1、A ____ is ud to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.
A. keyboard B. modem C. mou D. printer
2、A ____ is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.
A. network card B. video card C. sound card D. monitor
3、____ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.
A. Word 2000 B. Outlook 2000 C. Access 2000 D. Excel 2000
4、____ is a fast and powerful operating system, bad on the UNIX O.S.
A. Windows 2000 B. Office 2000 C. Windows 98 D. Linux
5、The OSI model has ____ layers.
A. four B. five C. six D. ven
6、The purpo of the ____ is to provide fully integrated analog rvices to urs.
7、Which one is not a computer languages? ____
A. word 2000 B. PASCAL C. C D. C++
8、The ____ turns the object file into an executable program.
A. linker B. compiler C. interpreter D. computer
9、The RGB value is compod of ____ components.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
10、A virus is a _____.
A. program B. computer C. bad man D. beast
Ⅱ.Match the following words with their proper Chine
printer 打印机
display 显示器
floppy disk 软盘
motherboard 主板
CPU 中央处理器
mou 鼠标
memory 存储器
external modem 外部调制解调器
hard disk 硬盘
CD-ROM 只读光盘存储器
adapter 适配器
port 端口
manual 手册
software 软件
download 下载
prompt 提示
outlet 插座
installation 安装
hardware 硬件
refresh 刷新
Ⅲ. Translate the following terms or phras from English into Chine and vice versa:
1. artificial intelligence 人工智能
this means war
2. paper-tape reader 纸空阅读器
3. optical computer 光学计算机
4. neural network 神经网络
5. instruction t 指令集 bdi
6. parallel processing 并行处理
7. difference engine 差分机(异构)
勇士之歌歌词8. versatile logical element 可变逻辑参数
9. silicon substrate 硅基
10. vacuum tube 真空管(电子管)
11. 数据的存储与处理 the storage and handling of data
12. 超大规模集成电路 very large-scale intergrated circuit
13. 中央处理器 central processing uint
14. 关怀员工个人计算机 personal computer
15. 模拟计算机 analogue computer
16. 数字计算机 digital computer
17. 通用计算机 general-purpo computer
18. 处理器芯片 processor chip
19. 操作指令 operating instructions
20. 输入设备 input device
Choo the best answer for each of the blanks.(完形填空)
Whenever new information is entered, it must 1 somewhere in the computer’s 2 . Later, the CPU must also be 3 to get this information from memory. This is where RAM is needed. The CPU can 4 write to and read from RAM. RAM is called Random Access Memory 5 the CPU can do directly to any memory location in it. The CPU does not have to look 6 all of RAM to find the spot it needs. But RAM only 7 the data temporarily. As soon as you switch the computer 8 , all that information disappears from the RAM. When you switch the computer on again, the RAM is 9 , and ready 10 a new program and new data.
1、A. store B. be stored C. storing D. stored
2、A. processor B. printer C. memory D. mou
3、A. easy B. capable C. good D. able
4、A. both B. too C. also D. either
5、A. so B. therefore C. becau D. for
6、A. on B. through C. for D. down upon
7、A. takes B. operates C. eras D. holds
8、A. off B. on C. up D. down
9、A. full B. empty C. zero D. blank
10、A. receive冬季皮肤干燥怎么办 B.be received C. receiving D. received
Ⅴ卡朋特经典歌曲.Translate the following ntences into English.(汉译英)( 每小题4分, 40 分)
There are often some error messages appearing in my computer,I don’t know what to do.
Is your computer running smoothly?
Excu me, can you help me interpret this prompt ? I don’t know its meaning.
Windows prompts and error messages are helpful to us when we u computer.
In some particular/special situation,you have to reboot your computer.