd the freque ncy of changi ng filters. D etermine if t he firm knows the bioburde n and examine their proced ures for inte grity testing filters.
F ilters mightnot be change d after eachbatch is ster ilized. Deter mine if there is data to j ustify the in tegrity of th e filters for the time per iods utilized and that "gr ow through" h as not occurr ed.