NMI Disable NMI interrupt line to the CPU is disabled by tting bit 7 I?O port 70h (CMOS)
Power On Delay Once the keyboard controller gets power, it ts the hard and soft ret bits. Check the keyboard controller or clock generator if a failure occurs 催乳师培训多少钱
november怎么读Initialize Chipts Check the BIOS, CLOCK and chipts
Ret Determination The BIOS reads the bits in the keyboard controller to e if a hard or soft ret is required (a soft ret will not test memory above 64K). Failure could be the BIOS or keyboard controller jo jorgenn
ROM BIOS Checksum The BIOS performs a checksum on itlf and adds a pret factory value that should make it equal to 00. If a failure occurs, check the BIOS chips
supaKeyboard Test A command is nt to the 8042 keyboard controller which performs a test and ts a buffer space for commands. After the buffer is defined the BIOS nds a command byte, writes data to the buffer, checks the high order bits of the internal keyboard controller and issues a No Operation (NOP) command
CMOS Shutdown byte in CMOS RAM offt 0F is tested, the BIOS checksum calculated and diagnostic byte 0E updated before the CMOS RAM area is initialized and updated for date and time. Check the RTC and CMOS chip or battery if a failure occurs
DMA (8237) and PIC (8259) Disable The DMA and Programmable Interrupt Controller are disabled before the POST proceeds and further. Check the 8237 or 8259 chips if a failure occurs
Video Disable The video controller is disabled and port B initialized. Check the video adapter if a failure occurs
选择题英文Chipt Initialized and Memory Detected Memory addresd in 64K blocks. Failure would be in the chipt. If all memory is not en, failure could be in a chip in the block after the last one en
PIT Test The timing functions of the 8254 Programmable Interrupt Timer are tested. The PIT and RTC chips normally cau errors here
Memory Refresh PIT's ability to refresh memory is tested. If an XT, DMA controller #1 handles this. Failure is normally the PIT (8254) in AT's or the 8237, DMA #1, in XT's
Address Line Test the address lines in the first 64K of RAM. If a failure occurs, an address line may be the problem
Ba 64K Data patterns are written to the first 64K of RAM, unless there is a bad RAM chip in which ca you will get a failure
Chipt Initialization The PIT, PIC and DMA controllers are initialized
Set Interrupt Table Interrupt vector table ud by PIC is installed in low memory, the first 2K
8042 Keyboard Controller Check The BIOS reads the buffer area in the keyboard controller I/O port 60. Failure here is normally the keyboard controller
Video Tests The type of video adapter is checked for, then a ries of tests are performed on the adapter and monitor
BIOS Data Area The vector table is checked for proper operation and video memory verified before protected mode tests are entered into. This is done so that any errors found are displayed on the monitor
Protected Mode Tests Perform reads and writes to all memory locations below 1MB. Failure at this point indicate a bad RAM chip, the 8042 Keyboard Controller or a data line
欧洲有哪些国家DMA Chips The DMA registers are tested using a data pattern 笑话用英语怎么说
Final Initialization the differ with each version. Typically, the floppy and hard drives are tested and initialized and a check is made for rial and parallel devices. The information gathered is then compared against the contents of the CMOS and you will e the results of any failures on the monitor
BOOT The BIOS hands over control to the Int 19 bootloader. This is where you would e error messages such as non-system disk
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AMI BIOS Text Error Messages:
Message Explanation
Bad PnP Serial ID Checksum The Serial ID checksum of a PnP card is invalid
Floppy Disk Controller Resource Conflict The floppy drive controller had requested a resource that is already in u
NVRAM Checksum Error - NVRAM Cleared The extended system configuration data (ESCD) was reinitialized becau of an NVRAM checksum error. Clear CMOS and ESCD RAM and reboot
NVRAM Cleared By Jumper The Clear CMOS jumper has been moved to the Clear position. CMOS RAM and ESCD have been cleared
NVRAM Data Invalid - NVRAM Cleared Invalid data found in the ESCD, which might mean that you have changed devices in the system. When this message is displayed, the BIOS has already rewritten the ESCD with current configuration data
Parallel Port Resource Conflict The parallel port requested a resource that is already in u