White Paper
Understanding Metastability in FPGAs
July 2009, ver. 1.21WP-01082-1.2
毁车杀马sstThis white paper describes metastability in FPGAs, why it happens, and how it can cau design failures. It explains how metastability MTBF is calculated, and highlights how various device and design parameters affect the result.Introduction
Metastability is a phenomenon that can cau system failure in digital devices, including FPGAs, when a signal is transferred between circuitry in unrelated or asynchronous clock domains. This paper describes metastability in FPGAs, explains why the phenomenon occurs, and discuss how it can cau design failures.
The calculated mean time between failures (MTBF) due to metastability indicates whether designers should take steps to reduce the chance of such failures. This paper explains how MTBF is calculated from various design and device parameters, and how both FPGA vendors and designers can increa t
he MTBF. System reliability can be improved by reducing the chance of metastability failures with design techniques and optimizations.What Is Metastability?
All registers in digital devices such as FPGAs have defined signal timing requirements that allow each register to correctly capture data at its inputs and produce an output signal. To ensure reliable operation, the input to a register must be stable for a minimum time before the clock edge (register tup time or t SU ) and for a minimum time after the clock edge (register hold time or t H ). The register output then is available after a specified clock-to-output delay (t CO ). If a data signal transition violates a register’s t SU or t H requirements, the output of the register may go into a metastable state. In a metastable state, the register output hovers at a value between the high and low states for some period of time, which means the output transition to a defined high or low state is delayed beyond the specified t CO .
In synchronous systems, the input signals must always meet the register timing requirements, so metastability does not occur. Metastability problems commonly occur when a signal is transferred between circuitry in unrelated or asynchronous clock domains. The designer cannot guarantee that the signal will meet t SU and t H requirements in this ca, becau the signal can arrive at any time relative to the destination clock. However, not every signal transition that violates a register’s t S
U or t H results in a metastable output. The likelihood that a register enters a metastable state and the time required to return to a stable state vary depending on the process technology ud to manufacture the device and on the operating conditions. In most cas, registers will quickly return to a stable defined state.
A register sampling a data signal at a clock edge can be visualized as a ball being dropped onto a hill, as shown in Figure 1. The sides of the hill reprent stable states—the signal’s old and new data values after a signal
transition—and the top of the hill reprents a metastable state. If the ball is dropped at the top of the hill, it might balance there indefinitely, but in practice it falls slightly to one side of the top and rolls down the hill. The further the ball lands from the top of the hill, the faster it reaches a stable state at the bottom.
If a data signal transitions after the clock edge and the minimum t H , it is analogous to the ball being dropped on the “old data value” side of the hill, and the output signal remains at the original value for that clock transition. When a register’s data input transitions before the clock edge and minimum t SU , and is held beyond the minimum t H , it is analogous to the ball being dropped on the “new data
value” side of the hill, and the output reaches the stable new state quickly enough to meet the defined t CO time. However, when a register’s data input violates the t SU or t H , it is
Understanding Metastability in FPGAs Altera Corporation
Figure2 illustrates metastable signals. The input signal transitions from a low state to a high state while the clock
signal transitions, violating a register’s t
requirement. The data output signal examples start in the low state and go metastable, hovering between the high and low states. The signal output A resolves to the input data’s new logic 1 state, and output B returns to the data input’s original logic 0 state. In both cas, the output transition to a defined 1
or 0 state is delayed beyond the register’s specified t
When Does Metastability Cau Design Failures?
If the data output signal resolves to a valid state before the next register captures the data, then the metastable signal does not negatively impact the system operation. But if the metastable signal does not resolve to a low or high state before it reaches the next design register, it can cau the system to fail. Continuing the ball and hill analogy, failure can occur when the time it takes for the ball to reach the bottom of the hill (a stable logic value 0 or 1) exceeds the
allotted time, which is the register’s t
plus any timing slack in the path from the register. When a metastable signal does not resolve in the allotted time, a logic failure can result if the destination logic obrves inconsistent logic states, that is, different destination registers capture different values for the metastable signal.
Synchronization Registers
When a signal transfers between circuitry in unrelated or asynchronous clock domains, it is necessary to synchronize this signal to the new clock domain before it can be ud. The first register
in the new clock domain acts as a synchronization register.
Altera Corporation Understanding Metastability in FPGAs 3
To minimize the failures due to metastability in asynchronous signal transfers, circuit designers typically u a quence of registers (a synchronization register chain or synchronizer) in the destination clock domain to
resynchronize the signal to the new clock domain. The registers allow additional time for a potentially metastable signal to resolve to a known value before the signal is ud in the rest of the design. The timing slack available in the synchronizer register-to-register paths is the time available for a metastable signal to ttle, and is known as the available metastability ttling time.
A synchronization register chain, or synchronizer, is defined as a quence of registers that meets the following requirements:
The registers in the chain are all clocked by the same or pha-related clocks ■
The first register in the chain is driven from an unrelated clock domain, or asynchronously ■Each register fans out to only one register, except the last register in the chain
The length of the synchronization register chain is the number of registers in the synchronizing clock domain that meet the above requirements. Figure 3 shows a sample synchronization chain of length two, assuming the output signal feeds more than one register destination.
Note that any asynchronous input signals, or signals that transfer between unrelated clock domains, can transition at any point relative to the clock edge of the capturing register. Therefore the designer cannot predict the quence of a signal’s transitions or the number of destination clock edges until the data transitions. For example, if a bus of asynchronous signals is transferred between clock domains and synchronized, the data signals could transition on different clock edges. As a result, the
received values of the bus data could be incorrect.The designer must accommodate this behavior with circuitry such as dual-clock FIFO (DCFIFO) logic to store the signal values, or hand-shaking logic. FIFO logic us synchronizers to transmit control signals between the two clock domains, then data is written and read with dual-port memory. Altera offers a DCFIFO megafunction for this operation, which includes various levels of latency and metastability protection for the control signals. Otherwi, if an asynchronous signal acts as part of hand-shaking logic between two clock domains, control signals indicate when data can be transferred between clock domains. In this ca, synchronization registers are ud to ensure that metastability will not interfere with the reception of control signals and that the data has enough ttling time for any metastable conditions to resolve before the data is ud. In a properly-designed system, the design functions correctly as long as each signal resolves to a stable value before it is ud.
Calculating Metastability MTBF
The mean time between failures, or MTBF, due to metastability provides an estimate of the average time between instances when metastability could cau a design failure. A higher MTBF (such as hundreds or thousands of years between metastability failures) indicates a more robust design. The required MTBF depends on the system
application. For example, a life-critical medical device requires a higher MTBF than a consumer video-display device. Increasing the metastability MTBF reduces the chance that signal transfers will cau any metastability problems on the device.
Understanding Metastability in FPGAs Altera Corporation 4
The metastability MTBF for a specific signal transfer, or all the transfers in a design, can be calculated using
生日的英文information about the design and the device characteristics. The MTBF of a synchronizer chain is calculated with the following formula and parameters:
The C 1 and C 2 constants depend on the device process and operating conditions.
The f CLK and f DATA parameters depend on the design specifications: f CLK is the clock frequency of the clock domain receiving the asynchronous signal and f DATA is the toggling frequency of the asynchronous input data signal. Faster clock frequencies and faster-toggling data reduce (or worn) the MTBF.
The t MET parameter is the available metastability ttling time, or the timing slack available beyond
the register’s t CO , for a potentially metastable signal to resolve to a known value. The t MET for a synchronization chain is the sum of the output timing slacks for each register in the chain.
The overall design MTBF can be determined by the MTBF of each synchronizer chain in the design. The failure rate for a synchronizer is 1/MTBF, and the failure rate for the entire design is calculated by adding the failure rates for each synchronizer chain, as follows:
The design metastability MTBF is then 1/failure_rate design .
Designers using Altera ® FPGAs do not have to perform the calculations manually becau Altera’s Quartus ® II software incorporates the metastability parameters within the tool. The Quartus II software reports the MTBF for identified synchronization chains as well as providing an overall design metastability MTBF.
Characterizing Metastability Constants
FPGA vendors can determine the constant parameters in the MTBF equation by characterizing the FPGA for metastability. The difficulty with this characterization is that MTBFs for typical FPGA designs are in years, so
measuring the time between metastability events using real designs under real operating conditions is impractical. To characterize the device-specific metastability constants, Altera us a test circuit designed to have a short, measurable MTBF, as shown in Figure 4.
MTBF e t MET C 2
⁄C 1f CLK f DATA ⋅⋅---------------------------------------=failure_rate design 1MTBF design ---------------------------1MTBF i
---------------i 1=number of chains ∑==
Altera Corporation Understanding Metastability in FPGAs 5In this design, clka and clkb are two unrelated clock signals. The data input to the synchronizer toggles every clock cycle (a high f DATA ). The synchronizer has length 1, becau the single synchronizing register feeds two destination registers. The destination registers capture the output of the synchronizer one clock cycle later and one half-clock cycle later. If the signal goes metastable before resolving at the next clock edge, the circuit detects that the sampled signals are different, and outputs an error signal. This circuitry detects a high proportion of the metastability events that occur at the half-clock cycle time.
This circuit is replicated throughout the device to reduce the effect of any local variation, and each instance is tested concutively to eliminate any noi coupling. Altera measures each test structure for one minute and records the error count. The test is performed at different clock frequencies, and the MTBF versus t MET results are plotted on a logarithmic scale. The C 2 constant corresponds to the slope of the trend line for the experimental results, and the C 1 constant scales the line linearly.
Improving Metastability MTBF
Due to the exponential factor in the MTBF equation, the t MET /C 2 term has the largest effect on th
e MTBF calculation. Therefore metastability can be improved by optimizing the device’s C 2 constant with architecture enhancements, or optimizing the design to increa the t MET in the synchronization registers.FPGA Architecture Enhancements
The metastability time constant C 2 in the MTBF equation depends on various factors related to the process
kuso什么意思technology ud to manufacture the device, including the transistor speed and the supply voltage. Faster process technologies and faster transistors allow metastable signals to resolve more quickly. As FPGAs have migrated from 180-nm process geometries to 90 nm, the increa in transistor speed usually improves metastability MTBF. Therefore, metastability has not been a major concern for FPGA designers.bgm 什么意思
However, as the supply voltage reduces with reduced process geometries, the threshold voltage for the circuit does not decrea proportionally. When a register goes metastable, its voltage is approximately one-half of the supply voltage. With a reduced power supply voltage, the metastable voltage level is clor to the threshold voltage in the circuit. When the voltages get clor together, the gain of the circuit is reduced and the registers take longer to transition out of metastability. As FP
GAs enter the 65-nm process geometry and lower, with power supplies at 0.9V and lower, the threshold voltage consideration is becoming more important than the increa in transistor speed. Therefore, metastability MTBFs generally get wor unless the vendor designs the FPGA circuitry to improve metastability robustness.
Altera us metastability analysis of the FPGA architecture to optimize the circuitry for improved metastability MTBF. Architecture improvements in Altera’s 40-nm Stratix ® IV FPGA architectures and new device development have improved the metastability robustness results by reducing the MTBF C 2 constant.
Design Optimizations
The exponential factor in the MTBF equation means that an increa in the design-dependent t MET value increas a synchronizer MTBF exponentially. For example, if the C 2 constant for a given device and t of operating conditions is 50 ps, then an increa of just 200 ps in the t MET makes the exponent 200/50 and increas the MTBF by factor e 4, or more than 50 times, while an increa of 400 ps multiplies the MTBF by e 8, or almost 3000 times.
polyester是什么意思In addition, the chain with the worst MTBF has a major affect on the design MTBF. For example, con
sider two
different designs that have ten synchronizer chains. One design has ten chains with the same MTBF of 10,000 years, and the other has nine chains with MTBF of a million years but one chain with MTBF of 100 years. The failure rate for the design is the sum of the failure rates for each chain, where the failure rate is 1/MTBF. The first design has a metastability failure rate of 10 chains × 1/10,000 years = 0.001, therefore the design MTBF is 1000 years. The cond design has a failure rate of 9 chains × 1/1,000,000 + 1/100 = 0.01009 and the design MTBF is about 99 years—just slightly less than the MTBF of the worst chain.
e t MET C