Restatement of the Law,Second,Torts Copyright(c)1965,The American Law Institute 法律集解1(第二版):侵权法(《法律重述》)
Chapter16-The Causal Relation Necessary to Responsibility for Negligence
Topic1-Causal Relation Necessary to the Existence of Liability for Another's Harm
Title A-General Principles
§430Necessity of Adequate Causal Relation
In order that a negligent actor shall be liable for another's harm,it is necessary not only that the actor's conduct be negligent toward the other,but also that the negligence of the actor be a legal cau of the other's harm.
§431What Constitutes Legal Cau
The actor's negligent conduct is a legal cau of harm to another if
(a)his conduct is a substantial factor in bringing about the harm,and
(b)there is no rule of law relieving the actor from liability becau of the manner in which his negligence has resulted in the harm.
§432Negligent Conduct as Necessary Antecedent of Harm (1)Except as stated in Subction(2),the actor's negligent conduct is not a substantial factor in bringing about harm to another if the harm would have been sustained even if the actor had not been negligent.
(2)If two forces are actively operating,one becau of the actor's negligence,the other not becau of any misconduct on his part,and each of itlf is sufficient to bring about harm to another,the actor's negligence may be found to be a substantial factor in bringing it about.
§433Considerations Important in Determining Whether Negligent Conduct Is Substantial Factor in Producing Harm
The following considerations are in themlves or in combination with one another important in determining whether the actor's conduct is a substantial factor in bringing about harm to another:
(a)the number of other factors which contribute in producing the harm and the extent of the effect which they have in producing it;
(b)whether the actor's conduct has created a force or ries of forces which are in continuous and active operation up to the time of the harm,or has created a situation harmless unless acted upon by other forces for which the actor is not responsible;
(c)lap of time.
§433A Apportionment of Harm to Caus
(1)Damages for harm are to be apportioned among two or more caus where
(a)there are distinct harms,or
(b)there is a reasonable basis for determining the contribution of each cau to a single harm.
(2)Damages for any other harm cannot be apportioned among two or more caus.
§433B Burden of Proof
(1)Except as stated in Subctions(2)and(3),the burden of proof that the tortious conduct of the defendant has caud the harm to the plaintiff is upon the plaintiff.
(2)Where the tortious conduct of two or more actors has combined to bring about harm to the plaintiff,and one or more of the actors eks 第二编过失侵权
to limit his liability on the ground that the harm is capable of apportionment among them,the burden of proof as to the apportionment is upon each such actor.
(3)Where the conduct of two or more actors is tortious,and it is proved that harm has been caud to the plaintiff by only one of them, but there is uncertainty as to which one has caud it,the burden is upon each such actor to prove that he has not caud the harm.
§434Functions of Court and Jury
(1)It is the function of the court to determine
(a)whether the evidence as to the facts makes an issue upon which the jury may reasonably differ as to whether the conduct of the defendant has been a substantial factor in causing the harm to the plaintiff;
(b)whether the harm to the plaintiff is capable of apportionment among two or more caus;and
(c)the questions of causation and apportionment,in any ca in which the jury may not reasonably differ.
(2)It is the function of the jury to determine,in any ca in which it may reasonably differ on the issue,
(a)whether the defendant's conduct has been a substantial factor in causing the harm to the plaintiff,and
(b)the apportionment of the harm to two or more caus.
Title B-Rules Which Determine the Responsibility of a Negligent Actor for Harm Which His Conduct Is a Substantial Factor in Producing
§435Foreeability of Harm or Manner of Its Occurrence
(1)If the actor's conduct is a substantial factor in bringing about harm to another,the fact that the actor neither foresaw nor should have foreen the extent of the harm or the manner in which it occurred does not prevent him from being liable.blunt的反义词
(2)The actor's conduct may be held not to be a legal cau of harm to another where after the event and looking back from the harm to the actor's negligent conduct,it appears to the court highly extraordinary that it should have brought about the harm.
§435A Intended Conquences
A person who commits a tort against another for the purpo of causing a particular harm to the other is liable for such harm if it results,whether or not it is expectable,except where the harm results from an outside force the risk of which is not incread by the defendant's act.
§435B Unintended Conquences of Intentional Invasions Where a person has intentionally invaded the legally protected interests of another,his intention to commit an invasion,the degree of his moral wrong in acting,and the riousness of the harm which he intended are important factors in determining whether he is liable for resulting unintended harm.
§436Physical Harm Resulting From Emotional Disturbance (1)If the actor's conduct is negligent as violating a duty of care designed to protect another from a fright or other emotional disturbance which the actor should recognize as involving an unreasonable risk of bodily harm,the fact that the harm results solely through the internal operation of the fright or other emotional disturbance does not protect the actor from liability.
(2)If the actor's conduct is negligent as creating an unreasonable risk 人应就责任分配5承担举证责任。
大耳朵英语听力of causing bodily harm to another otherwi than by subjecting him to fright,shock,or other similar and immediate emotional disturbance, the fact that such harm results solely from the internal operation of fright or other emotional disturbance does not protect the actor from liability.
(3)The rule stated in Subction(2)applies where the bodily harm to the other results from his shock or fright at harm or peril to a member of his immediate family occurring in his prence.
§436A Negligence Resulting in Emotional Disturbance Alone
If the actor's conduct is negligent as creating an unreasonable risk of causing either bodily harm or emotional disturbance to another,and it results in such emotional disturbance alone,without bodily harm or other compensable damage,the actor is not liable for such emotional disturbance.
§437Actor's Subquent Efforts to Prevent His Negligence From Causing Harm
If the actor's negligent conduct is a substantial factor in bringing about harm to another,the fact that after the risk has been created by his negligence the actor has exercid reasonable care to prevent it from taking effect in harm does not prevent him from being liable for the harm.
§438Harm Resulting to or Caud by Animals Negligently Deprived of Custody
If the actor's negligent conduct deprives animals of the control which is necessary to prevent them from harming themlves or the persons,lands,or chattels of others,the actor is liable for any harm which the abnce of such control is a substantial factor in bringing about.
§439Effect of Contributing Acts of Third Persons When Actor's Negligence Is Actively Operating
If the effects of the actor's negligent conduct actively and continuously operate to bring about harm to another,the fact that the active and substantially simultaneous operation of the effects of a third person's innocent,tortious,or criminal act is also a substantial factor in bringing about the harm does not protect the actor from liability.
Title C-Superding Cau
§440Superding Cau Defined
A superding cau is an act of a third person or other force which by its intervention prevents the actor from being liable for harm to another which his antecedent negligence is a substantial factor in bringing about.
§441Intervening Force Defined
(1)An intervening force is one which actively operates in producing harm to another after the actor's negligent act or omission has been committed.
(2)Whether the active operation of an intervening force prevents the actor's antecedent negligence from being a legal cau in bringing about harm to another is determined by the rules stated in§§442-453.他人遭受惊吓、打击,或其他相似和直接的干扰情绪的方式,则即使身体伤害纯因惊吓或其他情绪困扰的内部运作所致,行为人并不因此而得以免责。
§442Considerations Important in Determining Whether an Intervening Force Is a Superding Cau
The following considerations are of importance in determining whether an intervening force is a superding cau of harm to another:
(a)the fact that its intervention brings about harm different in kind from that which would otherwi have resulted from the actor's negligence;
(b)the fact that its operation or the conquences thereof appear after the event to be extraordinary rather than normal in view of the circumstances existing at the time of its operation;
观潮翻译(c)the fact that the intervening force is operating independently of any situation created by the actor's negligence,or,on the other hand,is or is not a normal result of such a situation;
(d)the fact that the operation of the intervening force is due to a third person's act or to his failure to act;
(e)the fact that the intervening force is due to an act of a third person which is wrongful toward the other and as such subjects the third person to liability to him;
(f)the degree of culpability of a wrongful act of a third person which ts the intervening force in motion.
§442A Intervening Force Risked by Actor's Conduct
Where the negligent conduct of the actor creates or increa s the foreeable risk of harm through the intervention of another force, and is a substantial factor in causing the harm,such intervention is not a superding cau.
§442B Intervening Force Causing Same Harm as That Risked by Actor's Conduct
Where the negligent conduct of the actor creates or increas the risk of a particular harm and is a substantial factor in causing that harm, the fact that the harm is brought about through the intervention of another force does not relieve the actor of liability,except where the harm is intentionally caud by a third person and is not within the scope of the risk created by the actor's conduct.
§443Normal Intervening Force
The intervention of a force which is a normal conquence of a situation created by the actor's negligent conduct is not a superding cau of harm which such conduct has been a substantial factor in bringing about.
§444Acts Done Under Impulsion of Emotional Disturbance
An act done by another in normal respon to fear or emotional disturbance to which the actor's negligent conduct is a substantial factor in subjecting the other is not a superding cau of harm done by the other's act to himlf or a third person.
§445Acts of Protection From Danger Threatened by Actor's Negligence
If the actor's negligent conduct threatens harm to another's person, land,or chattels,the normal efforts of the other or a third person to avert the threatened harm are not a superding cau of harm resulting from such efforts.
§446Acts Necessary to Exerci of Privileges Tortiously Impeded
If the actor intentionally or negligently impedes the exerci of another's rights or privileges,the other's normal efforts to remove the impediment or to exerci the right or privilege notwithstanding its existence are not a superding cau of harm resulting from such efforts.
§447Negligence of Intervening Acts
The fact that an intervening act of a third person is negligent in itlf 第442条认定介入力是否构成取代原因的重要考量因素
or is done in a negligent manner does not make it a superding cau of harm to another which the actor's negligent conduct is a substantial factor in bringing about,if
(a)the actor at the time of his negligent conduct should have realized that a third person might so act,or
(b)a reasonable man knowing the situation existing when the act of the third person was done would not regard it as highly extraordinary that the third person had so acted,or
(c)the intervening act is a normal conquence of a situation created by the actor's conduct and the manner in which it is done is not extraordinarily negligent.
§448Intentionally Tortious or Criminal Acts Done Under Opportunity Afforded by Actor's Negligence
The act of a third person in committing an intentional tort or crime is a superding cau of harm to another resulting therefrom,although the actor's negligent conduct created a situation which afforded an opportunity to the third person to commit such a tort or crime,unless the actor at the time of his negligent conduct realized or should have realized the likelihood that such a situation might be created,and that a third person might avail himlf of the opportunity to commit such a tort or crime.
§449Tortious or Criminal Acts the Probability of Which Makes Actor's Conduct Negligent
If the likelihood that a third person may act in a particular manner is the hazard or one of the hazards which makes the actor negligent, such an act whether innocent,negligent,intentionally tortious,or criminal does not prevent the actor from being liable for harm caud thereby.
§450Harm Incread or Accelerated by Extraordinary Force of Nature
The extraordinary operation of a force of nature,which merely increas or accelerates harm to anot
her which would otherwi have resulted from the actor's negligent conduct,does not prevent the actor from being liable for such harm.
§451Extraordinary Force of Nature Intervening to Bring About Harm Different From That Threatened by Actor's Negligence
An intervening operation of a force of nature without which the other's harm would not have resulted from the actor's negligent conduct prevents the actor from being liable for the harm,if
(a)the operation of the force of nature is extraordinary,and
(b)the harm resulting from it is of a kind different from that the likelihood of which made the actor's conduct negligent.
§452Third Person's Failure to Prevent Harm
(1)Except as stated in Subction(2),the failure of a third person to act to prevent harm to another threatened by the actor's negligent conduct is not a superding cau of such harm.
(2)Where,becau of lap of time or otherwi,the duty to prevent harm to another threatened by th
e actor's negligent conduct is found to have shifted from the actor to a third person,the failure of the third person to prevent such harm is a superding cau.
§453Function of Court
It is the exclusive function of the court to declare the existence or non-existence of rules which restrict the actor's responsibility short of making him liable for harm which his negligent conduct is a substantial factor in bringing about,and to determine the circumstances to which such rules are applicable.
Topic2-Causal Relation Affecting the Extent of Liability But Not Its Existence
§454General Principle 身或其行为方式虽存在过失,但有下列任一情形的,也不属于取代原因:
The rules stated in§§430-453as determining the causal relation necessary to liability are as fully applicable to establish the extent of liability as to establish its existence.
§455Acts Done During Insanity Caud by Negligent Conduct
If the actor's negligent conduct so brings about the delirium or insanit y of another as to make the actor liable for it,the actor is also liable for harm done by the other to himlf while delirious or insane,if his delirium or insanity
(a)prevents him from realizing the nature of his act and the certainty or risk of harm involved therein,or
(b)makes it impossible for him to resist an impul caud by his insanity which deprives him of his capacity to govern his conduct in accordance with reason.
§456Emotional Disturbance Resulting From an Actionable Injury or the Conduct Which Caud It
If the actor's negligent conduct has so caud any bodily harm to another as to make him liable for it,the actor is also subject to liability for
(a)fright,shock,or other emotional disturbance resulting from the bodily harm or from the conduct which caus it,and
(b)further bodily harm resulting from such emotional disturbance.
§457Additional Harm Resulting From Efforts to Mitigate Harm Caud by Negligence
If the negligent actor is liable for another's bodily injury,he is also subject to liability for any additional bodily harm resulting from normal efforts of third persons in rendering aid which the other's injury reasonably requires,irrespective of whether such acts are done in a proper or a negligent manner.
§458Dia Contracted Becau of Lowered Vitality
If the negligent actor is liable for another's injury which so lowers the other's vitality as to render him peculiarly susceptible to a dia,the actor is also liable for the dia which is contracted becau of the lowered vitality.
§459Actor's Negligence Causing Peculiar Susceptibility to Later Harm[Omitted.See460.]
[The Section is omitted.The matter is now covered by§460.]
§460Subquent Accidents Due to Impaired Physical Condition Caud by Negligence
If the negligent actor is liable for an injury which impairs the physical condition of another's body,the actor is also liable for harm sustained in a subquent accident which would not have occurred had the other's condition not been impaired,and which is a normal conquence of such impairment.
§461Harm Incread in Extent by Other's Unforeeable Physical Condition
The negligent actor is subject to liability for harm to another although a physical condition of the other which is neither known nor should be known to the actor makes the injury greater than that which the actor as a reasonable man should have foreen as a probable result of his conduct.
Topic3-Causal Relation Necessary to Make Actor's Conduct Contributory Negligence
§462Applicability of Rules Determining Liability for Harm to Another[Omitted.See465.]
[The Section is omitted.The matter is now covered by§465.]第430条至第453条关乎责任的因果关系规则,同时适用于决定责任的程度和责任的有无。